
Husbands Love Your Wives (short review from tonight)

Tonight , I gathered with several men from our church to observe the discussion between Scott Brown and Joel Beeke over the book written by William Gouge “Domestical Duties”.

Here are a few quick observations I wrote down.

*Authority is the opportunity to exercise love.
*Authority without love is tyranny.
*Authority is tyranny when we (husbands) behave selfishly.
*Love and hatred both provoke.
*A man who doesn’t love his wife is showing that he doesn’t love Christ.
*The relinquishing of authority is the relinquishing of love.
*Change your life according to Scripture rather than changing Scripture to fit my life.
*The husband who is not carefully exercising loving authority may cause his wife to dress inappropriately or desire to be around foolish friends.
*I must love my wife as Christ loves the church. I must love her as though she is a beautiful treasure.

I’ll share some other observations later. Blogging from my phone is no easy task.

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