
Introducing: Sovereign Redeemer Baptist Fellowship

This coming Lord’s Day, Eastside Baptist will begin the actual stepping forward of a new church plant.

We have been praying for this for some time now. Beginning on January 14, 2018, Sovereign Redeemer Baptist Fellowship, SBC will conduct her first service. SRBF will use the meeting house of Eastside Baptist Church located at 204 Eastland Drive North in Twin Falls.

Church planter, Greg Moering, will begin preaching through 1 John at 6:30 p.m.

What can you do?

  • Pray – There is no desire of ours to plant a new church without appealing everything to God. The new church is far from ready to begin, but we are ready to start. Pray for new converts from the fields God has planted us in. Pray for qualified leadership to come from the discipled converts. Pray for gospel advancing strength. Pray for Greg Moering, wife Talia, and children.
  • Attend – In the early days of the new church plant it would be helpful if many agreed to attend, be willing to help assist, commit to praying. It is no desire of Eastside to take believers from other churches to plant a new church, It is our desire to establish a church from among those God calls. In the mean time, help from Eastside and others desiring to partner with us to begin planning to attend, especially in the early months. Would you be willing to commit to 3 months, 6 months, or longer? Spread the word and invite people to come with you.
  • Plant – As we move forward in this, it is likely God may move among some to go with Sovereign Redeemer Baptist Fellowship and assist in the actual planting of the new church body.
Moering Family

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