
Meet John Downs

On January 7, 2018 Eastside will begin a preaching series called Burning in the Soul.

I have invited 12 men from the region to come to Eastside Baptist Church and preach. There are no agendas in the preaching, no assignments to the preachers, I’ve simply asked them to come and preach what is burning in their soul.

Make this part of your agenda for 2018.

Meet John Downs.

John has been pastoring in Paul, Idaho for the past year and a half. John is married to Misty. John is originally from Big Piney, Wyoming. John and Misty have five daughters; Tyler, Tori, Tacey, Tabitha, and Trinity.

Burning in the Soul will begin on January 7, at 6:30 p.m. Eastside, I want you to give serious consideration to attending. I have known John and Misty since they moved to the area. It did not take long to learn that John is a kindred brother. The Paul Congregational Church is blessed to have John shepherding them and I’m confident you will be blessed to know John.

While seeking God on who I could invite I had dialog with John about what he might preach on January 7. He communicated about “the Christian walk and what it means personally to have an intimate relationship with Christ. Walking in the light and love of our Savior…” This is what is burning in John’s soul. He’s been preaching through 1 John.

1John 5:21, “Little children, guard yourselves from idols.” 

Gather with me on January 7, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. to hear a word from God delivered through a local pastor. Be encouraged that there are many faithful preachers. Be challenged in your relationship to Christ. Be corrected by the power of the Holy Spirit as we sit together under faithful preaching.

Here are some influential books that have impacted John. Consider reading one this year.

  • The Mortification of Sin by Richard Baxter
  • Disciplines of the Christian Life by Don Whitney
  • Instruments in the Hands of God by Ted Tripp
  • The Gospel’s Power and Message by Paul Washer
  • Power Through Prayer by EM Bounds
  • George Muller (Delighted In God) by Roger Steer

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