
My ToolBox

I thought I would show you a look inside this pastor’s tool box. These four resources are a ‘must have’ for me. The Lord provided all four of these books through the generosity of his people. I’m Thankful to the Lord for them.

The American Dictionary is a very helpful resource. This resource has been used often

and is a treasure.

AMG Publishers has many Bible study aids. Their resource library is extensive and for students of all degrees. To prepare a sermon without these resources could derail a pastor like me. Like a carpenter trying to build without a plumb-line, I would not want to give exhortation on the things of God without a standard of the original languages of Hebrew and Greek. For this pastor, it would be a risky thing. And with eternity in the balance, I want to be as prepared as can be with the original language. I’m grateful to the Lord for these resources.

I use the New American Standard Bible version of the AMG Publications Word Study Series dictionary, both old and new testament Complete WordStudy lexicons. The American Dictionary of the English Language is a must for me.

Next time I open the tool box I’ll show you some of my online resources and electronic aids that are used every day.

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