
Parents, Walk in a Manner Worthy of Being Followed by Your Children

It is the desire of all God honoring parents to want their children to live God pleasing lives. The duty of godly parents is to, first of all, conduct their lives in a manner worthy of the Gospel (Philippians 1:27). That is; living in an authentic manner that can be modeled by others. Part of the parenting work is one part instruction and two parts setting an example of patterns.

A pattern is something to be copied/imitated in action or attitude. The duty of setting a pattern is a high duty.

Parents, be patterns… (patterns, not pretensions)

  • Let your children see in you the patterns of godliness.
  • Let your children see in you the patterns of holiness.
  • Let your children see genuine patterns of compassion.
  • Let your children see your horror of sin.
  • Let your children see you value Christ.
  • Let you children hear your love for Christ’s church.
  • Let your children hear you sing praise to God.
  • Let your children hear your cracking voice when you speak of the holiness of God.
  • Let your children see you smile at the news of God’s grace.
  • Let your children see in you a pattern of prayer.
  • Let them hear your humble repentance.
  • Let them watch you conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel.

Next time you are in conversation, don’t forget there are intentional observers watching and listening to you and are about to imitate your words, body language, phrasing, tone, eye rolling, facial expressions and all such.

Be exemplary.

It’s exhausting to be on spot at all times. You really never get to let your guard down (and it’s best that you don’t). Let them see in you a striving toward joy in the Lord. Let them see a pattern of desire to conduct your life in a manner worthy of the Gospel; not because you deserve the gospel, but because of Christ’s work on your behalf.

O dear parents, let them see how they should walk. They may choose to reject you and your God, but not because you didn’t set a pattern of God honoring conduct.

Go, show them who your Lord is; they are watching you, always.

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