
We Are Miserably Selfish

Self-discipline is important. We must watch ourselves. We must ask God to help us to be mindful – thoughtful to others.

A characteristic that is often over looked by Christians many times is the discipline of thoughtfulness. It gives an aroma that is of life. It makes one a blessing to others. It effects all of our conduct. It softens the harshness that naturally comes forth.

Think about it; a thoughtful person does not have to be asked to help other people. He has ordered his day and disciplined his life to be instinctively ready to help, say an encouraging word, show an interest in the life of others, or give appreciation for another’s thoughtfulness toward them.

Thoughtfulness is not something one demands from another (that would not be thoughtful). Thoughtfulness doesn’t lend itself to oversensitivity.

A Thoughtful person…

  • Curbs his curiosity.
  • Does not unnecessarily pry into matters that are not his affairs.
  • Does not improperly touch others.
  • Is careful to not draw attention to a person with deformity and does not ignore that same person because of the deformity.
  • Is not an anxious person causing anxiety on others.
  • Is not offensive with speech.
  • Is slow to speak when another person is in sorrow.
  • Is sincerely eager to give comfort.
  • Doesn’t wait for a person in need to tell them what they need.
  • Does not allow their eagerness to help become intrusive.
  • Is not offended when their help is rejected by a suffering friend.
  • Guards his own heart from being quickly hurt by others lack of thoughtfulness.

Few people come by this grace naturally. It is really a disciplined trait that must be learned and practiced.

A thoughtful person must learn to…

  • Think of others.
  • Put aside personal agendas and comfort.
  • Consider the effect of his words before he speaks them out loud.
  • Stop saying whatever comes to their mind without consideration of the sorrow and grief they may cause with such ease of words.
  • See that his tendency is to do and say many things because they bring pleasure to himself.
  • Not be a burden to others or add undue burdens with attempts to help.

Many of us are miserably selfish in our life among others. We all too easily forget that there are other people.

We know all too well in our own experiences in life the value of a sincere and Christ like person who has learned the discipline of thoughtfulness.

We generally don’t like to come in contact with thoughtless people. We know their ways all too well. We replay their words over and over in the voice recorder in our mind.

We must all learn to appreciate words that may wound but are spoken for the value of correcting or sharpening.

We must learn to not be overly sensitive to others who harshly cause pain, hurt, and leave their rude impact in the wake of their passing by.

We must learn the discipline of speaking and behaving thoughtfully as we journey along crossing paths with all people.

Thoughtfulness is a fruit of love. The kind of love we learn of in 1 Corinthians 13. Put on this grace and wear it today.


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