
The Law Demands an Answer

Following is the preaching text (not narrative text) of my Christmas Eve service, December 24, 2019. Most of my sermons are hand written. But my tradition at Christmas is a typed bullet point text. Rarely do I write manuscript text of sermons.

Merry Christmas!


The Christmas story answers the law – The death, burial, resurrection crushes the enemy, death.

The Law demands a payment.

The payment is death of a worthy sacrifice

  • This worthy sacrifice must be blameless from beginning to end.
  • This worthy sacrifice must not be guilty of trespass against the Law, ultimately the Law Giver.
  • Because the payment for this sin requires death of the worthy sacrifice it becomes necessary for the sacrifice to be human.
  • God is altogether different than human, thus it would be fitting for God to put on human flesh to be the qualified, worthy sacrifice. Not just that Christ must take upon him a created nature, but that he should take upon him our nature. Not the nature of an angel, not the nature of an animal, but the nature of man.
  • This is God’s way, not God’s problem he is required to fix.
    • Man broke the law of God – it is required of man to pay the penalty for breaking the law. God told man to “not eat of the tree.” This was a command to man, man is guilty.
    • Man was told he would surely die. Not another thing, but “he” – mankind.
    • The same place (temporal day with time/space/motion) that man broke the law would require man to satisfy the demand of the law.
  • The only solution was God’s doing… INCARNATION
    • He would be born from the womb of the human race. Making him truly, the Son of Man. Like Adam, the uncreated God put on created flesh. Not the way of natural conception, but rather by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
    • Christ was formed in the womb of an actual virgin. Not of a fallen man. Not by physical intercourse (God is spirit and must be worshiped in spirit and truth). 
  • His birth, though conceived supernaturally, was of a common, simple way. Not of royalty of men, but in a manger in Bethlehem as foretold by God so that when it happened men might know it was God.
  • His birth was “in the fullness of time”. This is similar to how Isaiah tells God’s people that he is unlike the worthless idols of the imaginations of men who cannot tell of things before they happen.
    • It was the complete, proper, right time. 
      • Why not before the flood? most of the cursed were not yet even back to dust
      • Why not before Moses? Man’s mortality had not fully been known. Sin was well known but the mortality of man was confused.
      • Why not before the formation of the nation of Israel? 
      • Why not before the prophets?
      • Why not during the Babylonian era, the Medo/Persian era, the Greacian era?
      • Why after a long stretch of silence and during the Roman era?
      • What qualifies that as the “proper time”?
  • The Incarnation of Christ came during the worlds greatest, most powerful display of what sinful man could accomplish. And in doing so with no awareness of the creator.
  • Greater than the act of creation is the incarnation of Christ in the promised city, of a virgin, under the rule of the most powerful nation the world would ever know.
  • Amos 9:11 “In that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches, and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old.”
  • Malachi 4 the announcement of John the Baptist (the last O.T. prophet) after centuries of silence. 
  • The angelic visitation to the shepherds at the timely place, more than at any other time, more than at creation, the angels shout only when the uncreated Christ is incarnated to finish the work of redemption. 

Now, Go! The time since the incarnation (including the death, burial, resurrection) is our appointed day. In this time, it is fitting that those whom God has saved from His judgment must be the most active of all time in the missionary cause of the advancement of the Gospel. We are given a command from a military field general, go! Take the field!

The enemy of the Messiah has launched a full front attack. He began with babies. He’s so pathetic in his arrogance that he gives no regard to babies. This strategy is still employed. This has confused the powerful. This causes the foolish to think themselves wise. This numbs the masses. Rise up in our day o church, rise up and shout for joy in Christ. 

You deserve hell, Christ secures heaven.

You deserve death, Christ gives life.

You deserve the wrath of God, Christ gives you sonship, with full inheritance.

So He Came To Us!

Christmas Eve Sermon
5:30 p.m. December 24, 2018
Eastside Baptist Church – Twin Falls, Idaho

So God Came to Us!
God Gives What is God
Psalm 85:1-13 and Psalm 86:7-10

Read Psalm 85:1-13

V. 8: “ I will hear what God the LORD will say
A Personal Resolve: “I will hear”
Some will not
Some could not
Not wanting a report from another of what God said.
He will hear for himself
A Firm Resolve: “I will”
Nothing will keep me from this… “I will”
No authentic child of God will purposely refrain from God for long. Maybe for a moment or season, but not for long or good.
Those disinterested in God will allow hindrances to prevent from hearing God.
A Sincere Resolve: “what the Lord will say”

V. 8 “ He will speak.”
He is God, the Lord
Jehovah – the one true living triune God is speaking.
The incarnation
The atonement
The power (the Holy Spirit)
Humanity needs all of this
We can hear – we are spiritual beings who can hear messages from God, who is a spirit
What God has to say is what we most need to hear.
We hear from our own sinful heart all the time and of what our fellow sinful peers have to say. All ungodly doctrines, imaginations, counsels and general misery and confusion.
But HERE: the psalmist wants to come away from all of this and hear God.
What will God say here?
“He will speak peace to His people.
We have previously quarrelled with him
We will have rebelled again and again. But now it is all together different, we turn to him to hear Him.
This peace is that your issues, your conflicts, your stubbornness, your selfishness, your laziness, your foolishness is a war field of your mind and the Prince of Peace has entered the field. Where pride has previously ruled the broken agitated condition of your mind, now you can finally have peace in Christ.
You previously have learned war from that unbelief now, in Christ, He speaks peace to you.
You cannot over estimated this peace.
You cannot advance beyond this moment without this peace.
How does He speak?
He speaks by the authority of His word. You are looking to hear from a spiritual voice. Be careful, there are many spiritual voices. But an authoritative voice does not hide behind weak pitiful men. An authoritative voice can withstand critical examination. The Bible is that authoritative word.

NOW: Salvation and Glory

V. 9: Have confidence: Salvation is near (It is yours) to those who fear Him.
Ex. not a fear of torment, not a fear of the law, it is a fear begotten of love

V. 10: Lovingkindness and Truth don’t meet in confusion, in opposition, in collision, they meet as a refuge from the wind. Righteousness and peace are not foes forced to get along, they meet as a shelter from the storm.

V. 11: Truth springs from the earth. Righteousness looks down from heaven
The incarnation of Christ may be seen in the most shocking, scandalous pictures painted here in Psalm 85

Lovingkindness and Truth met
Righteousness and Peace kiss

Intersecting of
Eternal and temporal
Immortal and mortal
Spirit and flesh

This is not the beginning of God the Son. It is rather the moment where uncreated God entered created existence in body.
This glorious work, springing forth, shows a loving God humbling Himself from Bethlehem to Golgotha for peace upon the sons of men.
This incarnation fulfills prophecy – Isaiah 9:6 “To us a child is born, to us a child is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God Everlasting Father, Prince of peace.” He is no ordinary son.
Mysterious – but somehow; without confusion, without change, without division, without separation when uncreated God takes on mortal, temporal, humanity clothed as the Christ, the messiah, the redeemer, the savior.
This incarnation is required for salvation: Heb. 2:17 He “had to be made like one of us in every respect so that he might become a merciful, faithful high priest in the service of God to make propitiation for the sins of the people.
Adapted from Joseph Scheumann, Desiring God
December 25, 2013

Close with reading vv 12-13

He is not a God who left us in our sin, but rather a God who gives good gifts and did for us what we could never do by coming to us!

So God came to us!

Stop Trying to Save Yourself

In preparing for the Christmas Eve service at Eastside Baptist Church coming up on December 24, at 6:00 p.m. I came across an last year’s message. It was also published in the Times News as my Here is a good reminder to all of the redeeming work of Christ. By the way… you are invited to join us.

TimesNews: December 28, 2013

Audio Version:

Stop Trying to Save Yourself

As one devoted to giving my attention to the study of the Bible and the preaching of the Bible to
a weekly gathering of Magic Valley residents, I hope to be clear and concise on a matter of
greatest importance.

It is likely that you have crossed paths with the biblical nativity scene somewhere in the past
several weeks. Have you stopped long enough to consider that scene? After all, why would
anyone make such an ordeal of this baby in a manger? It is just a baby right? If so, why do so
many people want to display this manger scene and why do so many want it removed from
public places? How is it possible that a baby in a manger and a man on a cross can generate such
opposite emotions?

Take a moment with me and ponder one more time and ponder these acts of the Almighty God
toward humanity.

According to Scripture, all have sinned against God and are found insufficient to reconcile this
offence of sinning against God and justly condemned to face the full wrath of God. Do not try to
save yourself from this wrath.

Be mindful of this; if it were possible for us to save ourselves, there would be no need for God to
send His only begotten son, born of a virgin, to eventually satisfy His wrath against sinners on a

God put the value of heaven at a price that we are not capable of paying. As God placed a value
on heaven, it required that He bring all of humanity through the death, burial, and resurrection of
His son. Will you still hold that your good works are sufficient to buy heaven for yourself? Will
you dare to gamble on any price less than the blood of His only begotten Son?

Have you considered this insult?

Why would he put His only begotten Son to this task if a better deal could be offered? Why
begin with a manger? Why a cross if this act of salvation could be done any other way? Why
even attempt to barter with such a requirement as this?

To accept these terms means we must be humbled by the weight of such an offence. To accept
these terms means we are too weak, too sick and completely spiritually bankrupt to meet the
terms and in need of a Redeemer.

As you begin to see the manger scenes removed from yards look quickly to the cross of Golgotha
and see the price due for our wretchedness. Believe quickly with joy! Rejoice that this payment
has been made and is credited to your spiritually bankrupt account. It is no longer insufficient.
This cross will be, to some, an offence and foolishness, to others it is the best news we have ever

Stop trying to save yourself.


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