
Quick to Hear

Presidential debate hype is in full swing. I’m hearing and reading that potentially 100 million people will view the debate tonight. If true, it will be the most viewed presidential debate in history, dating back to the Carter/Reagan debate.

As always, there will be more said about the debate than any candidate will actually say. My duty in a debate like this is to listen. Not just to listen, but to hear. And better to hear what the candidates say than what others say about the candidates.

I’m not leaning on the outcome of the debate to decide who to vote for, I settled that up after the Republican primary and my officially joining the Constitution Party. Like before, as an unaffiliated voter, I read the platform documents of all the parties in the race and vote my conscience. I am satisfied to vote for Darrel Castle and able to take all of the verbal abuse my Republican friends can throw at me knowing that I am at peace with my conscience.

What I’ll be doing tonight is to attempt to fine tune my hearing skills. Here is how I will attempt to listen tonight.

  • I will watch the debate with a notebook and pen.
  • I will award up to 3 points for personal presentation (kind of like a fashion critic).
  • I will score opening statements up to 5 points.
  • I will score closing statements up to 6 points.
  • I will attempt to write down the moderators questions then listen for an answer.
  • If I hear an answer to the question I will give the candidate 5 points. (Even if I don’t like or agree with the answer, I want to hear answers.)
  • I will take away points (at half point increments) accordingly to how I determine the candidate avoided the question. (a net loss of no more than 4 points per question.)
  • I will take away points (at one quarter point increments) according to negative body language and tone.
  • I will give 1 point to any candidate who answers their question before the time limit is up
  • I will take 2 points away from any candidate who has to be interrupted by the moderator for exceeding the time limit.
  • I will give 1 point to any candidate who speaks about the other candidate (positively or negatively) within reason to answer a question.
  • I will take 2 points away from any candidate who says random nonsense about the other candidate to deflect from an answer.
  • I will take away 1 point from any candidate who returns an insult for an insult.
  • I will offer 1 bonus point to any candidate who apologizes for being out of order without being asked to do so.

That is my debate rubric. I’ll offer my conclusion with score card later with personal analysis. Feel free to use my score card and we’ll compare conclusions, or offer your own analysis.

This debate weighs nothing for me to determine who I will vote for. But it will help me in my assessment of the day. Happy debate day hearing.

They Forsook the LORD!

There is a history.

In history we read of people who begin strong and then forsake God. And we read of people who begin life as a wreck and finish strong. I would rather be included among those who finish strong.

To be a strong and faithful finisher it appears I will have a life long pattern of repenting, being corrected and disciplined to stay the course.

In the political world, today is “Super Tuesday.” If the day finishes as it appears, it will still have been Tuesday and anything but super.

There is good news in the midst though… it is a good day to be the church of the LORD Jesus Christ.

It is a strange thing to continue hearing word of how many evangelicals are promoting and wanting Donald J. Trump to be president. I like that that I’m not required to vote for a Christian to be president, even though biblical character is a fruit I look for and pray for in a leader of my homeland.

If the polls are correct and the majority of (so called) “evangelicals” are favorable of Trump for president, then please either stop calling them evangelicals or stop referring to me as an “evangelical.” Rather, call me a “follower of the LORD Jesus the Christ as described by the Bible.”

I just finished reading Judges chapter two and three.

There is a history.

Look at this from Judges 2:11-21 and Judges 3:7-8 [emphasis mine]. The context is the nation of Israel, before they had men like other nations (kings) to rule them. The pronouns I have in [brackets] are in the context of the nation of Israel. I’m not superimposing this text upon America, I’m simply comparing the situation. Could this text be spoken to other nations and other peoples? Likely, yes. Consider this text in our day to this land.

 Then [they] did evil in the sight of the Lord and forsook the Lord, the God of their fathers, and followed other gods from among the gods of the peoples who were around them, and bowed themselves down to them; thus they provoked the Lord to anger. So they forsook the Lord. The anger of the Lord burned against [them], and He gave them into the hands of plunderers who plundered them; and He sold them into the hands of their enemies around them, so that they could no longer stand before their enemies. Wherever they went, the hand of the Lord was against them for evil, they were severely distressed.

Then the Lord raised up [godly men] who delivered them from the hands of those who plundered them. Yet they did not listen to [these men], for they played the harlot after other gods and bowed themselves down to them. They turned aside quickly from the way in which their fathers had walked in obeying the commandments of the Lord; they did not do as their fathers. When the Lord raised up [godly men] for them, the Lord was with the judge and delivered them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the [these men]; for the Lord was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who oppressed and afflicted them. But it came about when [these godly men] died, that they would turn back and act more corruptly than their fathers, in following other gods to serve them and bow down to them; they did not abandon their practices or their stubborn ways. So the anger of the Lord burned against [them]. 

[They] did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and forgot the LORD their God. Then the anger of the LORD was kindled against [them], so that He sold them into the hands of [His enemies]. 

(17:6) In those days there was no [honorable leaders]; every man did what was right in his own eyes.

O, may the Lord raise up godly men in our day. May He find His church prepared and ready to boldly speak His gospel into the nation. May He find His church fit and prepared for this day.

It is a good day to be the church! Look unto, Jesus! His hand is as active in this day as He has been in any day in history. There is a history of God actively working all things for His glory among a people who love Him.


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