
When a Conscience is in Conflict with Law

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female…” (Gen. 1:27)

(Don’t dismiss laws being introduced in California. Don’t count them as something to not be informed about.)

Christian, are you ready for when a government threatens jail time to force us to use words?

The state of California has been pushing legislation for some time now to force citizens to use words. Can a government force its citizens to use words against their conscience? What should you be prepared for? This, like many other bills like it in the past begin in segments of the population and then eventually makes way to the full population. This time it is SB-179 Gender Identity.

If you want someone else to tell you what this bill is about then read this report (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/10/09/new-california-law-allows-jail-time-for-using-wrong-gender-pronoun-sponsor-denies-that-would-happen.html) if you want to read it for yourself here is the actual legislation recently signed by the California Governor (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB179)

Next, it is no far stretched reality to begin thinking about how you answer this, especially if you are in the medical profession.

It is better suited for the follower of Christ to be prepared for the consequences of obeying your conscience.



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