
The Head of the Church

Who would have thought that a claim of a global pandemic would help wake up the sleepy western church?

Today, the local church has to at least ask questions about who they believe the head of the church is. Fundamentally; is the state the head of the church, is the pastor the head of the church, or is Christ the head of the church?

One will treat the church depending on how they answer this question.

If the pastor is the head of the church, that church will soon collapse. Personalities come and go. Trends eventually need to be adjusted to stay in front of the secular trends.

If the state is the head of the church, that church will capitulate to another God ordained institution that does not have the jurisdiction to be the head of the Lord’s bride, the church. That local church would eventually look to the state for permission to speak, meet, act, read, sing, evangelize, etc… The state is responsible to protect the church from infringement from any other, including the state.

If Christ is the head of the church, and He is, then no other institution under heaven has the authority to instruct the church on when, what can be said, what to wear, or what percentage of its seating capacity can attend.

Most are watching what will come of the recent arrest and imprisonment of a pastor in Canada. James Coates, pastor at Grace Life Church in Edmonton, Canada was arrested this past week for preaching to a gathered people of more than what the government permitted them to have. When told he could go home if he promised to not preach to more people than permitted he informed the authorities that he would not and could not make such a promise. The result, he will remain in jail until his trial date of March 31.

What now?

First, do you see how important it is to how you answer the above question? Who you say is the head of the church is how you will act toward the church.

Then, you should not willingly abandon the church house this coming Lord’s Day. Heads of homes, gather your family together before Sunday morning and instruct them that we are no longing treating the bride of Christ with such careless attention.

I encourage you to gather your family together and listen to the sermon James Coates preached the day before he was arrested and imprisoned (see link below). Put Christ in front of yourself and your family and be resolved to not let any temporary discomfort keep you from gathering with the local followers of Christ ever again.

Religious Liberty

It might be good to think about this God given blessing like our ancestors did. Those who pledged their own lives, their own fortunes, and sacred honor didn’t do that so we would lay it all down on the dusty floor of pagan worship of government.

I agree with my Baptist ancestors here on this matter. They were serious about how to practice their faith with the lamp of Scripture on. These words were penned by my kinsmen of the faith when it costs them something to stand up on their feet like men of God.

Baptist Faith and Message: Article XVII – Religious Liberty

“God alone is Lord of the conscience, and He has left it free from the doctrines and commandments of men which are contrary to His Word or not contained in it. Church and state should be separate. The state owes to every church protection and full freedom in the pursuit of its spiritual ends. In providing for such freedom no ecclesiastical group or denomination should be favored by the state more than others. Civil government being ordained of God, it is the duty of Christians to render loyal obedience thereto in all things not contrary to the revealed will of God. The church should not resort to the civil power to carry on its work. The gospel of Christ contemplates spiritual means alone for the pursuit of its ends. The state has no right to impose penalties for religious opinions of any kind. The state has no right to impose taxes for the support of any form of religion. A free church in a free state is the Christian ideal, and this implies the right of free and unhindered access to God on the part of all men, and the right to form and propagate opinions in the sphere of religion without interference by the civil power.”

Genesis 1:27; 2:7; Matthew 6:6-7,24; 16:26; 22:21; John 8:36; Acts 4:19-20; Romans 6:1-2; 13:1-7; Galatians 5:1,13; Philippians 3:20; 1 Timothy 2:1-2; James 4:12; 1 Peter 2:12-17; 3:11-17; 4:12-19.

Time to Prepare

Last night (January 19, 2020) at Eastside Baptist Church, I gave anyone wanting to practice a three minute speech aimed to appeal to the conscience of elected citizens who represent us in various levels of government. The time to prepare for action is before the action is requested or required.

The following video is my introduction of recommendations. Please note, these are recommendations only, not law, not required. These are recommendations from years of observation and experience.

They Are Still Murdering Babies

The end game is indeed the long game in the pursuit of stopping the war on babies in our nation. On Monday, August 19, 2019 there was a victory for the American tax payer, at least for now. Organizations like Planned Parenthood can no longer co-mingle funds and would be required soon to even begin housing the abortion (murder) industry in separate locations if they want to continue receiving Title X funding from the U.S. government.

This is no small thing that happened yesterday. But let’s be clear… they are still murdering babies there.

In Idaho, the murdering of persons (32-102.  UNBORN CHILD AS EXISTING PERSON. A child conceived, but not yet born, is to be deemed an existing person so far as may be necessary for its interests, in the event of its subsequent birth.) in the womb is not legal. Technically speaking, abortion is a legally protected crime. In other words, the code instructs the law to not prosecute the crime. For the logical minded reader you see how this is complicated.

In short; where it is good news to hear that Planned Parenthood has decided to no longer receive any Title X funds it is even clearer than ever that Planned Parenthood is primarily interested in abortion, population control that contradicts God’s order to husband and wife to be fruitful and multiply.

“Due to an unethical and dangerous gag rule, the Trump administration has forced Planned Parenthood grantees out of Title X,”

Alexis McGill Johnson, the acting president and CEO of Planned Parenthood

I Need Your Help

Over at the Facebook place, I’ve run into an issue.

Because I’ve been vocal about the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act on my public profile page I’m not being allowed to boost any ‘political’ or issues of “national importance” posts until I prove my identity.

I’m actually alright with that. I’m the one who agrees to use their platform to advance my posts. It’s mostly an inconvenience while I wrestle through my conspiracy theories in my head. Do I or don’t I give them a copy of my drivers license? Why do they want a copy of my drivers license? You know the usual thoughts that begin to roll around the head.

I’ve been using my public profile page for years. I’ve weighed in on politics and issue of national interest and never been required to prove my identity. If (as my conspiracy theories work out in my head) they (whoever “they” is) already know who I am and know where I live and everywhere I go all day long and how often I visit Sonic and likely even know that I will be drinking a vanilla diet coke between 2 and 4 this afternoon. How much more do I need to prove to them who I am and what kind of national security risk I actually pose. so….

Here’s what I’m asking of you today. While I’m waiting to prove my identity so I can boost a political or national interest post, would you be willing to help me spread a few of these posts. It looks like it may take about four weeks to prove who I am (which most of our state legislative duties will be finished by then and I will have moved on to other things to write about).

Here are a few recent posts I could use help getting circulated if you are willing. (If Facebook wants to confirm who you are because of what you are doing don’t mention that you know me, because they apparently don’t know who I am yet.)

Political Season Opener, Part 2

Obviously I’m not news breaker. What American doesn’t know that the Democrat National Convention is underway. I’m not here to offer much of an opinion. Not that I’m lacking of an opinion; there will be plenty of time for that in the coming days, weeks and months. I’m here to encourage informed and responsible voting.

Do better than most Americans and read primary documentation of party platforms. Read transcripts of first person speeches given by all the candidates. Do the research yourself. Don’t be the product of what any media outlet wants you to believe.

Prepare yourself for a lot of reading… It may as important to know what the political party platform is as it is to know what the candidate believes. The Platform is the sentiment of the majority of each party. It communicates the party’s conscience, its policy, its principles.

Here is a list of the platforms I’ve read thus far…

A Bad Government is Better than No Government

“Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul.
Keep your behavior excellent among the gentiles, so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation.
Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right.
For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men.
Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of God.
Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king.” (1 Peter 2:11-17)

I’ve been attending Twin Falls City Council meetings over the past 15 years as matters arise that I believe I want to understand better of what is going on or to speak for or against proposed ordinances.

Recently, over the past month, I’ve been attending weekly to see if what is being reported in traditional media and social media is accurate.

If all one was doing was responding accordingly to all media (traditional or social) reports, one would think Evil Kinevel was in town to jump the Snake River.

At every city council meeting the public is given an opportunity to speak about any matter of interest to the city council. Wow, this is an amazing country we live in. Every citizen has an opportunity to address any issue of interest on a weekly basis. WOW.

I’ve been attending Twin Falls City Council meetings the past several weeks primarily to listen. Over the years I have spoken out, for and against, on matters that I think I must speak toward. I’ve learned that I must exercise discipline in the liberty to do so and resist the tendency to abuse my liberty.

I have a personal code of conduct for how I engage in the public square. Here are some suggestions I have and lessons I’ve learned.

  • I am responsible to the Lord for every word I say.
  • I represent  myself, my wife, my church (by the nature of being the pastor), my Lord.
  • I am responsible to respect the authority of those I am before.
  • My attire will be in respect of honor due to those I’m addressing.
  • I go prepared to be a blessing to civil magistrates.
  • I go prepared to obey every rule of fair engagement given by those in authority.
  • Every word I speak at a public meeting to public officials are subject to public domain and may be interpreted and reported differently than I think I deliver my words.
  • I write out my intent of what I intend to say so I am sure to say something of value and avoid looking foolish.
  • I expect to be limited by time at all public hearing meetings. (usually 2 – 5 minutes is my experience.)

Five things are sure:

  1. I pray for my government leaders and appreciate the duty they have to serve all residents, even the residents I disagree with.
  2. A bad government is better than no government.
  3. When a right is given to the citizens to speak and address matters of interest, followers of Christ must especially exercise that right with boldness and with respect .
  4. If I can live in a pluralistic community such as this with peace, I can do the same without fear of a Muslim neighbor so long as my government does not impose religious tests on any of us.
  5. Where I want my local government to be fully aware of the danger of open immigration I will take up my Gospel duty for every people group in my home town.

In conclusion; to the Gospel plow, sometimes that plowing work takes us through public forum meetings like city council, state legislation, national hearings. When that happens, we must be the same principled, disciplined, duty obeying followers of Christ. When the fever pitch of emotion begins to boil take a deep breath, bless the Lord for His grace, speak boldly, be respectful, honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the [government] but don’t put down your gospel plow, don’t waste the day, don’t waste words spoken with unvetted, undisciplined, dishonorable emotions.

My opinion is better than your stupid opinion

Let’s agree: This is a matter of serious importance and it is a global debate that is in full swing. And it appears most of us don’t know how to fairly debate anything. It works like this…

“My opinion is better than your stupid opinion.” or “Let’s just agree to disagree.” I don’t like saying or hearing this kind of jargon in matters of serious discourse. True; there are sometimes stupid opinions and there are times when we agree to disagree. But neither of those conclusions work in this one.

There’s a popular argument I want to address in a future post on this matter that I’m hearing. “Jesus was a refugee”! I’ll hold my opinion close at hand right now on the right and wrong of that statement. (I fear it will get me off track of the starting place I have here.)

There are only a few places in written/spoken media that is not committed with both feet in one camp or another on the refugee issue.

We (Christians) are so quickly and easily divided at times.

There is no doubt the global scene is tragic at many levels and in all places around the world.

This kind of situation calls for us to be careful in what we do and how we say what we say.

And it shows me how little I understand some things at times. Here’s something that is causing me to process and meditate on.

JURISDICTION: This seems to be more a question of jurisdiction than compassion. The church should know her jurisdiction and give attention to all within her duty (even to the ends of the earth).

The church is not granted jurisdiction of public safety, it’s not the churches job or duty, that is given to the state (secular government) by God, who has the jurisdiction to give it to the state (secular government). The jurisdiction of the church is preaching the gospel, prayer and to give aid to widow/orphan/poor, those in great need. If the state brings them – the church cares for them.

Personally, I don’t want a state to bring non-vetted or under-vetted residents; but if the state were to be so foolish to do so then this church stands ready to help all residents the state recognizes.

This kind of day reminds me of how important it is that I understand God’s order and jurisdiction he gives for our benefit and we are in a better place to advance His gospel when we submit to His order.


To be clear, I do think that there are stupid opinions at times. And I agree that you are free to disagree with mine.

I Have A Confession

I have a confession… I am a political season junkie.

I track it all the way back to Ross Parot. The young readers won’t know who I’m talking about, but this was when I realized that there was a serious problem with normal politics.

I have learned that if you want to know what someone is saying you really have to hunt for the uninterrupted transcripts of press releases and speeches. If you just want to know what someone else thinks about a politician then do what most people are doing right now and watch the news channel.

My first election opportunity came for me one month after I turned 18 and I’ve not missed one since (nation, state, county or city). I can’t wait to cast a vote and hear that election official call out my name as I submit my ballot; “Paul Thompson has voted!” That declaration ranks second of all the public statements I’ve heard in my life to this one; “Paul, you may kiss your bride!”

It was a few years after that first time I voted when Ross Parot entered the scene of politics and I’ve been hooked ever since.

Don’t get me wrong… I take my vote very seriously. I read as much as I can, I listen to every debate available, I send questions to local candidates wanting to know as much as I can before I exercise my privilege.

I am not owned by any political party. I’m a values voter.

  • I want a federal government that lets the local community address education.
  • I want a federal government that knows her judicial jurisdiction.
  • I want a federal government that stops giving any money to any organization that aborts unborn babies.
  • I want a federal government that will relinquish programs that create dependence of the poor.
  • I want a federal government that protects all American citizens.
  • I want a federal government that understands economics .
  • I want a federal government that justly executes the sword with fairness while understanding timeliness.
  • I want a federal government that leaves spiritual matters to spiritual houses.
  • I want a federal government that respects geographical boundaries of sovereign states and does not empower activist judicial branches to change civic law.
  • I want a federal government that respects the constitution.
  • I want  a federal government that respects the amendments to the constitution
  • and a plethora of other matters… related to healthcare, student loans, transportation and on and on and on.

hangingchadThis leaves me in conflict at times; after all, what values are priority and what values are secondary when it comes to finding a candidate who meets all my hopes?

I have to be willing to make concessions on some maters while remaining non-negotiable on others. That means sometimes I vote with a political party and sometimes I go with another. I’m willing to vote for a non-Christian (not all claiming to be “Christian” are Christian). I’m not willing to vote for someone just because they are part of a particular political party. I read comparison sheets.

It was the debate season with Ross Parot, Bill Clinton and (then) President George H. Bush in 1992 that helped me become an independent thinker and a committed voter, responsible before my God to be informed and engaged.

Happy political season!


There Is A Beast In the City

We’ve known this all along…

The murdering of babies is happening in our hometown.

There is a prayer vigil scheduled to happen: at 200 2nd Avenue N (Planned Parenthood), Twin Falls, Idaho Saturday, August 22 at 10:00AM.

Church, Planned Parenthood is murdering babies in your city.

Legally? Yes.

The selling of human organs and tissue may not be happening at 200 2nd Avenue North in Twin Falls, but babies are being murdered. It is unreasonable to think that an organization willing to make a business out of murdering unborn children is not also capable of other unethical practices. The Twin Falls Health Center (aka: Planned Parenthood) does receive state and federal tax money for services they provide. It is true that all funds given are for allowed women’s health services. And yes, this does free up other funds for abortions (over 200 in 2011)

The argument is that our tax dollars are not spent on abortions. This is not true. Yes, the argument is made that Planned Parenthood does not get direct money from tax payers to perform these abortions.

The truth is, that is not true.

The Twin Falls Health Center received both Idaho tax funds and federal tax funds money for two abortions over the past three years.

Two is two too many!

Grant it the funds were under $200.00 per abortion, but that’s $200.00 too much!

Now (take a deep breath), what must be done?

Church, repent of your laziness on this matter. Planned Parenthood is a monster and must be shut down completely. You and I can not make ourselves feel good about how good we are compared to the monsters we read about in the bible who participated in pagan, child sacrifices. We know this is happening today in our land.

If our elected officials will not aggressively put together a legal means to defund, and shut down all together, Planned Parenthood then we must call out, from among us, men and women who will allow us to elect them into public office.

Many say, “It can’t be done.”

It must be done. It must be done today.

By the grace of God, there have been faithful and courageous people and churches in the valley who have historically been active to speak out. We must continue.

NOTE: Planned Parenthood is scheduled to be open on Saturday from 10:00am – 2:00pm. It is important that you be respectful of the legal right that Planned Parenthood has to be open. It would be inappropriate to speak rudely, arrogantly, hateful to anyone. Our fight is not with flesh and blood. There is a devilish spirit behind the monster of Planned Parenthood whom we will humbly ask our God to deal with.



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