
The Collapse of Simple Morality

It has become clearest in the past few decades that the public school education system has been on the brink of complete ruin. It’s rarely about education anymore.

Today, the Twin Falls Times News reported that some (my guess is very few) students at Twin Falls High School have not returned to school because of fear.

I’ll leave you to read the column or not. The link is HERE (http://magicvalley.com/news/local/education/spirit-day-sparks-backlash-at-twin-falls-high/article_7f4caae6-7c75-5e66-b20b-1fccacd04239.html)

My commentary is short. This is what the end of public education looks like unless there is wide spread repentance.

“God created man(kind) in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:27

“For even though they (mankind) knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculation, and their foolish heart was darkened… God gave them (mankind) over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.” Romans 1:21-24

A reasonable voice must rise up at the Twin Falls school board meetings in the coming days.

Christian parents, your dialog with your children is not optional on these matters. You must teach your children right and wrong.

What has become of education is not a reflection on godly teachers, students, or administrators. Nor should anyone think that private Christian, charter, or home school is a morality safeguard, it may be worse in many cases.

But What If My Neighbor is Transgender?

On January 29, 2015  the Idaho House of Representatives State Affairs Committee voted 13-4 to not pass House Bill No. 2 (2015) on to the full House.

House Bill No. 2 (2015) has become known as the “Add the Words” bill. Sponsors of the bill were asking that Idaho add four words to the Idaho human rights law; “Gender Identity” and “Sexual Orientation”. There is no doubt this discussion has to be had. There is no right place in the world where any person should have to live in fear of fellow citizens because of how they want to live their lives, especially in the United States of America.

Where I’m strongly opposed to adding this kind of description to Idaho code and law, I’m equally opposed to treating another sinner as a lesser person because their sin is not like my sin.

Even if a bill of this nature is never passed into law, how does the church love all of her neighbors?

If you haven’t had this discussion in your church it is past time to have it. If you haven’t had this discussion with your public school educated children you need to make a plan for that to happen, today. If you haven’t had this discussion with your private Christian school educated children you may be too late. If you haven’t had this discussion with your home-school educated children it’s past time to make it part of the curricula. If you haven’t talked about this within the light of Scripture you will likely be persuaded by emotionalism and be derailed and unable to think properly and biblically on the matter.

Here are some things worth discussing and acting upon.

1. Pray: This may seem to simplistic, but if you are not aware of your need to ask God for discernment and boldness in this matter you are likely poised for a serious stumble and fall in this difficult and complex matter.

2. Know Truth: If we are going to be able to have any kind of real discussion on the matter we must know what the Bible teaches on matters of sexual deviance.

3. Speak Truth: This kind of discussion must be weighed in the balance for every parent and the appropriate age of your children. (Parents: It is my experience and opinion that if your children are in any education system outside of your home, Christian or public, it is not too early to begin talking to them. If your children are not under your direct and immediate care you must be prepared to give an answer to your children’s influence.)

4. Speak the Truth in Love: If the idea of gender identity or sexual orientation is repulsive to you then know why it is. If it’s not related to the holiness of God then it’s possible you are rarely repulsed by your own sin and are pridefully repulsed because someone is not as ‘good’ as you are. If this is the case, you will not be able to speak the truth in love.

5. Never Condone Bullying: An amazing truth of the Christian faith is that we do not coerce or bully anyone into believing like you do. If someone doesn’t believe like we do we don’t treat them like a lesser human. We may appeal and plead but be are not to bully. Listen, Christian, we need to come to grips with the fact that we must not take on the persona of being a ‘red-blooded’ American. If you have not abandoned your sinful snarky comments when speaking about homosexuals and transgenders then you must understand that it is among the most unhelpful things you can do for yourself, your children and your neighbor. It does not represent the Lordship of Christ.

6. Speak the Gospel: This is your only hope in really helping your neighbor. Remember that your sin is worthy of the full wrath of God. Never forget this. The reality of the kindness of God and the weight of his glory will help you speak the gospel with compassion to your neighbor.

7. Love God: The Lord Jesus Christ told us this was the most important command. If we don’t get this, we don’t do anything, ever, rightly. Submit to the Lord Jesus Christ. Look at the holiness of God and don’t forget of the grace given us because Christ loved us first.

8. Love Your Neighbor: Yes, that even means you love your transgender neighbor. If you work with homosexual or transgender coworkers, be as kind to them as you are to others. Not more kind because they are not like you and surely not less kind. If a transgender coworker sits down next to you in the break room during lunch, be as willing to trade your salad for their peanut butter and jelly sandwich like you would any other coworker. Treat your transgender neighbor the way you would any other neighbor. He or she does not deserve your discriminating treatment, it’s actually already against the law. He or she is created in the image of God no more or no less than you. His or her sins are as able to be covered by the blood of Christ as your own wretchedness.

9. Pray and hope for Conversion: If any coworker, neighbor, family member repents of their sin, be prepared to help disciple them. Be prepared to be their only friend and be prepared to face criticism from others because of your kindness toward a converted sinner. It likely took some time for people to become comfortable with the professed conversion of the apostle Paul.

10. Prepare for the Unexpected: There is likely a moment of awkwardness for everyone involved. One of the main arguments at the hearings this past week in Boise was the use of public restrooms. Fist of all, don’t fool yourself by thinking harmful things can’t happen in public restrooms. Homosexuality and/or transgender behaviors are not the only sexually deviant activity happening in your community or church activity. Not every homosexual or transgender person going in to or out of a public restroom have been up to some sinful activity, they most likely were doing the same thing you were about to do.

11. Smile and be friendly: This may feel unusual or fake to you, but remember, you are an ambassador of Christ with every smile, hand shake, door you hold open and word you speak.

I don’t suggest these thoughts as the only thing or a minimum of things one should do or think about. I offer them for discussion and help.

Luke 22:31-32 (NASB)
31  behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; 32 but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”

How Far Does This Take Us Down the Road?

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness;
Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20 NASB)

This week, while the state of Idaho was forced  to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, a few pastors in the city of Houston are being issued subpoenas for their sermons dealing with homosexuality, gender identity or the mayor Annise Parker. (http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/10/14/city-houston-demands-pastors-turn-over-sermons/)

This is serious.

Very Serious.


The Fight Against God

Many are prepared to say that the war raging in the land for the definition of marriage is over. Look at nearly any online dictionary and you will agree, the modern English language has redefined marriage to include same-sex partners.

The agenda to redefine marriage from a biblical worldview has launched the attack in a strategically smart way (this should not surprise anyone.)

The battleground is messy, like any battleground would be.

It’s hard to engage in public forum or face to face conversation because the language of hate has been turned upon the ones who carry the message of love. Those who love are accused of hating, they are accused of being bigots, they are accused of being barbarians and backwards. They are told to get used to the new America, one that is finally free for all to do as they please.

This is what the conversation has looked like for me in recent days on the matter in public forum, emails in response to blog posts and conversations with friends.

  • Paul Thompson, perhaps you could look at it like this: There are “God ordained ways” of doing many things that we, and you, no longer follow; for example, how to properly conduct genocide, own slaves, stone children to death, own women, and sacrifice animals are all among the deed that God ordained to be done “just so” in his “specially approved way”…Just add marriage to your list, please, so that we can finally end the thousand-years-reign of inequality, injustice, bigotry, and hypocrisy to finally enter a new era of peaceful acceptance. Thank you.

  • Whose God? Yours, the Muslims, the Hindus? There are so many to choose from. Seriously.

  • If you don’t like gay marriage…don’t marry a gay person

  • Ok well in my place of worship my pastor fully supports gay rights. I’m a bisexual Christian I married a man when I was 19 and that man cheated on me and divorced me and with man or woman I’m happy and God is happy to call me his child and is proud that I spread love throughout the state.. So keep your rude remarks to yourself.. Same sex is here to stay and God is proud of his same sex children

  • Paul: This is not about christ, christ SHOULD have nothing to do with this discussion. Unfortunately people like you can involve Jesus and impose your own fear of homosexuality onto the population

The reaction to the Supreme Court decisions this week is not at all surprising. It is difficult to not let the comments distract or derail the message of calling all people everywhere to repentance. There is nothing more natural than for anyone who has crowded God out of their worship than to be offended when a biblical worldview is expressed.

What is more natural for anyone who has begun to worship and serve the very things they’ve created rather that the Creator who made them? Now, until all of us repent of this arrogance and turn to God, all we have to save ourselves is the romantic idea of love and fulfillment of a self navigated path born in decadence.

The use of godly language only exposes the overwhelming evidence that the heart has been busy deceptively leading to a faithless relationship with God. The best way for a deceived heart to gather momentum is to draw others into their circle of corruption. And then, of course, a grand place to launch the greatest front on truth is to sow that seed of deception in the heart of a lazy western church being led by men and women who think they can prevail against the God they have crowded out of their lives and churches.
Decadence is nothing new. The temptation to do as one pleases without regard to God is constant with all people. The powerful indictment against the church today is that she is in great need of revival. The problem in our land is not homosexuality, the problem in our land is that many pastors are afraid to speak biblical truth into the culture. There is a backslidden condition that has the church is a place she has not been in, or better, not known she is in for a very long time.

They are in the church and the pulpits across the land. They serve on committees and teach bible study groups. Consider it…

  • How many Christians will attend your mid-week prayer gathering this week?
  • How many homes will gather the family together tonight to pray and give priority to Christ?
  • What will the church people complain of this week?
  • Christ-likeness is made light of in the church as much as it is out of the church.
  • Consider how many times you pray, “thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven,” while you steadfastly refuse to do the will of God.
  • Many will say “amen” when the preacher speaks of marriage between one man and one woman while they laugh out-loud in their home with the children watching degenerate characters made heroes to the family while suffering saints are not even prayed for.

This day we are in today, is not a secular problem. The day we are in today is a spiritual problem where the saints of God have grown cold and quiet. The church of the Lord Jesus has lost her militancy. Our land rarely looks to the church seriously any more. She’s made a circus of the church and looked at as the same kind of silliness as we do of the furniture store going out of busyness (again) or the car lot with a gimmick to get you on the property.

As in Jeremiah’s day, the Lord says, “what iniquity have your fathers found in Me, that they are gone far from Me, and have walked after vanity, and are become vain?” (Jeremiah 2:5) In their vanity they have determined that God is no longer important or relevant.

My plea is to the church. Marriage needs to be defended, but we must stop blaming the homosexual for the decay of the nation. Look to an arrogant church caring only for herself and the advancement of her “brand.”

Church, where have you been? Repent! Then call all sinners to the place you have found your hope, the place of the cross. The soul who looks at their sin on the body of Christ doesn’t have to be told to stop your decadent ways, He sees holiness and knows he is ruined in his current place of arrogance. He humbles himself and repents, then turns to Christ.

Reader, look at that cross again. See your sin? You own it and its cost is death. Stop fighting and cry out to God for forgiveness. Rise up a new creature in Christ as you turn from your sin.



The Fall of Sodom and Gomorrah

The fall of Sodom and Gomorrah has long been noted as being linked to homosexuality. Where there is biblical argument that these were cities that allowed this sin, Scripture shows that there was something much closer to home to all of us that brought the judgement of God upon the cities. “Arrogance, abundant food, careless ease and not helping the poor and needy…” these are the things that God charged against Sodom and Gomorrah. (Ezekiel 16:49)

Today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, by not making a ruling, that lower court decisions will stand on the issues of same-sex unions. This sinful lifestyle is the fruit of arrogance. What does that mean for Idaho? What does this mean for the United States of America? Historically when the Supreme Court rules on social or biblical issues it is nearly impossible to change. Unless the Lord intervenes, the once God fearing land of America will arrogantly thumb her nose at God and rebel against His word.

The land needs God fearing people to cry out to God in humility for repentance.

Oh that God would heal the land.

Oh that the church of the Lord Jesus the Christ awaken and cry out to God.

Church, you are as needed today as you ever have been to raise up an army of God fearing men and women. May the Gospel banner be advanced even today.

When Biblical Illiteracy Rules the Day

UPDATED April 24, 2014 with link to God and the Gay Christian? A Response to Matthew Vines e-Book edited by Dr. Albert Mohler

We are in a day in the western church where many have grown lazy concerning biblical doctrine. This week, the release of a widely critical book is now on book shelves, God and the Gay Christian. The target of this book appears to be toward rational thinking biblical conservatives. Where I’ve not read the book I have read two reviews that I think were helpful. (A Response to Matthew Vines and Reform or Revolution?)

I’ll leave the review of the book to those who have read it. But the movement in our day among the evangelical community can not be described as “on the rise”. It is here, period.

I think you and I must acknowledge that the lazy handling of doctrine from the pulpit and the home alter has made this day possible. I don’t know Matthew Vines (author of God and the Gay Christian) but he has made his intention very visible with books, speaking engagements, and a formalized mission and strategy to change the way evangelicals view sexual deviant practices.

Does your church even know why homosexuality is an offence to God? Do you? There are many things that need to be addressed in our day.

I have two things to review and place before you, the reader, to consider.

First: Pastors and parents must know the mission and strategy of this present day. This mission and strategy has a calm voice, a young face, and what sounds like a biblically strong argument. The resources I site below should not be considered as endorsement by me or the church I pastor. The resources are to show you that this movement is well organized, has targeted your children and designed to play on your emotions. Be informed or be made to look and sound like a fool when this argument comes your way.

Second: Know this, the arguments of Matthew Vines is not a new argument. His defense of monogamous homosexual marriage has been made many times before. But never with such a strong base, culturally.

Long before today, the church has responded to this matter. A difference between the past and today is complex because there is no era of church history where the church has handled everything perfectly. But one can see that with this matter, homosexuality, the church has largely let the secular culture handle the matter. Fifteen to twenty years ago, you would rarely see a program that featured a homosexual person, and if it did, the character was mostly to generate a laugh. Today, find a program on television that treats homosexuality as anything but a normal relationship.

Church, when you speak of this matter, speak with compassion and concern. Don’t use cultural catch phrases that are slanderous and hateful. Speak with a biblically literate background. Study to show yourself approved. If you don’t, Matthew Vines will win your children’s affection and they will begin make this same argument.

Prepare yourself, pastor. Prepare your children, parents. Guard your hearts.

The mission and strategy of The Reformation Project.

What Follows When Sin Becomes Legal

It is a short path to “ethical” once a sin is redefined, over ruled, and made legal by human courts. Once that short path is seen, the propaganda train begins to move. That train has left the station; who will warn all the passengers of the structurally compromised bridge just ahead? Ready the medical/rescue teams, disaster is imminent and care will be needed.

Free Fall


We may no longer be on a slippery slope, it is more like a free fall.

A good Boy Scout knows that his compass must be calibrated in order for it to be helpful. Every Boy Scout knows the value of a working compass.

Let the compass operator determine where North is based on what he thinks or feels it should be and he will always be lost.

Where Boy Scouts are not ordained by God to be the moral standard in our culture, the ongoing advancement of letting everyone determine what they are or who they are based on what they feel or want should show all of us that the compass is not functioning properly today. Calibrate the moral compass to a reliable standard or remain lost.

A Famine Of Truth Is In The Church

The events of this past week have been most amazing. In the free market, A&E,  fires an actor for comments he makes in an interview, the social media world lit up to “stand with Phil”. (Here’s my take on that whole matter). In the free market, Cracker Barrel, pulled all their Duck Dynasty merchandise from their restaurants stores, then after more social media fireworks they put their Duck Dynasty merchandise back on the shelves.  I’m sure this is not the last we’ve heard from the free market exchange. Americans are never afraid to express opinions, are we?

Three other things happened over the weekend that concern me greatly. Most of this has been missed by the ongoing saga in the free market… What has happened in Utah should have every American shocked with unbelief. It’s not the first time and sadly will not be the last time that an federal judge changes the vote of the people in a sovereign state. Yes, this is tragic. Yes, America should pay close attention to these tragic rulings of judges who rule more like a lord or king than a judge to send the matter to court and let it be argued out, reasoned, and debated.

SALT LAKE CITY — A federal judge said Monday [12/23/13] he will allow gay marriage in Utah to continue, denying a request from the state to halt same-sex weddings until the appeals process plays out. (Read more here)

Now, this should grip your attention. But what is happening in Utah has arrested my attention.

Paul told Timothy (in first Timothy) that the preaching of the word of God is the pillar and buttress of truth. We are warned in the Old Testament and New Testament that there have been times of ‘famine’ from the preaching of truth, and that there will be many in the last days who will only put up with teaching that ‘tickles’ their ears. The fact that the mayor of SLC has been performing many of the homosexual unions is tragedy enough, but the pastor of First Baptist Church in SLC, Curtis Price, has been part of the frenzy to perform homosexual unions.

A strange thing about Baptist that most don’t know is that we are an independent people. It’s a beautiful thing. And today it proves that sometimes it’s a tragic thing. When there is an abandonment of doctrine there becomes a widening propensity to ignore God’s order and chase after the favor of men.

I do believe that God wants people to experience joy. The problem is, as I understand the bible, that humanity tries to experience joy without giving consideration to obeying God’s standards. When God gives a command to do or not to do something it is so that we would experience optimal joy in Him.

I don’t doubt there is a happiness to some in Utah with this news. But there is a danger in wanting something that is warned of God to not do.

The decay of our American prosperity is not the fault of a government gone astray, it’s not fair for the Christians to blame homosexuality for the fall of our country or loose living as the destroying cause in our land. Sure, government is proving to be an ongoing problem, and unrepentant sin is erosive, but where are you at church of the Lord Jesus Christ? You have not forgotten have you? You are the pillar and foundation of Truth. When you are not in your God ordained post heralding Truth then expect the depravity of humanity to begin to rule your community, county, state, nation and entire planet.

“If you follow My statutes and faithfully observe My commands… I will turn to you, make you fruitful and multiply you, and confirm My covenant with you… but if you do not obey Me…” (Leviticus 26) “…I will destroy you who destroys my sanctuary…” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)

Repent and return to your God ordained post of being the pillar and foundation of Truth.

Then finally: has the cry of the aborted unborn grown dull in our ears and did you notice that American citizen, Saeed Abedini remains in prison in Iran?

This Boise, Idaho pastor was arrested eighteen months ago while in Iran while doing humanitarian work with orphans. The relative silence on this matter from the church compels me to not cease from mentioning him and the call to prayer for him and his family.

Would you be willing to help me in asking my Southern Baptist kinsmen to join the efforts to keep pastor Saeed in front of the American church to pray for him. I have been asking the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention and Baptist Press for help in keeping this matter in front of the Lord’s people. Would you be willing to write a short, kind note to Russell Moore at the ERLC and editors at Baptist Press? This is what I’m asking…

Ethics & Religious Liberties Commission: @ERLCPressRoom would you be willing to help me remind Christians in America of Boise, Idaho pastor, Saeed Abedini again? (Twitter)

Baptist Press@baptistpress would you be willing to help me remind Christians in American of Boise, Idaho pastor, Saeed Abedini?  (Twitter, Facebook, email)

Arise, preacher of Truth! Arise, church of the Lord Jesus Christ! Arise! Open your bible this week and speak forth Truth.


Pillar and Buttress of Truth

“…I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth.” (1 Timothy 3:15 NASB: The source of that Truth is God as found in the Holy Bible, revealed to humanity through the power of the Holy Spirit, and fleshed out in the incarnation of God Himself in the flesh as the Lord Jesus Christ.)

Today (August 19, 2013), New Jersey Governor, Christ Christi signed a bill making way for the second state to ban “licensed therapists” from advising gay teenagers to abandon their sinful craving of homosexuality (according to the Salt Lake Tribune).

The vogue argument of our day is if someone is born “that way” then it must not be sinful. If this kind of thinking is fleshed out and defended by law then one should prepare for all of Hell to be unleashed in our land. Yet, more than the furry of Hell to fear, see the hand of God’s righteous wrath on the horizon.

Church, arise and be the church. Paul instructed Timothy to tell the church that she is the pillar and buttress of truth. Speak truth, church. Arise in love and warn people everywhere to repent of the ‘natural’ sins of their flesh. Flee from your born cravings of adultery, sexual perversions of all kinds, hatred, murder, thievery, speaking lies, cheating, and endless base  debauchery of all kinds.

When any lifestyle of sin is defended by law as natural then there are  no limits in sight to what man will attempt to legalize. We are no longer standing on the precipice of falling into the hands of an angry God; prepare yourself for God to turn us over to our wicked ways. The message to the church is the same as it always has been. Love your neighbor as yourself. Love your neighbor enough to warn them that the next step is a free fall to certain doom.

Church, arise in love and be the church. Call all men, including yourselves, to repentance for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


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