
To Obey is Better

“Now I know that the LORD will prosper me, seeing I have a Levite as priest.” (Judges 17:13 NASB)

As a pastor,I must always be on guard to not think like this. Everything that Micah does in this 17th chapter is a step toward idolatry yet he was convinced that his one duty of hiring a Levite as his priest was pleasing to the Lord. Then to think that the Lord would bless or prosper him because of his one right work in spite of ignoring other straight forward instructions.

As a church, we must resist putting pastors in front of us who don’t think Scripture is sufficient. Put pastors in front of us who will “preach the word,” who will always be ready to reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction, when it is in style or not.  (2 Tim 4:2)


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