
How Important Is It To Know?

When state legislators are in session the people better be paying close attention.

There is a bill right now before Idaho legislators to address the language of the law concerning Family Life and Sex Education. (section 33-1608 Idaho State Legislature). The link I have referenced is the current law, amended last in 1970.

Here is how it currently reads:


33-1608. FAMILY LIFE AND SEX EDUCATION — LEGISLATIVE POLICY. The legislature of the state of Idaho believes that the primary responsibility for family life and sex education, including moral responsibility, rests upon the home and the church and the schools can only complement and supplement those standards which are established in the family. The decision as to whether or not any program in family life and sex education is to be introduced in the schools is a matter for determination at the local district level by the local school board of duly selected representatives of the people of the community. If such program is adopted, the legislature believes that:

a. Major emphasis in such a program should be to assist the home in giving them the knowledge and appreciation of the important place the family home holds in the social system of our culture, its place in the family and the responsibility which will be there much later when they establish their own families.

b. The program should supplement the work in the home and the church in giving youth the scientific, physiological information for understanding sex and its relation to the miracle of life, including knowledge of the power of the sex drive and the necessity of controlling that drive by self-discipline.

c. The program should focus upon helping youth acquire a background of ideals and standards and attitudes which will be of value to him now and later when he chooses a mate and establishes his own family.
[33-1608, added 1970, ch. 119, sec. 1, p. 282.]

Notice a few things with me…

  • The state of Idaho believes (in 1970) that the primary responsibility for family life and sex education, including moral responsibility, rests upon the home and the church.
  • The school can only complement and supplement those standards. The standards established in the family.
  • Local school districts/boards is the level that determines how this is implemented.
  • The state of Idaho (in 1970) saw that the jurisdiction of family life and sex education was chiefly, the duty of the family.
  • The state of Idaho (in 1970) believed the best place for children to responsibly establish their own families was in the authority of the family.
  • The state of Idaho (in 1970) set law in place to ensure that children would primarily receive their moral, scientific, physiological instruction for understanding sex and its relationship to the miracle of life, and set its moral compass of the sex drive and self discipline as high priorities of family and church.
  • The state of Idaho (in 1970) was satisfied to be a supplement for what was to be primarily taught in home and church.
  • The state of Idaho (in 1970) believed that parents were qualified to give their children the necessary background, attitude and morality to help them make informed decisions now and to later choose a mate and establish their own homes.

Our duty now is to consider what is being presented to legislators today. We need to ask good questions about why they are suggesting changes and why have they deliberately chosen the wording of such and what are they saying about home and church today in relationship to what was previously thought about them both.

This demands our attention.

Here is the new wording of the proposal…




Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:
SECTION 1. That Sections 33-1608 through 33-1611, Idaho Code, be, and
the same are hereby repealed.

SECTION 2. That Chapter 16, Title 33, Idaho Code, be, and the same is
hereby amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and
ignated as Section 33-1608, Idaho Code, and to read as follows:


(1) For purposes of this section, “sex education” means the study of:
     (a) The anatomy and physiology of human reproduction; and
     (b) The development of healthy relationships.
(2) The decision to include sex education in the school curriculum
shall be made at the district level by the board of trustees. If a sex education
program is included in the curriculum, the program shall:

     (a) Be medically accurate according to published authorities on which
medical professionals generally rely, which authorities shall be designated

in rule by the state board of education; and

     (b) Adhere to the Idaho content standards for health education as
tablished by the state board of education.
(3) School districts shall involve families and community groups in the
planning, development, evaluation and revision of any instruction in sex
ucation offered as part of the school curriculum.
(4) A child may be excused from sex education if the child’s parent
or legal guardian files an excuse request to the school district board of
trustees on a form made available by the board. Alternative educational programs shall be provided for excused children

Acknowledgement: I am not a lawyer. I make no pretenses on this matter. I’m writing with an attempt to be a well informed and responsible follower of Christ. This is my one and only agenda. Nothing hidden in my observation of this change in Idaho law.

Here are the following initial observations of the change in Idaho law Section 33-1611

  • First, note that this revision of a law starts with scrapping the entire previous law. Maybe that’s the normal way to keep a law clean, but when what was previously the law and the intentional language of the law is completely removed I want to know why and I want to pay close attention to what the new law has to say.
  • Second, I note there is no mention of church. It may be implied by the language of “community groups” but that is no small change and should not be overlooked.
  • Third, I note that the state law seeks primarily to “involve” families rather than treat families as the primary educator on this matter.
  • I then see that there is, what appears to be, intentionally dangerous language that leaves the matter of morality to the subjective wind of “published authorities” on which medical professionals “generally” rely.
  • The law gives parents right to excuse a child from the “sex education” curriculum on a form made available by the local school district board of trustees. Then it gives unclear direction as to what the alternative curriculum that is to be provided for excused children is.

I will be writing my legislators today to inform them of how I read this and express desire that they not alter the good law we already have. I urge you to do the same. Even if you don’t agree with me in how I read the proposal.

What do you think about this?




For Church and Family (005) Listening to the Preaching

In this post I explain the reasons behind parents teaching their children to listen to the preaching. The hardest thing to teach a child in church is to listen to the preaching.

Tips for Church and Family

  • Parents:
    • Be consistent
    • Talk about this at home before you arrive.
    • As the grow older help them desire to listen to the preaching.
    • If a child needs to go to the bathroom every week, make a trip to the bathroom before you enter the auditorium.
  • Church:
    • Do your best to not get up and leave during the preaching.
    • Be sure to turn your phone off.
    • Display a discipline of not using your phone for messaging or games.

For Church and Family (004) Teach them to Listen

In this post I encourage parents to read ahead in the scripture text at home and teach the children to listen for key words, listen to what songs we sang, ask them later what they heard.

Tips for Church and Family

  • Parents:
    • Read the text that your church is preaching through at home several times before the coming Lord’s Day. Make this a habit even if the children don’t understand what’s going on.
    • Note key words for the children to listen for.
    • Teach about those key words.
    • Only bring quiet items into the church house
    • Follow up with questions after.
    • Ask; “What songs did we sing at the church house today?”
    • Have an expectation
  • Church:
    • Give the children something honorable to imitate

For Church and Family (003) Singing

In this clip I encourage parents to teach the children to sing at and with the church family when we gather on the Lord’s Day.

Tips for Church and Family:

  • Parents:
    • instruct your children to sing.
    • They don’t have to know how to read in order to sing.
    • Use the home study guide to teach songs.
    • Use the singing time as a starter for paying attention to what is happening and the importance of participating with everyone.
    • This is a good time to put down the toys and coloring books, and sing.
  • Church:
    • Sing!

For Church and Family (001)

Today, I begin a series on church and family. I will lay out several short clips over the next few weeks from my Sunday evening teaching entitled “For Church and Family.”

These should be considered for consideration only. This is not a prescription or a requirement. I believe it will be helpful in all of our homes.

In this introduction I lay out a case for parents, children and the church as a whole to begin a needed conversation about what is helpful for family and church when we gather together. These posts will include a video clip from the October 15, evening teaching with ideas, cautions, encouragements and considerations.

A primary Scripture text over the past several weeks in the series of messages on parenting has been the benefit of Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go…” The key in this text is that we should consider the way the child should go not the way the child’s will wants to go. This is in relationship to behavior primarily. It can apply to the path of life but for the use in this series it is primarily used in behavior.

It has been my prayer that this be a blessing. I respect that a family who attends Eastside Baptist Church has a hard work to do. I think it is a good work. Yes, sometimes, a good work is hard work, but in the end it is a reward.

My encouragement to all parents in this God ordained work is to not grow weary in doing good (Galations 6:9).

On any given Lord’s Day at Eastside Baptist Church we will have from 20 to 30 children under the age of 12 in our morning gathering. That is a blessing from God. Treat it as such and bless the Lord for it.

Tips for Church and Family:

  • Parents:
    • Consider using the term “Lord’s Day” when you speak about Sunday’s.
    • Take time this week when you gather your children together and communicate what it looks like for your family when you gather at the church house with the church family.
    • Age appropriately, include your children in the discussion by asking them what they think you expect from them on the Lord’s Day.
    • Discuss why you expect them to behave as you instruct.
    • Protect yourself from being frustrated with your children.
    • Don’t grow weary in doing good.
  • Church:
    • Be patient with the children and their parents. It is a blessing to have them with us.
    • Pray for parents as they give helpful instructions to their children.
    • Pray for the children to want to heed their parents instructions.

Living in a Biblically Illiterate American Church

“This really is our problem, and it is up to this generation of Christians to reverse course. Recovery starts at home. Parents are to be the first and most important educators of their own children, diligently teaching them the Word of God. [See Deuteronomy 6:4-9.] Parents cannot franchise their responsibility to the congregation, no matter how faithful and biblical it may be. God assigned parents this non-negotiable responsibility, and children must see their Christian parents as teachers and fellow students of God’s Word.” Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Full article HERE

The Intoxicating Cup of Sinful Pleasure

It is not expected that a Christian who awakens an appetite for worldly pleasure is able to clearly see why God would forbid that which has inflamed their passions.

Lincoln Auditorium
January 26, 2015 – Lincoln Auditorium, Boise, Idaho

The prophet Isaiah gives strong warning in regard to this. I’ve just spent three days listening to testimony of “conservative” Idaho where the majority of those testifying are making argument to include what God calls sin be declared as natural and immutable rights.

This is no small matter. This does not deserve to be ignored, pastor. What is happening before our very eyes should call every God fearing parent to action, should cause every pastor to prepare his next sermon in fear and trembling reverence to Holy God, and should strike every citizen with a renewed interest in who they vote for.

What we’ve known was happening has happened.

An agenda promoting the normality of sexually deviant behavior has become an accepted norm. Sinful pleasure is an intoxicating cup.

Listen, this is not a new message. This has been the appeal of sin from the introduction of sin into the world.

Here is the warning from Isaiah: “Woe to those who…” (Isaiah 5:11-14)

  • Rise early in the morning to pursue what is forbidden.
  • Stay up late into the evening to feed a spiritually depraved apatite that seems to never be satisfied.
  • Participate in this atmosphere with mirth, excitement, and pleasure.
  • Consider the deeds of the Lord as silly, boring and useless.

The actual path of these actions do not deliver on the promise of a complete life. Isaiah warns…

  • People end up slaves and lack knowledge
  • Honorable men are famished.
  • The thirst for more is never satisfied and really delivers a parched condition.

The final result…

  • Hell is enlarged
  • Those who crave such an intoxicating drink of fleshly desire, as jubilant as it seems, descend into a pit that never gives what it (falsely) claims.

What do we do? I offer three considerations…

  1. Parents: Repent! You are the ones most responsible for what your children think of God. If God and his church is treated as lightly as many professing Christian parents do then there is little surprise that your children will embrace a similar opinion of God. You actually have tremendous influence upon your children. They indeed own their own opinion of God and responsible to respond to his holiness in light of their own depravity, but you have been purposely placed in the role of parent.
    1. Consider forms of entertainment that contradicts God and his word as an enemy of God. This is serious.
    2.  You are training your children in the way they will go when you whet that appetite of sensual cravings.
    3. Show your children your pleasure in God. Their sinful nature is a pursuer of pleasure.
  2. Churches/Pastors: Repent! I’ve listened to men representing churches and God speak silly, foolish things in the past three days. Will anyone in our culture hear a public word from you? Or are you going to continue to remain behind your safe fortresses you’ve built? Speak today with as much compassion, joy and delight in God as you can. The promoters of godlessness are. Why shouldn’t you who have tasted the goodness of God speak with more?
    1. Consider the forms of entertainment you are presenting. Then stop trying to entertain. Entertainment makes people numb. They think less and lack knowledge becoming slaves to the ones entertaining them.
    2. Stop trying to offer forms of “Christian” alternatives. Is there really anything more attractive in all of the created universe as the un-created God of the Universe? We only open an appetite for the alternative rather than a craving for God.
    3. Warn the nation of the wrath of God with an appeal to repentance and surrender to the lordship of Christ.
  3. Local, state, and national government: Repent! You do not have sovereign authority to behave against God. You are in an amazing place wielding with the least reaching jurisdiction of all. Do not legislate immorality. Do not declare “holy” what God calls sinful. The only way a people can be a self-governing people is when there is a freedom from a far reaching government.

It is possible for the favor of God to return to the land. But do not expect it until we humble ourselves, becoming passionate pursuers of the Holiness of God.


Isaiah 5:11-14 (NASB)
11 Woe to those who rise early in the morning that they may pursue strong drink, Who stay up late in the evening that wine may inflame them! 12 Their banquets are accompanied by lyre and harp, by tambourine and flute, and by wine; But they do not pay attention to the deeds of the LORD, Nor do they consider the work of His hands. 13 Therefore My people go into exile for their lack of knowledge; And their honorable men are famished, And their multitude is parched with thirst. 14 Therefore Sheol has enlarged its throat and opened its mouth without measure; And Jerusalem’s splendor, her multitude, her din of revelry and the jubilant within her, descend into it.

Try Saying…

This generation of the church is more captivated by a blockbuster thriller, superhero comics, social(-less) media, and hero worship of fictional characters portrayed by godless masses than the redeemer, Christ the Lord. This generation of the church expects their church to present truth the same way this world has cast this bewitching spell upon them.

“Entertain me!”, they say.
“You owe me!”, they expect.
“If it doesn’t keep my attention, I’m off to the one that will!”, they actually believe this.

  • Where is the parent who will nurture their children on the Word of God?
  • Where is the husband who will love his wife as Christ loves the church?
  • Where is the wife who will display the glory of God by giving herself only to her husband?
  • Where is the missionary who will set the thrills of this world aside for the call of God to dark prison cells?
  • Where is the church that will trust the sufficiency of Christ?
  • Where is the preacher who will preach eternal truth?
  • Where is the evangelist who will speak of the necessity of the blood of Christ?
  • Where is the sojourner who who knows this is not his home?
  • Where is the neighbor who will consider her neighbor as someone who needs the gospel as desperately as she does?
  • Where is the man of God who will humble himself before the Lord?
  • Where is the woman of God who will display the glory of God in her modesty?
  • Where is the child who will honor his father and mother.

By the grace of God, His people are around. But is this the church you are of? Are you this parent who will nurture in the ways of the Lord? Are you the husband who loves? the wife who helps? the missionary who goes? the church that trusts? the preacher who preaches? the evangelist who speaks? the sojourner with citizenship from above? the neighbor who concerns? the man you are? the woman you are? the child you are?

If so, may the Lord continue to help. If not, say this to the Lord with me today… “I repent of my wayward, distracted devotion.”

A Road Less Traveled Is Not Necessarily A Lonely Road

As I read bible based sermons of old or new I hear a strong warning always present to not imitate the ways of the world. When I read old sermons warning the church of their attraction to trendy ways of gathering crowds, I sadly look at the my own ways and see how many ways of the world I’ve adopted.

Now, there is much freedom in Christ isn’t there? Yes! But have you ever considered how often and frequent we are told in Scripture to love the Lord? Not marginally, but wholeheartedly.

Then, do you notice how often it is justified by individuals and even churches to look to other ways of doing what God has commanded us to do? This is not as easily seen.

This less traveled way may at first seem lonely. But wait a moment… look there friend, when you are with the Lord, it’s not necessarily a lonely road. It may indeed be the less traveled road, it may be difficult, it may be uncomfortable, it may not be filled with the same kind of mirth we were once attracted by. But look over there, down this less traveled road, the promise of life.

I once was applauded by men for packing several rows at church with youth, not back rows, the front rows mind you. Now they passed notes, giggled, threw paper at each other, wrote on each other with their pens they were planning to take notes with, scribbled in the hymn book, broke the pew pencils off in the pencil holder, and many other disruptive juvenile things. But, There they were… many of them turned in sermon notes for a chance to get a piece of candy or discount to the next youth outing (away from parents and other adults) the whole church was proud to have them there and not on the streets or at home watching TV, playing video games, or surfing the internet.

But what would have happened if they were sitting with their parents or other adults instead? Sure, kids who sit with their parents are as likely to drop out of church as those who don’t. I think we may find a statistic some day that will support this. But success by retaining a numerical number or statistic is not what we fix our eyes on… It is on the Lord, and he instructs us to obey him.

I’m not, as some suppose, on a campaign to ruin the modern youth ministry. A ministry I once pursued with vigor. I’m as hopeful to see young people pine after God as ever. I’ve just come under conviction that to depend on anything short of God and obeying His word is not a right place for my devotion to be.

It’s true that we have fewer youth and children on Wednesday nights than we did before we adjusted our means. It feels a bit lonely at times. It’s true we don’t see the front two or three rows filled with middle school and high school students. But I enjoy the sound of babies crying and seeing a dad or a mom tend to that child’s need rather than relegating that pleasure to a nursery worker. I like seeing rows filled with households of various ages. A misbehaving boy or girl being escorted out by a dad is a lovely thing to witness. A single mom walking in late with her boys is a blessed sight as they sit next to an elderly couple making room for them.  Listening to a brother and sister communicate to those gathered for prayer of what their parents have been teaching them at home is no lonely sound.

It may be a less traveled road, but it’s not necessarily a lonely road. It’s no guarantee that we won’t see some young people walk away from the faith, this isn’t about that. This is about striving to humbly walk with my God.



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