
Liturgy for April 14

Sunday, April 14, in the Year of our Lord – 2024

Pastor: Read Psalm 133 (STAND) 

Congregation: SING: Like Dew of Hermon (STAND)
(Based on Psalm 133)

Prayer of Confession
Pastoral prayer

Responsive: Romans 15:5-7 (STANDING)
Pastor: “Now may the God Who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, accept one another,”
Congregation: “just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God.” AMEN

SING: Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise  (STAND)
SING: Praise for the Fountain Opened (STAND)
(There is a Fountain Filled with Blood)

Q. Are there more Gods than one?
A. No, there is only one (Deut. 6:4), the living and true God (Jer. 10:10).


Preacher: “Stand with me for the reading of the word.”
Congregation: “Give us the Book!”     

The preacher will read Acts 6:1-15 (remain standing)

Preacher: “This is the word of God.”
Congregation: “And we believe it!”


SERMON: Instructions Concerning Deacons

EXHORTATION: (SIT) Believing men exhort the congregation related to the sermon. (microphones are located on both sides of the auditorium. Speak directly into the mic.)

Covenant Renewal: The pastor will instruct and invite believers to come to the LORD’s Table.

SING: Come Thou Fount  (STAND)
(April Fighter Song)

SING: Law/Gospel/Doxology (STAND)

Responsive: Romans 15:5-7 (STANDING)
Pastor: “Now may the God Who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, accept one another,”
Congregation: “just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God.” AMEN

Your Local Drug Store

Walgreens and CVS are the new Planned Parenthood. Even if your state has strict protections for the preborn, these two pharmaceutical giants are willing to join their names to those who have no fear of God and no respect for their neighbor. They cannot be trusted with your health.

If they are willing to supply the nation with drugs that murder babies in the womb, what else are they willing to inject into the human body?

In Twin Falls, Planned Parenthood is no longer providing induced abortions. This is a blessing from God, but it will not be long before there will be many more locations and more acceptable locations for babies to be murdered. The murder mill industry has pivoted from the clinic to the pharmacy to the living room.

Here are some phone numbers for local Walgreens and CVS drug stores. They need to hear from us. They need to know that this is not acceptable.

Twin Falls:


Walgreens and CVS announced last week that they will begin providing mifepristone (abortion pills). You will be told that the pill is not available in Idaho because of the strict abortion laws. This is true (for now) but these stores are part of a national attack on the most innocent neighbors we have. These local pharmacists need to hear from us now.


Joshua Kohl for Idaho Senate, District 25

My name is Paul Thompson, I have been the pastor of Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls since 2001. While serving as the pastor of this church, I have been actively involved in my community. I have written for the Times News Pastors’ Corner, I have been a contract chaplain for local hospitals, and I am on Pastors’ Roundtable every Thursday morning discussing how politics and morality are inseparable. I believe it is crucial that citizens engage in the culture war by not only voting but by serving in government as well.

Josh Kohl is the man to do just that. Josh is running for Idaho Senate District 25 and is the best choice for that position. Josh is a committed follower of Christ and a true patriot. He is a defender of liberty and will defend the Idaho Constitution with vigor. I wholeheartedly endorse Josh and encourage the citizens in Twin Falls, District 25, to take advantage of this opportunity to vote for a principled man of integrity. I am convenience Josh understands the proper role of government, he will be a valiant defender of life, liberty, and happiness, and the citizens in District 25 will rejoice to have this man in the Senate.

Paul Thompson
Twin Falls, ID

Follow Josh here>>> https://kohl4idaho.com/

Pastoral Prayer 11.12.23

I’ve been writing on this blog page for nearly 18 years. In dog years that’s 126 years (that dog is no longer alive.) I don’t know of a blog year calculator but my observation of how fast the internet world advances, this blogging practice of mine is of the ancient world. The purpose of my writing is to put words to thoughts. To practice a discipline. To encourage my church. To dialog with my brother pastor friends. During these years of journaling there are some years where I have written more and other years I have written less.

I had someone once tell me, as they were preparing to tell me they could not stay at Eastside Baptist any longer, that they wished I would preach the way I write. I still don’t know what bread of insult that really was. Because I’m a self-publishing blogger without an editorial staff to work out my grammatical head-scratching run-a-long sentences and second-grade spelling (no offense to second-graders) I’m not so sure I understand their statement at all.

Anyway, that was years ago. I’ve not written with the same kind of regularity in recent years as I have in other years. But here we go again.

May the reader understand. This discipline of writing is born in my life from a friend who once told me… “If you want to be a communicator, you need to become a writer.”

I’ve been writing my opening prayer for the past few months to give careful and intentional words when I address God, a discipline I have benefited from if none others have. And for that, I’m thankful to God. May the practice bless the Lord’s church and encourage pastors to give attention to this discipline.

I will publish these prayers here for now.

My pastoral prayer from November 12, 2023

Our God and Father, Yahweh, draw near to us by your spirit and
may these few moments we have together today be full of joy in
our shared experience, free from resentment, frustration, and
malice. Because of your Glom may we escape the trappings of
the trivial and the temporal trappings of vanity. May our eyes be
pleased to look upon your beauty. We confess we do not find it
easy to rid ourselves of distracting thoughts. Remind us we have
weapons to take upon these misleading thoughts. We are far too
easily distracted. May we have success to chase away all that
distracts us, whether it be pleasure or pain. either strength or
weakness that which takes up residence in our minds to keep
us from your service.

Give us a church of saints. Give husbands joy in their duty to
lead, and help wives to support & stand by. Raise parents to the
place to joyfully disciple their children. Bless these little ones
among us to be content and full of joy in you.

All of the true Church worships you O God. Every heart
renewed by grace takes delight in you and is not
disappointed. Bless your people with resolve to stand.
Those in safe Places and those in dangerous places. help
us not grow apathetic or filled with the fear of men.

We bring our wounded & sick before you – The greater our
sickness, bruises, sores, diseases, we are aware of the depravity
of our nature, of the deep-seated corruption of our hearts. The
more we know that we are the sort of beings you call to
abandon of flesh and look unto you!

In Jesus name, we pray, amen.

Stop Electing Republicans Who Vote Like Democrats

Election day is November 8, 2022. There is one thing many in my area know, and that is, we must stop electing Republicans who vote like democrats before it’s too late.

I have run against both of these Republicans. One is the chairman of the House Education Committee, the other does whatever (some of) her constituents tell her to do, or whatever (some of) the lobbyist convinced her is best for Idaho according to those who want to destroy Idaho.


Wake up, friends. In District 25, the city of Twin Falls, a vote for a Republican on November 8 is a vote for a Republican who votes like a Democrat.


A Catalog of Abominations

For too long those lovers of sin have been asked by leaders of churches what it might take to get them to attend church. 

First, this is wrong on every level. A loving God doesn’t look to those who hate Him to instruct Him on what He needs to do to appear loving to them.
A loving God tells them what He hates. The proper way to read the Bible is to desire to know who God is, to understand Him, to see if there is any offensive way in us, and when we see that there is to turn from that offense and offensive way and believe the Gospel.

Not only have those leaders in churches been asking the wrong source what they should do or how they should conduct themselves; they have been leading many followers to be twice as fit for Hell as they are.

In this blessed, treasured, authoritative word of God, the Bible, we are given the greatest help to know who God is. He tells us Himself and He tells us how to best love our neighbors. One cannot claim to represent the God of Love by misrepresenting Him to those who are seeking for truth.

Some will claim at this point that it is unloving to say that God actually has a list of things He hates.

Consider the Bible with me. In Proverbs chapter 6 we are given a list of the things God hates. This is a shock to the modern preacher who doesn’t understand his duty is to preach from the Bible and declare what God has said. The literary form of Proverbs chapter 6 is a numerical proverb, it is a rhetorical parallel. Meaning it is framed in a manner as to capture the attention of the reader.

Proverbs 6:16-19 starts out like this: “There are six things which the LORD hates, yes seven which are an abomination to Him…”

Which is it? Six things or seven? Yes! 

That’s the point. It’s like saying “let me tell you a few things about myself, as a matter of fact, let me tell you seven things.”

This list of seven things in Proverbs 6:16-19 is really like a catalog of things God hates. Do we understand how helpful this is? God lists out for us things that are an abomination to Him. This is among the most helpful things about the Bible, we have a reference point to look at. We are given markers to determine who we are worshipping. Do we have the holy things of God in mind or do we have the very things God hates in mind? 

I’ve heard preachers say before that they would rather not talk about the negative things and only talk about the positive things. I’ve heard them say that this world has enough negativity in it. They would rather be known for the things God is for than the things God is against. Well, let me say, I get that. The Bible does have positive things in it, and we want to display those glorious attributes of God to the world. 

But we simply must not avoid helpful lists like this.

It would also be important to notice that where this does list things God abhors, It also identifies those whom the Lord hates. This is not popular, but it is true. 

There are those whom the Lord hates. Look at this list and be thankful to the Almighty God for listing this catalog of abomination.

The six things God hates, in fact, the seven things “which are an abomination to Him are: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.”

This is a blessing from Living God. He has just disclosed there are things and those whom he hates. If these attributes are ruling your life then count this moment a kindness of God that you might see why you need a Savoir, and that Savior is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ as described by the Bible alone. Believe Him today, and be saved. 

Abandon the social club lying to you about God. That “pastor” telling you God loves you no matter what hates God so much that he/she is not willing to stand before you and declare what God says. Pick up that Holy Bible again and find the God who loves you so much that He put your sins on His only begotten son and poured His wrath upon Him who could pay for that sin, so you could be free from his judgment and wrath and for the first time, free to obey Him.

Love God and hate sin. 

This post was submitted for publication in the Twin Falls, Times News for Saturday, January 30, 2021.

Paul Thompson is the preaching pastor at Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, ID. Eastside Baptist Church gathers every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. More information can be gathered here: www.esbcTwinFalls.com 

Citizen Proclamation

I’m always humbled to read that humble document of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution that states; “We the People…”

This year will mark the third year of petitioning the Twin Falls City Council to act favorable toward the preborn in our city. We are now on the agenda for Tuesday, January 19 at 5:00 p.m.

I have included the text to the Citizen Proclamation we will present that evening. You can download the document here: http://media.sermonaudio.com/articles/th-1421111845-1.PDF

For several years now we have been petitioning all levels of government concerning the ongoing plight of the at risk child in the womb of being intentionally destroyed before what would otherwise be a natural and healthy birth.

While most attention in 2020 was upon an introduction of a virus, 195 preborn children were murdered at 200 2nd Ave. North in Twin Falls, Idaho at the hands of an out-of-town, out-of-state doctor with protection of the law while our government looks the other way or deflects with fear of men.
I’m asking for your participation in appealing to our local government to declare the city of Twin Falls as a sanctuary city for the pre-born. When we show up in great numbers it helps communicate our desire. We will ask them for more than just a feel-good badge of honor, we will ask them to act favorably and fairly to every child in our city. 

This will not be a public hearing. There will not be opportunity for others to speak. This is the first step toward a public hearing.

I have attached a copy of the “Citizen Proclamation” for your consideration and an invitation to participate in the appeal.

  • If you are willing, please print and sign this proclamation and return to me by 5pm on Tuesday, January 19.
  • If you are willing, print this proclamation and consider asking the God-fearing people in your church to do the same.
  • Attend the Sanctity of Life Rally at the Downtown Commons in Twin Falls, ID 4pm-5pm on Tuesday, January 19.
  • Attend the presentation to the City Council at 5pm on Tuesday, January 19.If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 208-410-2529 or reply to this email.

For the Glory of God Alone,

Citizen Proclamation: http://media.sermonaudio.com/articles/th-1421111845-1.PDF

Proclamation on the Sanctity of Life
and Our Mutual Desire to Abolish Abortion
In the City Twin Falls, Idaho

Presented on January 19, 2021
by the Undersigned Citizens

WHEREAS, Almighty God created life and commanded humanity to be fruitful and multiply and has commanded humanity to not murder; and

WHEREAS, the preamble of the Idaho Constitution acknowledges the authority of the Almighty God when it states “We, the people of the state of Idaho, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and promote our common welfare do establish this Constitution”; and

WHEREAS, the 5th and 14th amendments to the United States Constitution declares that no person shall be deprived of life without due process of law; and

WHEREAS, Section 32-102, Idaho code, identifies the preborn child “conceived, but not yet born, is to be deemed an existing person so far as may be necessary for its interest”, and section 18-4001, Idaho Code, defines a human being as “including, but not limited to, a human embryo or fetus”; and

WHEREAS, the Idaho Constitution recognizes in Article I, Section 1 that “All men are by nature free and equal, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are enjoying and defending life…and securing safety”; and

WHEREAS, Article VI of the United States Constitution declares that the Constitution itself is the supreme law of the land; and

WHEREAS, the Idaho Health and Welfare defines “Induced Abortion” as an intentional action to stop a live birth; and

WHEREAS, there were 1,257 murders by abortion committed on innocent, preborn persons in the state of Idaho in 2018; and

WHEREAS, there were 196 murders by induced abortion committed on innocent, preborn persons in Twin Falls, Idaho in 2018; and

WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court’s decisions in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey asserting a constitutional right as a “right to privacy” is actually a perversion of the constitution’s 14th amendment; and

 WHEREAS, since 1973, 61,000,000 (million) human children have been murdered by induced abortions in the United States of America; and

WHEREAS, children in the womb are unable to cry out for help; and

Let it therefore be

RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned people of this proclamation, are in agreement with the Almighty God that human life is sacred and worth defending; and

RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned people of this proclamation, mourn the decades of inaction by our elected Constitutional Republic government; and

RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned people of this proclamation, declare that every person, including but not limited to, any human embryo or fetus, be given protection against the tyranny of anyone or any organization who would intentionally cause harm or death to these, our neighbors; and

RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned people of this proclamation, appeal to you to act on behalf of the children in our city at risk of life with legal protection from those who wish to stop their otherwise natural birth; and

RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned people of this proclamation, appeal to you, our elected City Council, to hear our voice as we interpose for our human neighbors that have no opportunity to stand before you and appeal to your conscience to act without fear of threat of legal action from those wanting induced abortion with a just and fair ordinance; and

RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned people of this proclamation, mutually pledge to you that we will not abandon this cause when threatened by the tyranny of the practice of induced abortions, a practice performed by Planned Parenthood.

RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned people of this proclamation, stand with you to declare the City of Twin Falls a Sanctuary City for all preborn children with more than just words,

Finally RESOLVED, that we are not interested in any further capitulation to the courts and the regulation of the murdering of children in the City of Twin Falls, so help us God.

A Smoldering Pile of Ruined Rubble

Last Sunday, May 31, 2020, I preached from Isaiah 54:11-17. This was the natural order of the preaching schedule I’m on working through the book of Isaiah. As the events around the country began to unfold over the past week it became clearer that the personal and corporate application of this text would come in “vivid technicolor”.

The images and sounds of cities across the nation in an uproar over injustice, in many cases with more injustice, leaving already devastated businesses in even greater uncertainty. Violence is what comes from the anger of humanity. Righteousness is what comes from the anger of God.

What will come of the ruined cities? This must have even been the question citizens in Jerusalem were asking as they were being taken into exile to Babylon. What will come of our beloved city?

Isaiah 54 is a chapter filled with the images of restoration. In verses 11-17 the focus is upon the new city that will not be ruined by weapons, fire, or looting. It is a lasting city that will remain. It is the promise that awaits the church too. The promise of what the Apostle John saw in Revelation 21.

Look around, cities are burning around the nation.

Look closer though. Weren’t they already in ruin? Where is a church that expects any great thing from God, where is the church attempting great things in God’s power? In many places, churches are playing it safe and only doing what they see they can do in their own strength.

The heritage of the church of the Lord is not in this world, but her humble duty in this temporal day is to lift high the royal banner of the city of our God. The city that is not torched, ruined, or forsaken. This city is where the sound of true peace will come from. The sound of the Gospel of Peace. Ambassadors of Christ’s reconciliation must come from these redeemed souls to the nations who currently hate God.

Can any church in the land expect God to do great things while she has more influence upon her from the world than from her Redeemer? Should any Christian expect God to use him/her while participating, endorsing, promoting, encouraging, and making light of any sin before God?

While the attention of the nation is captured by what appears to be the unjustified death of one man in Minneapolis, there was not one report about the unjust murdering of children across the nation, even in Twin Falls, Idaho. The one enraged the nation , the other is considered normal and the nation sleeps, both are tragic sins before the Holy God.

May God rain down righteousness from Heaven once again.

Get Your Gospel Shoes On

Monday, August 5, 2019, I will stand before the city council of Twin Falls at 5 p.m. to interpose for my neighbor who cannot speak for himself, for my neighbor who cannot appeal her case, who, unless God intervenes, will join the other 1,914 (and counting) babies murdered in the womb since 2008 in the city of Twin Falls, Idaho.

This is a call to all born-again, God-fearing, followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, as described by the Bible in the Magic Valley to join me at 203 Main Ave. East on Aug. 5 at 5 p.m. At this meeting I will request that the city of Twin Falls consider adopting code language to protect our neighbor in the womb who is at risk of being murdered. To intentionally stop life at any stage, especially when that murder is given a provision in the law, is a heinous act of the most horrific kind.

On Monday night at 5 p.m. I will request This new paragraph in Title 6 – Public Safety under general offenses. (Title 6 – Chapter 2 – Section 20)

Title 6 – Public Safety, Chapter 2 – General offenses,

(20) Abortion: Every person or organization using any means to intentionally terminate the clinically diagnosable, viable pregnancy of a woman with knowledge that the termination by those means will, with reasonable likelihood, cause the death of the unborn human being will be guilty of inflicting inhumane actions upon another causing death before the otherwise live birth.

(A) Definitions: For the purposes of this section the following words shall have the following meanings:

UNBORN HUMAN BEING: The offspring of human beings from the moment of conception until either live birth or natural death, including the human conceptus, zygote, morula, blastocyst, embryo and fetus, whether conceived and/or located inside or outside the body of a human female.

CONCEPTION: The fertilization of the ovum of a female by the sperm of a male.

ABORTION: The use or prescription of any instrument, medicine, drug, or any other substance or device to intentionally kill an unborn human being.

(B) Violations: Notwithstanding any other law, it shall be unlawful for a person to knowingly and intentionally perform, procure or attempt to perform an abortion.

(C) Construction: It is the intention of the city of Twin Falls that the provisions of this section be construed, enforced and interpreted in such a manner as to absolutely defend the right to life as enumerated in Section 1, Article I of the Idaho Constitution. The city of Twin Falls shall enforce this section regardless of any contrary or conflicting federal or state statutes, regulations, executive orders, or court decisions.

(D) Penalty: Violation of the provisions of this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and/or six (6) months in jail, or both.

What can you do:

  • Pray.
  • Be informed.
  • Share this with others
  • Invite your Sunday School class to come.
  • Invite your pastor to come.
  • Attend the meeting (plan ahead, come early, be prepared to stand in the hall or on the street, but come.)
  • Invite someone to come with you.
  • Write city council members right now. Full list with contact information HERE.
  • Pray.


  • Can I attend the meeting even if I don’t live in the city of Twin Falls? Yes! It is not required that you be a citizen of Twin Falls to attend a meeting.
  • Where is the city council chambers? 203 Main Ave. East Twin Falls, Idaho
  • Will others be allowed to speak? This is not a public hearing. The city council could take action to not do anything or consider setting a date for a public hearing.
  • Why ask the city council to consider something you know they won’t adopt? I’ve never asked them to do this before, how do I know they won’t adopt this code language?
  • Why request an introduction of code when you could request a resolution? Where I like a smart resolution, resolutions don’t make any difference in action.
  • Why is the punishment only a misdemeanor with only a fine of $1,000 and/or six months in jail? This is the most strict punishment the city can lawfully give for city code.
  • If this becomes law won’t places like Planned Parenthood just move to Jerome, Buhl, Kimberly or some other nearby town? Yes, this is a possibility and why we will have to be ready to act soon on the jurisdiction of the county and all nearby counties.
  • Will places like Planned Parenthood sue the city of Twin Falls and cost the city a lot of money? Planned Parenthood could sue the city. But the code is written with the authority of the City of Twin Falls and the authority of the Idaho Constitution. The city of Twin Falls has the jurisdiction and responsibility to protect all citizens, neighbors, and visitors.
  • Why can’t you stay out of other peoples lives and let people do whatever they want to do? If I witnessed a crime, it would be a crime for me to do nothing or not attempt to interpose on the behalf of the weaker neighbor. My neighbor in the womb needs my help. I cannot, in good conscience, turn away or walk on the other side of the street.

Join me on Monday, August 5, 2019 at the city of Twin Falls city council chambers, 203 Main Ave. E., at 5:00 p.m.

Plan to come early. Remember parking in downtown is limited, you may find closer parking behind the city council chambers. Be sure to plan ahead. Ask to get off work early. Be prepared to stand in the hallway or on the street. It will be hot, bring water. Even it it means you stand in the hallway or on the street and hear nothing, your presence says this is something the citizens want the council to consider.

Special ATTENTION: If you have children, be sure to bring them with you, if you are pregnant, please come even earlier so you can be inside the chambers. If you are a pastor, please come early so you can be inside the room. When I give my speech to introduce the code consider standing. When the city council talks about the code language, be respectful and listen. You will be allowed to leave after the agenda item is finished.

Thank you for your consideration to put your gospel shoes on and join me on the field for action on behalf of the child in the womb for the glory of God.

I’ll see you Sunday at church and/or Monday downtown Twin Falls!

For the Glory of God

Last night, August 1, 2019, nearly 400 people gathered at Eastside Baptist Church and approx. 100 viewed on live streaming to learn about what can be done in the state of Idaho to promote the life of every person, regardless of age and location, in the state.

The agenda began at 7p.m. and was scheduled to last just under 2 hours finished after 9 p.m.

Total of six speakers. Overflow seating, overflow parking, overflowing volume when the gathered people sang, and overflowing instruction and direction on what to do now.

Here is the entire speaking program.


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