
Can You Call a City a “Welcoming City” While Planned Parenthood Murders Unborn Babies

As long as Planned Parenthood is allowed to do business as usual within the region, no document declaring Twin Falls a “Welcoming City” can be taken seriously. It is a flaw in logic to say we welcome all while at the same time being silent about abortion.

Planned Parenthood is not an official function of the city and neither is the refugee center. My appeal to the city in the “Welcoming City” resolution process is to not consider the actions of one without the other. The city has no jurisdiction over either unless there is direct violation, need for an event permit on public property, or any other matter that requires official city action.

I’m not interested in distracting the city council from their duty. As far as I’m concerned the city officials are best when they are doing their duty. A “Welcoming City” resolution is not their duty. If they pick this matter up as a duty, then I want fairness to all within the city, not just one or select segments of the population to be considered.

While the city works through the drafting of a resolution to declare the city of Twin Falls a “Welcoming City”, please consider writing the Mayor, City Council, and city staff reasonable letters to not present or accept any resolution until the ongoing abortion of babies in the wombs within our city limits is answered. Appeal to them as a reasonable person with compassion.

To declare the city a “Welcoming City” while babies are aborted all year long in silence is a contradiction in responsible logic. The city will likely adopt some kind of a “welcoming city” resolution; shouldn’t it have something to say about the most vulnerable in the city?

The timeline is unknown as to when the city council will act on such a resolution, but when it does, we must be prepared to give a reasonable rebuttal rather than an emotionally charged vent or confused response. Whatever is said in public or private must also be done with respect to authority and honor to our God.


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