
Curiosity Killed the Cat

Renee has one of these freakish cats that have no hair. It’s a long story of how I told her we would never have one of those cats because they cost money and how I told her many times, “I’m not paying money for a cat.” Short back story: She found a loop-hole in what I said. We did not pay for this poor, hairless cat. We did however have to drive over 600 miles and spend money on a motel room. All in all, I paid for a hairless cat.

But that’s not the point here. Hairless or full of hair, cats are known for their curiosity. It’s normal for a cat to explore and even question what something is.

That’s the long way around to this; The world around us becomes familiar and commonplace to us as we age and grow to love our “creature comforts”. But the world is nearly an exhaustless wonder to children whose minds are alert and curious. As a matter of fact, a child that asks no questions, is no normal child. Questions even seem to be signs of mental health and normal activity.

This curiosity is normal and even has a level of normal “innocence”. But don’t be fooled. This curiosity will quickly, if not already, begin to show itself in a small child as a craving to satisfy a sinful flesh.

A duty for a parent is to learn to encourage a curiosity of one kind and expose the curiosity of another kind for what it is.

The duty of a parent is to show a child that they have an inborn propensity for sin.

Encourage questions like;

  • Where did I come from?
  • Where am I going?
  • What am I in this world for?
  • How should I treat other people?
  • What is my relationship to God?
  • How will I overcome sin and temptation?
  • How can I become more Christlike?

These and thousands upon thousands of other questions are natural questions for a young person to begin asking as they grow into young adulthood. And, I argue, are questions that should be answered. But more than just being answered, they should be taught how to answer these questions truthfully and biblically. Bad advice and counsel has wrecked many.

Parenting is no easy task. I don’t know of a parent who wishes they had not done some things differently. By the shear grace of God, parents actually do a lot of things right. But, don’t grow arrogant in thinking that there are things you have done as a parent that have not been helpful or will not be helpful if you continue in your own stubborn ways.

As a child grows they need parents who understand that their authority never diminishes, but does transform.

An infant is dependent upon a parent for every decision. But when a math equation is being worked on at age 16, that same child needs more to be taught how to discover the solution than to be told the solution. The authority of a parent remains constant while the duty is to largely teach a child to ask good questions and how to find truthful answers.

Dad and mom, are you as diligently preparing your children to know God as you are in the important matters of reading, math, science, writing?

An important thing I want to remind you of and warn you about is; Don’t forget that your child’s curiosity is not so innocent as they begin to search answers about sexuality and relationships. Be alert. Be on guard.

Be sure you are teaching your sons and daughters where to find truthful answers to their blooming spiritual curiosity. Make sure they understand that their emotional heart can not be trusted.

The best homes on earth are schools of continuing education, with lessons only being partially learned at times. It is important that careful attention is given to all lessons now (both secular and spiritual) because the opportunity to learn them will soon be gone.

It is no small thing that a serious misfortune would come upon your household as the graduates leave without mastering the lessons of most significance. What if they’ve not been trained to know what is sinful? What if they don’t know of the authority of God? What if God and his revelation (the Bible) is treated with such smallness and of no significance to know who God is? Their curiosity to know God will create a god that seems palatable to their undisciplined likes and dislikes.

A great need is needed among our young today. Who is teaching them to be self-disciplined? self-governed? all while submitting to the authority of God? God has established institutions for this; it’s your home and it’s your church.

The Only Rule of Christian Faith and Practice

(from Thomas Armitage; Baptist Faith and Practice)

Concerning the Bible:

“That the book called the Bible is given by the inspiration of God, and is the only rule of Christian faith and practice. The consequence is, that we have no creeds, nor catechisms, nor decretals, which bind us by their authority. We think a creed worth nothing, unless it is supported by Scriptural authority, and if the creed is founded on the word of God, we do not see why we should not rest on that word which props up the creed; we prefer to go back directly to the foundation itself and rest there alone. If it is able to sustain us, we need nothing else, and if it is not, then we cannot rest upon a creed to support us when that creed has no support for itself. Some of our churches have what they call “declarations,”or “articles of Faith,” which are mere statements of what they think that the Bible teaches, but they are not put forth by any theological or ecclesiastical authority, and therefore do not bind the consciences of the churches. Some of our churches have no such “articles”or “Declarations,” because they find no need for them, and those who use them do not all use the same. Our churches hold that Jesus Christ is the only Law-giver, and the only King in Zion; that his law is laid down in the Scriptures, and is perfect: and, therefore, they refuse to follow all forms of tradition and ecclesiastical ordinations whatever, bowing only to the behests of inspired precept, and the recorded practices of the apostolic churches, as their record is found in the Scriptures.”

When Biblical Illiteracy Rules the Day

UPDATED April 24, 2014 with link to God and the Gay Christian? A Response to Matthew Vines e-Book edited by Dr. Albert Mohler

We are in a day in the western church where many have grown lazy concerning biblical doctrine. This week, the release of a widely critical book is now on book shelves, God and the Gay Christian. The target of this book appears to be toward rational thinking biblical conservatives. Where I’ve not read the book I have read two reviews that I think were helpful. (A Response to Matthew Vines and Reform or Revolution?)

I’ll leave the review of the book to those who have read it. But the movement in our day among the evangelical community can not be described as “on the rise”. It is here, period.

I think you and I must acknowledge that the lazy handling of doctrine from the pulpit and the home alter has made this day possible. I don’t know Matthew Vines (author of God and the Gay Christian) but he has made his intention very visible with books, speaking engagements, and a formalized mission and strategy to change the way evangelicals view sexual deviant practices.

Does your church even know why homosexuality is an offence to God? Do you? There are many things that need to be addressed in our day.

I have two things to review and place before you, the reader, to consider.

First: Pastors and parents must know the mission and strategy of this present day. This mission and strategy has a calm voice, a young face, and what sounds like a biblically strong argument. The resources I site below should not be considered as endorsement by me or the church I pastor. The resources are to show you that this movement is well organized, has targeted your children and designed to play on your emotions. Be informed or be made to look and sound like a fool when this argument comes your way.

Second: Know this, the arguments of Matthew Vines is not a new argument. His defense of monogamous homosexual marriage has been made many times before. But never with such a strong base, culturally.

Long before today, the church has responded to this matter. A difference between the past and today is complex because there is no era of church history where the church has handled everything perfectly. But one can see that with this matter, homosexuality, the church has largely let the secular culture handle the matter. Fifteen to twenty years ago, you would rarely see a program that featured a homosexual person, and if it did, the character was mostly to generate a laugh. Today, find a program on television that treats homosexuality as anything but a normal relationship.

Church, when you speak of this matter, speak with compassion and concern. Don’t use cultural catch phrases that are slanderous and hateful. Speak with a biblically literate background. Study to show yourself approved. If you don’t, Matthew Vines will win your children’s affection and they will begin make this same argument.

Prepare yourself, pastor. Prepare your children, parents. Guard your hearts.

The mission and strategy of The Reformation Project.


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