
theBridge Annual Report

Here are a few boring statistics of the 2013 year in blogging here at theBridge followed with some explanations of what to expect in 2014 (Lord willing).

This is actually my first full year with my blog being hosted at WordPress. I began blogging at LiveJournal in 2001, when I moved to Twin Falls, I used it so infrequently that I can’t even remember log-in and password data, and the email address attatched to to the account has been inactive for years. I am likely glad that those earliest entries into the blogging world are locked up in an online vault somewhere in cyberspace. I began consistently blogging in 2006 at www.bridgebloggin.blogspot.com (I thought that was such a cool name then, now I’m embarrassed of it). In blogging years that may make me as old as Methuselah.

I’ve never causes a server melt-down because of high traffic volumes. I’m sometimes amazed at what gets read and what doesn’t get read. I posted 151 posts in 2013, setting a new record for me. Those 151 posts generated 20,722 pageviews from over 62 countries. (all statistics are from Google Analytics and Reporting)

Total visitor count:

  1. 8,484 from United States
    • In the USA visitors from every state except Maine and Vermont
      1. 3,618 from Idaho
      2. 797 from Utah
      3. 614 from Texas
      4. 403 from California
      5. 243 from Colorado
  2. 215 from Haiti
  3. 70 from Canada

Most visits in one day:

  • November 13 with 752 visits (the day after my movie review of the Saratov Approach)

Most Viewed posts:

  1. Saratov Approach
  2. Hebrews 13:3 Day
  3. Freedom of Speech
  4. Is Your Church Youth Group Even Biblical?
  5. UNICEF and Planned Parenthood

All in all, I continue to enjoy writing. My readers have grown to accept (and enjoy at my expenses) the grammar, spelling, and typos that frequent my site.

What can you expect in 2014? I hope to continue writing. If for no other reason it is a helpful exercise for me to put thoughts and ideas in print and the feedback, push-back, sharpening, agreeing, and disagreeing with thoughts are helpful and even enjoyable. It is good to be challenged on thoughts and then exercise being kind while explaining and expressing. Not always successful, but a good discipline for me to be in.

GEIn 2014 I plan to launch my first weekly podcast (internet broadcast). I’m scheduled for my first broadcast to air on Monday, January 6, 2014. On this broadcast I hope to lay out the plan for each week and then aim to discipline myself to sitting down every week and publish the weekly broadcast. I hope you’ll consider listening in. It will be hosted here are theBridge. I don’t know if it can technically be called a “podcast” because I have not set up an iTunes account and will simply host it here (for now).

Last night, Renee helped me with the opening and closing (bumpers) for the broadcast. She’s a natural. Here is a sample of the how the show will open and close.


  • Andy V.

    January 2, 2014 at 8:36 AM Reply

    Renee has a very nice broadcast voice! Great bumpers, they sound very good.

    • Paul

      January 2, 2014 at 8:00 PM Reply

      Thanks, Andy.

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