
In Times Like This

It was nearly eight years ago. I would have to preach Psalm 46 to myself again and again and again. Today? I preach it to myself still. Scripture is more than just words on a page. They’re not magical words on a page that come true when you say them in the correct order or

Behold Your God

This past Sunday evening I finished a 12 week bible study with several people at Eastside Baptist Church. I want to take just a moment and give a short review of the study for consideration for others, Behold Your God Let me start with what I didn’t like about Behold Your God. This won’t take


We strain the eyes to behold the things we cherish. This is why eye contact with a loved one is important. When I participate in wedding ceremonies my favorite thing to do while the bride is walking in is to get a good look and the groom… that man’s eyes are always fixed on his bride


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