
Lost in the Conversation

For more than a week the conversation of the local community is about some refugee children who have been charged with sexual assault. At this point, it is an open investigation and we must trust the law enforcement and prosecution process to do its duty.

In the mean time; there are many things lost in the conversation.

  • the depravity of humanity is active in the corrupt heart of all citizens. This is not a condition that is owned exclusively by men or women. Obviously it’s not something that U.S. Citizens are immune to.
  • any sexual assault acted out on a child is of serious weight in any community. This happens more in our neighborhoods than most know about and is not a new problem just because of the refugee center. Listen, you don’t even have to be an active church goer to be sickened by the sexual perversion.
  • this is first a sin issue – first and before it being a psychological issue, long before this being a refugee issue, or an Islam issue, this is a sin issue.
  • It’s even possible that your sons and daughters are exposed to sexually deviant behavior this summer at any given church camp.

Church, where are you in the conversation? Parents, Hopefully you’re not lost in the weeds of this being the kind of thing that other people’s children do.

Sin did not come to the city gates because of refugees. Press the law enforcement to do her duty, expect the city council to not be naive, but hold your church accountable to preach the word and your pastor to be the pillar and buttress of truth.

Sexual deviancy will not flee because you’ve signed a petition to shut a federally funded agency down (and I support the shutting down of federally funded agencies that don’t allow the citizens the privilege of accountability.) Sexual assault isn’t snuffed out because law enforcement and judicial prosecution exist (and I’m in favor of both.) But do not expect any change in the heart condition of humanity without the faithful proclamation of the gospel by biblically faithful preachers in God glorifying churches filled with forgiven sinners seeking the face of God.

Preacher, to your pulpit! Church, to your duty! Christian, be an ambassador of Christ’s reconciliation. All men, everywhere, repent!

My opinion is better than your stupid opinion

Let’s agree: This is a matter of serious importance and it is a global debate that is in full swing. And it appears most of us don’t know how to fairly debate anything. It works like this…

“My opinion is better than your stupid opinion.” or “Let’s just agree to disagree.” I don’t like saying or hearing this kind of jargon in matters of serious discourse. True; there are sometimes stupid opinions and there are times when we agree to disagree. But neither of those conclusions work in this one.

There’s a popular argument I want to address in a future post on this matter that I’m hearing. “Jesus was a refugee”! I’ll hold my opinion close at hand right now on the right and wrong of that statement. (I fear it will get me off track of the starting place I have here.)

There are only a few places in written/spoken media that is not committed with both feet in one camp or another on the refugee issue.

We (Christians) are so quickly and easily divided at times.

There is no doubt the global scene is tragic at many levels and in all places around the world.

This kind of situation calls for us to be careful in what we do and how we say what we say.

And it shows me how little I understand some things at times. Here’s something that is causing me to process and meditate on.

JURISDICTION: This seems to be more a question of jurisdiction than compassion. The church should know her jurisdiction and give attention to all within her duty (even to the ends of the earth).

The church is not granted jurisdiction of public safety, it’s not the churches job or duty, that is given to the state (secular government) by God, who has the jurisdiction to give it to the state (secular government). The jurisdiction of the church is preaching the gospel, prayer and to give aid to widow/orphan/poor, those in great need. If the state brings them – the church cares for them.

Personally, I don’t want a state to bring non-vetted or under-vetted residents; but if the state were to be so foolish to do so then this church stands ready to help all residents the state recognizes.

This kind of day reminds me of how important it is that I understand God’s order and jurisdiction he gives for our benefit and we are in a better place to advance His gospel when we submit to His order.


To be clear, I do think that there are stupid opinions at times. And I agree that you are free to disagree with mine.


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