
Voting Blitz

Today, in just a few hours I will exercise my voting right as I participate in perhaps the greatest political experiment in the history of the world, the American government.

If I don’t vote today, somebody else will. I can’t trust somebody else to inform my government of my values.

I will vote with conviction and joy. 

My conviction is not to a political party or ideal it is of a value that I believe expresses consistency in Scripture and is logically in order. I strive to think with reason and purpose.

I will vote with joy in Christ, my King. I am pleased to be an active participant, not a passive observer and I’m pleased that Almighty God is appointing rulers and leaders for his Glory not as an unaware passive entity giving simple permissions. All things will be according to His glory and I’m convinced with the good of His bride, the church, in mind. 

In Idaho, I am voting no on both propositions.

Reasoning on Proposition One:

  • To vote yes just because other “conservatives” are voting yes or wanting me to vote yes, is naive at best. They want to suggest that the only people voting against proposition one are casino owners. My vote of “no” on proposition one is not in alignment with casino owners, it is a “no” vote because of moral conviction based on the highly addictive behavior of gambling and the disingenuous promotion of gambling being good for the society based on promises of public good the revenue will bring to the state.
    • This voter will not be won over by the argument of “just because I don’t gamble, why keep others from gambling.” This logic doesn’t work for me. 
      • I am morally opposed to dog fighting, cockfighting, illegal drug production, on and on. Will I exercise the same logic to this that promoters of Proposition One want to suggest? No, I am not persuaded of this kind of passive voting. I vote with conviction. I want all to feel free to vote with conviction. Even if our votes cancel each other out. 

Reasoning on Proposition Two:

  • I am not convinced that government funded or government subsidized health care is beneficial to all citizens. 
    • I respect that we may need to assist some citizens with health care. This is a kindness to those in complex financial days. But, I’m not convinced of giving something to the bulk of the population when personal responsibility of all citizens is a greater blessing to the whole of the state. To borrow money from others to pay for the irresponsible behavior of a people is further down the path to moral and financial bankruptcy. 

I am a registered voter. I am registered as a Constitutional Party voter. However, my loyalty is not to the Constitutional Party. My loyalty is to my personal God who influences my convictions and values. These convictions and values do instruct my voting. If I were to say otherwise would be a contradiction against my conscience. I can stand in line in a few hours with neighbors who will agree and disagree with me. I will shake their hands, I will talk about our neighborhood, I will watch out for them, I will help them all regardless of our similar or differing convictions. But I will not trust anyone with my vote.

See you at the pole!

post publish edit for spelling and grammar.

The Only Time Politicians Woo Evangelicals

We have moved into a political era where it appears the only time politicians (in general) woo evangelicals is when it comes time to get elected to public office.

(By the way: When is the last time the government actually looked to evangelicals for anything other than to be elected? This is both insulting and sobering.)

Note to Politicians: stop asking me to fund your campaign while you lie, cheat, and live your immoral lives to the office.

I look at your ways, I listen to your speeches, I observe how you run your campaign, I weigh all on the balance of biblical values and vote my values without exception. If you are only calling yourself a “Christian” to get the Christian vote let me encourage you to stop wasting your time and other peoples money on me.

Over the years of my voting days; I don’t always vote for the Republican (I have never voted the Democrat) and I don’t see my vote on a third party as a waste.

You should be who you are, I’ll be who I am, and we’ll live next door to each other making this the best nation in the world. Don’t tell me you’re a Christian to get me to vote for you, I don’t require you to be a Christian for me to vote for you. I’ll vote for the candidate who I believe will best protect all life, defend the constitution, and understands how church and state relate to each other.

Let’s re-learn what our national founding fathers wanted to establish. A government made up of citizens of and by the people.

That said; I listen to every debate that I can, of both parties. I observe how you behave on the campaign trail. It the general media begins to ‘promote’ you, I grow skeptical of you. If the general media begins to ridicule you or not give much attention to you, I start getting interested.

That doesn’t mean I’m not interested, it doesn’t make me un-American, it doesn’t make me less Christian; It means I’m listening and weighing all against my biblical values as you war it out on the campaign trail.

Because I’m not holding to any political party I can’t complain if you don’t make it out of the primaries. This is both a blessing and a curse I suppose.

Where I’m no party man (in more ways than one) I don’t get any say in what the party does.

Some argue that guys like me are part of the problem…

I say; “stop wooing evangelicals to support you and then take your office and continue funding Planned Parenthood, not standing up for traditional marriage and living your godless lives while using the name of my savior as your ringer for election.”


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