
Arise, Church!

It is a good day to be the church.

It is my argument that it is always a good day to be the church. Earlier this week ChristianAudio announced their free audio book download for the month of March would be “The Normal Christian Life” by Watchman Nee. Where there may be some controversy surrounding his life and especially what became of his teaching when he died in the early 70s, there is no doubt that there is value to the church today. I highly recommend this book to you for consideration.

My intent is not to write about this book, my intent is to speak about this good day for the church and to borrow Nee’s title of this classic book The Normal Christian Life for a moment. I promise to give it back, but it is a good title for consideration.

The normal Christian life is (should be) radically different than the normal American life.

The normal American’s life is expected to be a life of relative ease and marked with a type of common blessedness in comparison to the overwhelming majority of the rest of the world. Over the past couple of centuries, Christians have grown to love this ease of life and have forgotten that the Bible speaks of a normal life that is a marker of true believers.

I fear this is because we have lost the preaching of the Gospel in our land. The Gospel, the biblical Gospel is counter to the secular norm. This secular norm is attractive to the carnal man because it affords him ease of life and the pursuit of pleasure in temporary life and no craving is given to the carnal man for eternal matters.

The carnal man longs for the matters of this world and they are never satisfied until satisfied. He rules his life based on what he is born for. He argues that those who stop him or speak against him are attempting to keep him from being who he was born to be. Demanding, even though he wouldn’t admit that he is like this, that his (created) god would not make him with these cravings unless he meant for him to be satisfied in them.

“for natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised .” (1 Cor 2:14 NASB)

The spiritual man, on the other hand, has been regenerated.

How does a carnal man become a spiritual man? He must be regenerated. He must be born again. In other words, his carnal (old man) must be put to death. Then, he must be given a spiritual nature (new man) that has been made new.

We hear far too often of persons being brought into the kingdom of heaven without being “put to death”. As Charles Spurgeon puts it,

“we hear of persons being healed before they have been wounded, and brought into a certainty of justification without ever having lamented their condemnation, we are very dubious as to the value of such healings and justifyings. This style of things is not according to the truth. God never clothes men until He has first stripped them, nor does He quicken them by the gospel till first they are slain by the law. When you meet with persons in whom there is no trace of conviction of sin, you may be quite sure that they have not been wrought upon by the Holy Spirit.” (the Soul Winner, p.13)

We need gospel preaching, not simply preaching about the gospel.

Too often, the preaching about the gospel leads to emotionalism. Story’s that move even the carnal man, because emotionalism usually touches the temporary. It touches and moves a man, but it doesn’t generate new birth. He’s been part of something that his carnal nature understands and he compartmentalizes the experience as common to all people. But when the doctrines of the gospel is preached or shared, the carnal man is confronted with his offense to God that must be dealt with. Either he must reconcile this offence on his own merit and face the wrath of God without the blood covering of Christ or he must be put to death first, then regenerated by the work of the Holy Spirit and covered by the blood covering of Christ and live.

There will always be true Gospel preaching, may there be an increase of Gospel preaching today. Preacher, look to your bible. Our duty is not to excite the carnal man, our duty is to preach a gospel that first offends, then rescues. We are not called to produce hypocrites. We are called to take this gospel to the nations.

“To make proselytes, is a suitable labor for Pharisees: to beget men unto God, is the honorable aim of ministers of Christ… To introduce unconverted persons to the church, is to weaken and degrade the church; and therefore an apparent gain may be a real loss. (the Soul Winner, p.5)

Arise! preacher, to your post! You and I must continue to aim at men whose hearts are not yet broken of their love for the things of this world and then we must keep on preaching Christ crucified until they are rescued from the sure condemned condition.

“A far greater work must be done before a man is saved.” He must see his condition without Christ. This work is only done with gospel proclamation.

The ‘normal Christian’ sticks to the Gospel. The ‘normal Christian’ is hated by the unregenerate. The normal Christian sticks to the Gospel.

Missing the Point

God help us…

Two days ago Scott Brown posted a sermon by David Platt entitled The Gospel and Parents. Find 60 minutes soon and listen to this sermon.

“God help us. A few generations ago a man was looked at as spiritually responsible in his home. If he did this, if he led family worship in his home, if he led his family to study the Bible together and to pray together. Today, today a man is looked at as spiritually responsible if he can find the church with the best staffed nursery and a cutting edge youth program for his kids. We have missed the point.” David Platt

The Soul Winner

I have set my mind to work on the topic of soul winning, the kind of soul winning that Charles Spurgeon says “should be the main pursuit of every true believer.”

It is my first goal to settle in my mind why all attempts to train my mind with methodology is followed so quickly with the feeling of manipulation because the system is built upon a series of assumed conditions and apologetic polemics.

Trying to do spiritual work with carnal tools is like trying to use a wrench as a hammer. It’s not a pretty sight to see. Sometimes accomplishment is achieved, but usually it is unsightly thing to witness.

If the goal is to accomplish an increased church-roll then the methodology can change without conflict. The methodology has a shelf life of a gallon of milk. At some point nobody will buy it.

So rather than start with the need of the unconverted, I thought I needed to settle the role of the soul-winner first. There is an eternal seriousness that must be considered for the unconverted soul, but to set the soul-winner out to ‘fishing’ he must understand who he is and who he is not. I’m on the search. I’ve recently reread Joseph Alleine’s classic collection of sermons directed to the unconverted. (Alarm to the Unconverted.) His work is among the best I’ve ever read and recommend it for your consideration. But somehow Charles Spurgeon’s work The Soul Winner has escaped my reading, until now.

I’m committed to putting my mind to work as I read through Spurgeon’s masterpiece on soul winning. I’ve printed off the 170 page book (collection of lectures) on this important topic and will share my findings and thoughts along the way. Feel free to join me in the examination. Your thoughts are welcome as I journey along.

Chapter titles:

  • What Is It To Win A Soul?
  • Qualifications for Soul-Winning – Godward
  • Qualifications for Soul-Winning – Manward
  • Sermons Likely to Win Souls
  • Obstacles to Soul-Winning
  • How to Induce Our People to Win Souls
  • How to Raise the Dead
  • How to Win Souls for Christ
  • The Cost of Being a Soul-Winner
  • The Soul-Winners Reward
  • The Soul-Winners Life and Work
  • Soul-Winning Explained
  • Soul-Saving Our One Business
  • Instruction in Soul-Winning
  • Encouragement to Soul-Winners

Happy reading for the glory of God…


SermonAudio Report

ad_sermonaudio8The February report is in from Sermon Audio on the global activity for Eastside’s online sermons. 

Sermons were downloaded in February from the following locations in the United States

IDAHO………………………………………….. Total Downloads: 28
MINNESOTA…………………………………. Total Downloads: 26
OHIO…………………………………………….. Total Downloads: 9
ALABAMA……………………………………… Total Downloads: 7
CALIFORNIA…………………………………. Total Downloads: 7
TEXAS ………………………………………….  Total Downloads: 7
SOUTH DAKOTA……………………………. Total Downloads: 5
NORTH CAROLINA………………………… Total Downloads: 4
MISSISSIPPI…………………………………. Total Downloads: 4
NEVADA……………………………………….. Total Downloads: 3
FLORIDA ………………………………………. Total Downloads: 2
TENNESSEE………………………………….. Total Downloads: 2
OKLAHOMA ………………………………….. Total Downloads: 1
PENNSYLVANIA …………………………… Total Downloads: 1
MONTANA……………………………………. Total Downloads: 1
NEBRASKA……………………………………. Total Downloads: 1
KANSAS ……………………………………….. Total Downloads: 1
KENTUCKY…………………………………… Total Downloads: 1
LOUISIANA ………………………………….. Total Downloads: 1
USA GENERAL………………………………. Total Downloads: 1
VIRGINIA…………………………………….. Total Downloads: 1
WEST VIRGINIA…………………………… Total Downloads: 1

From around the world:

UNITED KINGDOM ……………………….. Total Downloads: 7
CANADA……………………………………….. Total Downloads: 3
MALAYSIA……………………………………. Total Downloads: 2
SINGAPORE………………………………….. Total Downloads: 2
GERMANY ……………………………………. Total Downloads: 1

Total download counts from all locations since 2010:

Grand Total MP3 Sermons Downloaded To Date: 5,538
Grand Total Downloaded via Mobile To Date: 1,160

We are currently broadcasting a total of 191 sermons for your church 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. May the Lord bless the preaching of his word.

Visit our SermonAudio site and share with others.

theBridgeCast (tBC007)

After taking a few weeks off because of technical difficulties (meaning; I couldn’t find the box with my podcasting equipment in it) I’m back on track with the podcast.

00:00 – Intro
02:39 – Jeremiah 6:16-17
0820 – Facts and Trends

29:39 – Scripture Memorization

39:35 – Next Time

42:10 – Closing


On a monthly basis I get the privilege of writing a column in the Twin Falls Times News paper. The paper has  approx. twenty thousand daily readers (not including the online readers.) The privilege to write in the public square is a privilege I treat more like a responsibility. Not to the paper, not to the reader, not to myself but a responsibility to herald truth from the perspective of a minister of the Gospel.

This reality comes with a learning responsibility to guard my heart from reacting to reactions.

MagicValleyCase in point: Today, the Times News published my column entitled “Unromantic Duty“. This was essentially a blog post from about a month ago that I tweaked to a broader reader base, but still directed to believers. Usually I will receive an email or two from a column and a few social media “likes” and “tweets”, but rarely will a column generate a public comment. Today was a reminder to myself that I must discipline myself always.

The first comment came early this morning. As I read it I began to think I should probably respond. After all, he thinks I’m from the bronze age of mythology and a fascist for forcing my moral code on everyone. Then I wanted to take him to task for saying that he has “no problem with folks believing what they want.” No problem with folks believing what they want except for Christians. This began to show me that my reaction was going to be less about advancing the gospel and more about defending my feelings. So I prayed for him and others who won’t understand what I wrote about and consider it foolish to submit to the authority of God’s word. Good lesson to remember when in dialog in the public square. Speak as an ambassador of truth and resist defending self.

“The sooner we can move beyond allowing adherents of bronze age mythology form public policy based on tenants of said mythology, the better. I have no problem with folks believing what they want. However, forcing your moral code on EVERYONE because you’re positive that your god is the god we ALL have to listen to and obey is fascist.”

The other comment came later this afternoon.

With marriages not being a wholly religious event(meaning marriage ceremonies are not solely conducted by religious leaders or in churches), being conducted by government officials in government owned buildings, defining marriage as between a man and a woman based on the bible won’t work. With the separation of church and state in this country, how a civil authority decides to conduct civil unions/marriages is up to the civil authority, a.k.a. the voters. Now if a pastor decides that he/she doesn’t want to conduct same sex marriages as a private person in a private entity(a church) then that is completely up to him/her. But to say that “marriage” is an institution that only came from religion is historically incorrect. Marriages and unions were being performed by “civic leaders” long before Christianity, Judaism, or even Islam became widespread across the world.

Yes, both are examples of poor logic. They both miss the point of my column and make their comments about their own agenda. This is normal in a public forum dialog where readers are invited to comment. I like the interaction it provides but I also acknowledge that it affords itself to an ego feeding frenzy. It’s hard to make a point in a written forum that doesn’t quickly unravel into a total mess.

I do think that engaging in the public square by commenting on articles is an important place for a Christian to engage with truth. This engagement should be done carefully. This engagement should be done with purpose to show truth.

This engagement should be done with integrity, kindness, and gentleness. Followers of Christ must remember that we are strangers in this land and that we speak as ambassadors not residents.

The thing I’m learning about this interaction between author and reader is indeed a spectacular element columnist in the past would not have to contend with. Immediate interaction to a columnist provides a platform that quickly lessens the initial impact of the written word.

I’m thankful to write a monthly column in the public square. I’m thankful if my column helps the reader. I’m thankful if my column causes discomfort. I’m thankful if my column drives the reader to pursue truth in Christ.

The Times News has been generous to allow me and the others to continue writing. May the glory of the Lord be seen in the public square.


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