
Do Not Think This Strange

“You must never forget those past days when you had received the light and went through such a great and painful struggle. It was partly because everyone’s eye was on you as you endured harsh words and hard experiences, partly because you threw in your lot with those who suffered much the same. You [sympathized] with those who were put in prison and you were cheerful when your own goods were confiscated, for you knew that you had a much more solid and lasting treasure in Heaven. ” (Hebrews 10:32-36 Phillips)

Sometimes, when I think about those God ordained days I weep as I consider the weakness of my mind. I think about those moments I would rise in the middle of the night, nearly overcome with the consuming thought of what people must be saying and thinking about me? what must Renee be enduring? what will become of Silas? what will become of the Thompson name? how is my church doing during these days?JailToilet

I think about those moments at night when I would make way to the bathroom in near complete darkness stepping around and over other inmates and be consumed with the reality that the Lord’s faithful around the world endure much worse than even this.

Nothing, in what I have come to call – my American Christian experience – had prepared me for this. I was, in many respects, learning how to deal with this experience without any practical preparation.

PaulI would find a sliver of light through an outside source and open that lamp of Scripture to preach to my weaning heart (that selfish, praise-of-men craving heart) and became immediately aware that I had adopted an unbiblical belief of how strange it is that this was happening (1 Peter 4:12-13).

When I consider those God ordained days, I consider them with joy, and it does not seem strange at all to look at them as such.

“…do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing,
as though some strange thing were happening to you…”
1 Peter 4:12 (NASB)

Silas Thompson, Haiti, circa February, 2010



Authority In Your Family

Two quotes on Family Worship from A Theology of the Family:

“We deeply want a revival of domestic religion. The Christian family was the bulwark of godliness in the days of the puritans; but in these evil times hundreds of families of so-called Christians have no Family Worship, no restraint upon growing sons, and no wholesome instruction or discipline. How can we hope to see the kingdom of our Lord advance when His own disciples do not teach His Gospel to their own children?” – Charles Spurgeon (A Theology of the Family, page 103)

“Would you keep up your authority in your family? You cannot do it better than by keeping up religion in your family. If ever a master of a family looks great, truly great, it is when he is going before his house in the service of God, and presiding among them in holy things. Then he shows himself worthy of double honor, when he [teaches] them the good knowledge of the Lord, and is their mouth to God in prayer, blessing them in the name of God.” – Matthew Henry (A Theology of the Family, page 103)

In this first chapter of A Theology of the Family, an essay by Joel Beeke is included with suggestions to help establish God honoring Family Worship in your home. You would do well to have the full gravity of what Beeke suggests four things to consider as you plan to conduct Family Worship.

  • Read Scripture – J.C. Ryle said, “Fill their minds with Scripture. Let the Word dwell in them richly. Give them the Bible, the whole Bible, even while they are young.”
  • Biblical Instruction – Beeke says, “Be plain in meaning: Ask you children if they understand what you are reading. Be plain in applying scriptural texts.”
  • Prayer – With few exceptions, be short. Prayer is not a time of extended teaching.
  • Singing – Sing doctrinally right songs. This is not as easy as it might seem but there are a lot of doctrinally strong songs to choose from.

This is a great source to help a husband/father establish a regular routine of Family Worship. This book is a great collection of help. Wives, get if for your husband. Husbands, buy it to help you prepare your family for kingdom work.


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