
I Need Your Help

Over at the Facebook place, I’ve run into an issue. Because I’ve been vocal about the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act on my public profile page I’m not being allowed to boost any ‘political’ or issues of “national importance” posts until I prove my identity. I’m actually alright with that. I’m the one who agrees

Democrat U.S. Senators – Repent of Your Agression Agaist the Holy God

These are breathing babies on a table in an abortion clinic who have no one looking out for them. Left to die. This is not what what a God fearing nation does, ever. The Democrates voting against this bill today hate God and hate America. God have mercy, “His indignation is against all the nations, and His wrath against all their armies, He has utterly destroyed them.” (Isaiah 34:2)

Has Your Pastor Signed the “Pastors of Idaho Mercy Statement”?

Here is the full list of pastors from across the state who have signed the “Pastors of Idaho Mercy Statement“. If you don’t see your pastors name, please consider sending this link to him (https://www.paulthompsonblog.com/the-pastors-of-idaho-mercy-statement/), ask him to read this statement, and if he agrees with it to sign it online HERE. These 119 pastors


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