
Sticks, Stones, and Names

The old saying, sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never harm you, must be the product of a humanistic self-esteem program to give comfort to those who feel sorry for themselves. Names in the bible are significant. They are meant to describe a person or shape into him a particular characteristic. A

Significant Scripture

Share your Significant Scripture with me below… As you’ve been reading your bible this week, what portions of Scripture have influenced you and done its ordained work in your life. What transforming work has taken place as a result of the sufficient word of God?

Do You Love Me?

I’ve been told in various settings that there are no dumb questions and no wrong answers. I’ve lived long enough to prove both of those statements wrong. I am still trying to master the art of asking good questions. Here are a few of the good questions… “If a man dies, will he live again?” (Job

My ToolBox

I thought I would show you a look inside this pastor’s tool box. These four resources are a ‘must have’ for me. The Lord provided all four of these books through the generosity of his people. I’m Thankful to the Lord for them. The American Dictionary is a very helpful resource. This resource has been


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