
Intentional Apathy

If the past 42 years is any indication, the church will soon forget the  horrors of what has been happening in the United States of America since 1973 again. Over 50 million babies have been intentionally murdered in the name of convenience. Laws have been passed since 1973 to protect the practice of the inhumane,

There Is A Beast In the City

We’ve known this all along… The murdering of babies is happening in our hometown. There is a prayer vigil scheduled to happen: at 200 2nd Avenue N (Planned Parenthood), Twin Falls, Idaho Saturday, August 22 at 10:00AM. Church, Planned Parenthood is murdering babies in your city. Legally? Yes. The selling of human organs and tissue may

Defund Planned Parenthood

Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time working on writing letters to elected public servants from county sheriff to local school board, from state government to national government. When a person writes an elected public servant he feels like his concern it the most important matter and wants immediate attention given the the issue.

Did You Know?

I’ve been doing some research on Planned Parenthood and thought I would share some bullet point facts and site the sources in hopes that you too will be motivated to take action. The fact is, we have grown rather comfortable that Planned Parenthood exist in our communities. Planned Parenthood should not only cease to receive

Reckless Behavior

In the United States there is a new baby born every 8 seconds (1). This is a beautiful thing. In the United States there is an abortion (murder) every 26 seconds (2). This is a reckless thing.


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