
The Fight Against God

Many are prepared to say that the war raging in the land for the definition of marriage is over. Look at nearly any online dictionary and you will agree, the modern English language has redefined marriage to include same-sex partners. The agenda to redefine marriage from a biblical worldview has launched the attack in a

The Plain Gospel

“Weary, working, plodding one, Wherefore toil you so? Cease your doing, all was done Long, long ago. “Till to Jesus’ work you cling By a simple faith, Doing is a deadly thing, Doing ends in death. “Nothing either great or small, Nothing, sinner, No, Jesus did it, did it all, Long, long ago. “Cast your

Tortured by Thirst

6 Then the lame will leap like a deer,And the tongue of the mute will shout for joy.For waters will break forth in the wildernessAnd streams in the [desert].7 The scorched land (mirage) will become a poolAnd the thirsty ground springs of water;In the haunt of jackals, its resting place,Grass becomes reeds and rushes. (Isaiah 35: 6-7) I’ve just finished reading the entire tract entitled “the

Arise, Church!

It is a good day to be the church. It is my argument that it is always a good day to be the church. Earlier this week ChristianAudio announced their free audio book download for the month of March would be “The Normal Christian Life” by Watchman Nee. Where there may be some controversy surrounding

A Gospel Moment at BYU

It was early on Tuesday, February 25, 2014. David and Emily came by the house at 4:30AM to drop their dogs off to stay with Renee because we would be away until Wednesday afternoon. We then met up with Jeff Norton, pastor of NorthRidge Fellowship in Jerome, ID at 4:45am to begin the drive to

New Horizon International

I’m excited to introduce you to New Horizon International. New Horizon International (NHI) is a new ministry born in the heart of a dear friend of mine, Alex Veillard. I first met Alex outside an orphanage in Port-au-Prince, Haiti in 2010. Over the past nine years Alex and I have had many experiences together. Our

It’s About the Gospel

a followup to this mornings post… What Happens to a follower of Christ on the far side of the wilderness? It’s hard to say what happens individually to everyone, but it is certain to be life changing. This afternoon Silas posted a generous offer to visitors of his website and his art work. From now


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