
Living in John Bunyan’s “Vanity Fair”

It is the allegorical ancient town of Vanity Fair that John Bunyan describes an atmosphere where  “jugglings, cheats, games, plays, fools, apes, knaves, rogues, and that of all sorts,” were happening all day and all night.  As well as, “thefts, murders, adulteries, false-swearers, and that of a blood-red color.” Is there any connection that a

Behold Your God

This past Sunday evening I finished a 12 week bible study with several people at Eastside Baptist Church. I want to take just a moment and give a short review of the study for consideration for others, Behold Your God Let me start with what I didn’t like about Behold Your God. This won’t take

Cheap Prayer

(Edited at 10:19 p.m. on May 21, 2015 for grammar and clarity or for butchering the kings English.) Any prayer that asks God for something and then has no expectation of God to do something (or more personally have a personal cost as a result of God answering that He might call upon you to

Unalienable Rights

from “Unalienable Rights” by Richard Owen Roberts, 1993 “Human government is not the invention of the fertile minds of men. The sacred record makes it clear that God Himself first instituted and regulated human government. From the beginning it was unquestionably designed to guarantee the unalienable rights of both the Creator and the created. The


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