
God Can Restore

My preaching schedule of preaching through both halves of Kings took me through chapter four of second Kings last week. There’s nothing really amazing about that, finished chapter three the week before. (My preaching schedule is not that complicated.)

I do take breaks from the schedule from time to time. I’m known to shift out of the schedule with some calendared events such as Christmas or Resurrection Sunday. (I rarely follow the Hallmark Card industry calendar, such as Mothers’/Fathers’ Day, Valentines’ Day, etc… but never for Groundhog Day…) I’ve been know move out of the schedule when there are special events happening in the life of our church, but these are really quite rare. I’ve even been known to not break out of the schedule at Christmas or Resurrection Sunday.

That said, after I preach I’ll usually sit down at some point in the next couple of days and read the text I just finished preaching and look at my notes and many times listen to the audio; This practice has been helpful in many ways.

  • I usually see or hear something but missed in my preaching. Or hear something I did say that was not in my notes.
  • Sometimes I hear me say things that I wish I hadn’t said or things I wish I had written down.
  • If the text has an uncommon name I laugh at how many different ways I can butcher a name (out loud).
  • I want to make sure I don’t misrepresent God, ever, and if I need to make correction to something I said I want to do so as quickly as possible.
  • I hear my my incomplete sentences or stammering tendencies and wish I would just say it already.

But what I like best about looking back over a text I just previously preached is a fresh view of the text just preached.

This past week, for example. I saw the compassion of God in the text but I wish I had focused more upon it than I did. Chapter four of Second Kings had four sections.

  1. A widow in need – After re-reading the text I called a widow in our church I have not done a good job of checking in on recently. I was touched by her confidence in God to help supply all of her needs. And He does. And she was kind to me.
  2. A woman without children – After re-reading the text I was able to let the Holy Spirit minister to my soul for the desire of my children to want children. The Holy Spirit used to text to minister to me in a very close and personal way that would not have been appropriate in the pulpit.
  3. A woman in grieving pain – After that same woman who was previously without child lost that child in death, her grieving process was unlike most. She was disciplined in her emotion. I spent time in prayer for the many in my church who have recently lost family. My prayer was for their emotional well being and that they would find stability for that emotion in a disciplined way.
  4. A group of prophets mistakenly poisoned during a time of famine – This was an unexpected moment for sure. I thought upon this for a few more extra days. The beauty of God restoring the food to a healthy state was an encouragement for me as many will arrive at Eastside late this week for some bible training. Yes, the bible talks about famines of food and a famine for the word of God. Just as God restored the poisoned food for the prophets in a time of physical famine – He can restore a poisoned word for his church in a famine of the word.

God Can Restore!

Join me Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls.
Seminary Training Meal provided Thursday and Friday night at 5:15 pm, Teaching time begins at 6:00 pm each night. Saturday morning at 9:00 am

The Only Time Politicians Woo Evangelicals

We have moved into a political era where it appears the only time politicians (in general) woo evangelicals is when it comes time to get elected to public office.

(By the way: When is the last time the government actually looked to evangelicals for anything other than to be elected? This is both insulting and sobering.)

Note to Politicians: stop asking me to fund your campaign while you lie, cheat, and live your immoral lives to the office.

I look at your ways, I listen to your speeches, I observe how you run your campaign, I weigh all on the balance of biblical values and vote my values without exception. If you are only calling yourself a “Christian” to get the Christian vote let me encourage you to stop wasting your time and other peoples money on me.

Over the years of my voting days; I don’t always vote for the Republican (I have never voted the Democrat) and I don’t see my vote on a third party as a waste.

You should be who you are, I’ll be who I am, and we’ll live next door to each other making this the best nation in the world. Don’t tell me you’re a Christian to get me to vote for you, I don’t require you to be a Christian for me to vote for you. I’ll vote for the candidate who I believe will best protect all life, defend the constitution, and understands how church and state relate to each other.

Let’s re-learn what our national founding fathers wanted to establish. A government made up of citizens of and by the people.

That said; I listen to every debate that I can, of both parties. I observe how you behave on the campaign trail. It the general media begins to ‘promote’ you, I grow skeptical of you. If the general media begins to ridicule you or not give much attention to you, I start getting interested.

That doesn’t mean I’m not interested, it doesn’t make me un-American, it doesn’t make me less Christian; It means I’m listening and weighing all against my biblical values as you war it out on the campaign trail.

Because I’m not holding to any political party I can’t complain if you don’t make it out of the primaries. This is both a blessing and a curse I suppose.

Where I’m no party man (in more ways than one) I don’t get any say in what the party does.

Some argue that guys like me are part of the problem…

I say; “stop wooing evangelicals to support you and then take your office and continue funding Planned Parenthood, not standing up for traditional marriage and living your godless lives while using the name of my savior as your ringer for election.”

Instruct Certain Men

Next month, Eastside Baptist will host an opportunity to prepare participants to stand firm in the faith that has been passed on to us.

The apostle Paul told Timothy to be equipped and prepared to teach and pass these things on to other trusted men. There is a right way to interpret Scripture. If we fail to do this properly we open ourselves, and the coming generations, to strange doctrines.

Pastor, are there men in your church you want to have access to trusted seminary training? Eastside Baptist Church is pleased to partner with the Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention, the Magic Valley Baptist Association, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary and Kirby Woods Baptist Church to provide a three day training at no cost to the participant.

All that is needed is that we know who is coming. Contact Eastside Baptist Church at 208-734-7041

Seminary Training

Helpful Islamic Terms (tBC016)

In today’s BridgeCast I give some helpful terms in regard to Islam and the cultural storm of money following the Thanksgiving observation.

In this day it may be helpful to have an increased knowledge of Islamic terms. When you read or listen to a ‘news’ report and a term is used that you’re not familiar with, find a good dictionary or reliable source to help give you a working definition of how that term is defined and used.

Allah: This is the only Arabic word for god. This makes translation of the bible into Arabic problematic. Not because there is not a word in Arabic for god. An Arabic speaking person reading the bible in his/her language would use the word allah when they read your English word ‘god’.

In an English speaking context, we have a general word ‘god’ and a specific word for Yahweh [‘God’]. Translators generally note this with a lower case ‘g’ and an upper case ‘G’.

The necessary duty for a believer is to have a working knowledge of the definition according to the doctrine (teaching) of the different faiths.

One of note here is that the god (Allah) of Islam and the god (Yahweh) of the bible are not the same gods. Yahweh reveals Himself as triune, Allah is similar (in definition) but in no way a triune being. This is important in knowing why a Muslim is confused when you refer to Jesus as Deity (God). To a Muslim, you believe in multiple gods.

There is more, but this is a start.

Jihad*: This is a struggle or effort in god’s cause. The great jihad is the inward struggle against the passions. The lesser jihad is a defensive or legal war, to protect the interest of Islam. It is mistakenly called holy war. Jihad is the Muslim obligation to strive to teach, explain, spread, and protect the message of Islam.

Caliphate** is a form of Islamic government led by a caliph (a ruler considered a politico-religious leader of the Islamic community of believers, and rules in accordance with Islamic law.)

A caliphate is political state without separation of religion and government ruled by a religious leader called a caliph. This politico/religious ‘state’ may or may not be recognized by the community at large as legitimate. In Islam, it doesn’t need to be recognized by others, they just are and do.



I was interviewed for input on the matter of marriage by the Twin Falls Times-News recently (the article was published yesterday.) I thought the article represented my response fairly and I was pleased with the outcome of the work of Tetona Dunlap.

Read the article here: (Gay Marriage: Taking the Pastors’ Pulse)

Here is the full content and context of the questions I was asked.

Question: What is your stance on gay marriage and why?

My Answer: If the trend across the United States is an accurate indicator then I am in the minority on this matter. I am in agreement with historical and orthodox teachings of the Bible on the definition of marriage being between one man and one woman until death.

Question: How will gay marriage becoming legal affect churches and religion in Idaho?

My Answer: The true church will continue to preach that “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Even before same-sex marriage became legal, the church existed in communities where immorality and sinful establishments existed. Churches have historically called all sinners to repentance. I don’t see that this law will change the churches duty to God. Citizens in the community commit adultery; the church has never been stopped from preaching that adultery is a sin. Our community has alcoholics and drug addicts throughout her history; the church has never been hindered from preaching repentance from drunkenness. There are rebellious children in our homes and churches have always taught children to honor their parents. Even though same-sex marriage is legal, the church has a responsibility to love everyone enough to warn of the consequences of sin.

Question: If a gay couple wanted to get married at your church, would you have the right/power to turn them away?

My Answer: Where we are happy for our building to be used by others in the community and we do allow our community to use our building for civic events, we are grateful to God to live in a land with a constitution that protects the people from a government regulating religious practice. If a same sex couple wanted to use our building for a wedding we would not allow it to take place in our building. By doing so, we aren’t forbidding them from pursuing what they want. There are other places and people recognized by the state to do these ceremonies. We would decline such a request with respect.

Question: Have you ever had a congregation member, friend or family member open up to you about being      gay? What did you say? If not, what would you say to anyone who came to you?

My Answer: I speak to all in my congregation, family and friends the same. Homosexuality is a sin. I don’t shy away from saying that anymore than if a member in our church committed adultery, fornication, drunkenness, robbery, murder, etc, the bible calls these “sins”. I’m candid about these things and take advantage to even speak to all about the kind of grace it takes to save a sinner like me. It’s the kind of grace that called me unto repentance. It’s the kind of grace that tells me of a sufficient Redeemer, able to cover my sin by taking the wrath I deserve upon Himself. Jesus, the Christ, is that Redeemer. It’s the kind of grace that keeps me from being silent.

Question: Are you ever afraid of voicing your opinions? Why or why not?

My Answer: I would say I want to be careful because I want to be caring to all. I don’t want to offend by expressing my belief in arrogance. I attempt to speak boldly, with caring consideration.

Question: What are the benefits and downfalls of gay marriage becoming legal?

Answer: The way I see these things are based from my belief of marriage being between one man and one woman.

Question: Do you think churches today are successful in reaching out to the gay community? Is this something they should they doing?

My Answer: Churches are successful in reaching all when we stay true to our duty before God. When a church preaches truth, she is a blessing to her community. When a church stops calling all people to repent then the church ceases being a true church. When the church begins looking other places than the Bible to determine her success, she ceases being a blessing to the community. When this pursuit of success is to make any segment of the community comfortable in their sin for the sake of being popular then the church has lost her way and become irrelevant while trying to be relevant.

Question: Please add anything else you think is important.

My Answer: Thank you for asking for my input on this matter.

Certain Persons Have Crept in Unnoticed

The Bible makes itself clear that homosexuality is not, nor ever has been a lifestyle that God blesses. Homosexuality does not, contrary to sentiment of the day, bring the favor of God upon the union or the land.

There is a great deal of civil complexity in this matter of same-sex marriage.

No one denies that the pursuit of happiness is a path for all citizens of this amazing land. The pursuit of happiness is not God given permission to do whatever one wants to do.

To oppose unions that are not biblical is not an attempt to stop someone from pursuing happiness. It is an attempt to warn someone that their behavior has a consequence different than what they may think it will bring about.

I have two greater concerns in this matter than one may accuse me of.

1) My first concern is that of the judicial atrocity of a court system.
2) My second concern, and the greater, is a wolf in sheep’s clothing performing a union in the name of God who is clearly not a spokesman for God. How long and how many weddings one performs does not make one a spokesman for God.

Reported in the Twin Falls Times News (www.magicvalley.com)

MARK THIS: If Bud Liptrap believes that God approves of the marriage union of anyone other than one man and one woman, he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and has perverted the word of God. He is free to believe what he wants and at liberty to share that belief with all he wants. If all he is is one authorized by the state of Idaho law to perform weddings then let him be what he is. But if he, or any pastor (myself included), dare to speak God’s blessing upon the practice of homosexuality he is outside the authority of Scripture and is a curse on the land.

Let me tell of the kind of grace it takes to save a sinner like me. It is outside of my ability to achieve the favor of God on my own. It required, to my shame, a holy God to cover my wretched condition with righteousness. I long to submit myself to the Lordship of Christ, setting aside what I think brings about happiness and believing the pursuit of Him is the only way to be happy.

I don’t wish unhappiness to anyone. I want to simply point to the sovereign Creator, Almighty God.

“The Lord rebuke you!” But these men revile the things which they do not understand; and the things which they know by instinct, like unreasoning animals, by these things they are destroyed . Woe to them! For they have gone the way of Cain, and for pay they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. These are the men who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves; clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted; wild waves of the sea, casting up their own shame like foam; wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever.

Jude 1:9-13 (NASB)

SermonAudio Archive

Currently preaching through Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, Idaho. All sermons are currently available online here. Get caught up on the series and join us this coming Lord’s Day, June 29 as we continue the examination of 1 Corinthians.

5 Easy Ways to Avoid Gathering With the Church this Weekend

Five ways to not prepare yourself for this Sunday’s corporate gathering of believers.

  1. Wait until Sunday morning to decide if you will gather with other believers. If you’ll do this you will likely be able to avoid submitting yourself to instruction from the preached word. You’ll be able to convince yourself that you don’t really need this kind of instruction.
  2. Don’t read your bible this week. After all, why read your bible when the preacher is just going to read and preach from it if you do decide on Sunday morning to gather with other believers?
  3. Spend a good bit of your time this week with the ungodly and don’t say anything about why you don’t do some of the things they do. Surely you’ve heard a sermon before about being salt and light. You can’t be salt and light without being around wicked people. Remember that one time you heard someone say that “you are the only Jesus some will ever see”?
  4. Misplace your bible on purpose. This will make it easier for you to decide not to gather with other believers. You know, what kind of Christian goes to church without a bible?
  5. Stay up late on Saturday night so you can win the battle in your mind about how Sunday is the only day you get sleep in.

If you’ll follow these five easy steps you will most likely be able to convince yourself that you won’t be gathering with other believers this week.

Bonus: If the above 5 steps prove to be unsuccessful in keeping you away this Sunday, try these other time tested ways to not be prepared for this coming Lord’s Day. Be wicked and sinful. Hold a grudge against another believer. Let pride show you how spiritual you are without gathering with others.

What other successful steps are you aware of? Share them below…

The Bible and the Family

Just as society depends upon the family for its stability, so the family in turn depends upon the truths of the Holy Scriptures for its stability. What a blessing and privilege to impart to our children the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Does your family share regularly in bible study and prayer: You are missing God’s instruction for right living if you do not.  (2 Timothy 3:13-17)


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