
Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act (unofficial update)

This has been a busy week in the Idaho legislative session. But the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act still sits waiting for direction from the chairman of the State Affairs Committee, Steven Harris.

Let me encourage you to not lose heart. Remember, believer, our hope is in Christ, not politicians.

As of February 28, 2019, 12:30 p.m.

On February 27, Renee and I drove to Moscow to be on Cross Politic. This was a humble pleasure.

We met Scott Herndon from Northern Idaho (see video). Scott gave helpful information about what major hurdles the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act is currently facing. This will help explain why there is some confusion with a mass email reply from Rep. Steven Harris in the past few days about why this bill has not been given a hearing yet.

Listen in to the conversation with Cross Politic here.

You should make stopping by their site a regular stop. Theses guys are good thinkers, they are skilled in using the logical thinking process, they know how to ask good questions, and they know how to laugh with and at with respect. This is a rare thing. That said, even though they baptize their babies, you should listen in. And visit their site regularly.


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