
The Far Side of the Desert

January 30, 2010 – There are days that have a lasting impact upon body, mind, and soul. There are events that leave permanent marks. No one can see them, but they are there.

Those God ordained days on the far side of the wilderness were physically hard, spiritually complex, and emotionally full of an unexpected path. They were what appeared to be of the reputation ruining kind of days. Yet are still some of the sweetest days in my journey with my God.

This photo was taken just a few moments before we were about to get a first person, seventeen day education of how a Napoleonic judicial system worked. The days to follow would be some of the most revealing of my life. I would learn about how selfish I am. I would learn the lies of worry and anxiety are not easily set aside, they would prove to be worthless friends. I would soon learn who my friends were, I would learn how easily people distance themselves from you when things are not as they seem. I would learn the power of the press and their hunger for a narrative. I would immediately learn that I would need to put into practice everything I believed about God and how critical it was to base it upon His word and not my feelings. Lessons I never want to forget.

Sunday night, February 2, 6:30 p.m. at Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, Idaho, Silas, Steve, and I will retell the story of the kindness of God on the far side of the wilderness, a Haitian jail cell.


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