
Definition of “Induced Abortions”

May God have mercy and awaken the conscience of the city.

The annual report from Idaho Health and Welfare can be found at https://healthandwelfare.idaho.gov/Portals/0/Health/Statistics/2016-Reports/2016_Abortion.pdf.

Rather than protecting Idaho’s most vulnerable, this agency is reporting the state’s legal induced abortions with copious details. These abortions, protected by federal law, take place in large numbers within the city limits of Twin Falls, Idaho.

According to Idaho Health and Welfare, induced abortions are defined as “a legal medical procedure that is intended to terminate a pregnancy without a live birth.”

Those are not my words, they are the words selected by the Idaho Health and Welfare Department.

If words mean anything, and they do, then every word here needs to be examined. Induced: this word describes an action that is “produced” or “caused” by an outside force acted upon another. Abortion: “the act producing young before the natural time or before the fetus is perfectly formed. In the figurative sense, any fruit or produce that does not come to maturity, or any thing which fails in its progress, before it is matured or perfect. The fetus brought forth before it is perfectly formed. The termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.”

By definition alone, using our English words we are saying in broad daylight that induced abortions are outside acts introduced to a living embryo or fetus (human, person). This is a forced act upon the embryo or fetus to stop (read that again, To STOP) it from naturally growing to maturity. Forcing the embryo or fetus to die before it is matured.

It’s right there in the words. But there’s more to observe.

What “medical” procedures need a qualifier of “legal”? Obviously, the full definition of “Induced Abortion” needs this qualifier to keep the conscience at arms length, quiet, and sitting in the corner. If the definition of “Induced Abortion” by the Idaho Health and Welfare did not include the word “legal”, no one with an awakened conscience would allow this to continue as it is. The word “legal” is more like a gag and a blindfold for the conscience of our community.

Read that definition again without the word “legal.”

A medical procedure that is intended to terminate a pregnancy without a live birth.”

We could finish the examination of the definition, but it is clear. This induced act is intended to terminate a pregnancy without a live birth. I can’t ever read that without the sound of every word crying out to my conscience to wake up.

Now, in closing, consider the statistics.

In 2016, in the city of Twin Falls, according to the Idaho Health and Welfare Vital Statistics, there were 242 “induced abortions”; that is, 242 medical procedures intended to terminate a pregnancy without a live birth.

You read that right, 242 forced terminations of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.

God have mercy on the city of Twin Falls.


  • Idaho Health and Welfare
  • http://webstersdictionary1828.com/
  • https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/abortion

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