
Is Your Church a Church or A Community Group?

Yesterday, February 16, 2018, I exercised my privilege as a citizen of the great state of Idaho to appeal the House Education Committee not pass out of committee House Bill 579. The experience is always a breath taking experience. If you’ve never engaged in the process of your government you should find a bill some time and make it a family project to follow it from start to finish. It is best experienced with a field trip to the state house while a bill is being introduced and public hearing is available.

Really, you should try that some time.

Hose bill 579 was sent to “General Orders”. That’s a normal path many bills take that need more work. I was pleased that the bill was not directly sent to the House floor for a vote, even though I’m confident it would have died there. The bill did not die yesterday but it is not out of committee yet either.

I have expressed several concerns with regard to the bill 579. Here is the audio of my testimony before the House Education Committee on February 16, 2018 in Boise Idaho.


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