
In Wrath Remember Mercy

This past week on the weekly Pastors Round Table, with Bear Morton, Christopher Folkers, and Keith Thompson (no relationship) we had the opportunity to speak about the Pastors of Idaho Mercy Statement.

Listen here to the conversation, pray for our state legislators, pass this on to a pastor you know, encourage them to sign this statement.

Thank you to Bill Colley and news radio 1310 KLIX. Bill hosts this weekly one hour segment during his Magic Valley This Morning program from 6 a.m. – 10 a.m. Monday through Friday. Pastors Round Table is every Thursday from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m.

Pastors of Idaho Mercy Statement

Along with my friends Bear Morton and Christopher Folkerts, we have just finished the “Pastors of Idaho Mercy Statement”, a favorable statement in response to the introduction of the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act of 2019 by Rep. Heather Scott and Rep. John Green.

Here is the link to the full statement. Pastors of Idaho Mercy Statement

If you are willing to help, would you please pray with us that we can communicate this statement to every evangelical, biblically ordered pastor within the state of Idaho would at least hear of this statement and then, when lead by the spirit of God, be willing to sign the statement.

Pray specifically for Rep. Heather Scott and Rep. John Green. The two state representatives have been under great opposition already by fellow lawmakers. Pray that God will strengthen them for this day.

The movement of bills can sometimes move very fast, sometimes with only a day notice of when the bill is ready for public hearing. It is paramount that we act now to communicate to the State of Idaho lawmakers that we, the people, want a hearing on this law.

More ways you can help:

  • Email this link to every pastor you know and ask him to consider signing it.
  • Share this link to all of your social media pages to help spread the word.
  • Listen to our live discussion with Bill Colley on Magic Valley This Morning on KLIX Newsradio 1310 on Thursday morning, February 7, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.
  • Pray for the mercy of God to fall upon the state of Idaho.

When Hate Hates Hate

It didn’t take long to learn after returning from a remote weekend at Camp Perkins in central Idaho that hatred for others was the international headline from the Land of the Free, America. Many articulate articles, columns, interviews, and social media posts find me in agreement with many (Albert Mohler, Russell Moore, local radio, and a conversation with Renee).

I stand with Scripture that calls life a “very good” thing. God’s created order of all people everywhere is a right, holy, and beautiful reflection of the glory of God. It’s been said, and I agree, that the kind of behavior that was upon display in Virginia over the weekend is of a hellish kind. To treat another creation of God with such disrespect and hate is not godly and should be identified by all as such. And many, many people have spoken out against it.

Yet there seems to always be a massive disconnect when it comes to the issue of life in the womb. This kind of hatred is protected by laws, judges, congress, and governments of “civilized” people. Murder in the womb is defended by many of the people that many Christians are quoting on social media. This kind of disconnect is shocking. Think about it… some Hollywood not-a-hero says that what took place in Virginia on Saturday is appalling, and it was, but that same individual will be found on another day defending the right for a child in the womb to be hacked apart limb by limb.

Where is consistency today? Where is the exercise of discipline? Who is speaking today with disciplined consistency? This is what it looks like when hate hates hate?

When there is no pillar of truth in the community, people chase after all kinds of inconsistent voices.

Follower of Christ, discipline yourself with a consistent voice. Don’t confuse your friends by quoting from some Hollywood moral drifter and then within a few moments quote a Bible voice. If there is anything to say in a day like this it requires disciplined consistency. To be a pillar and buttress of truth, which your city needs, be part of the pillar and buttress not a confusing standard that is sure to crumble soon.

What if in your community you quoted your faithful pastor preaching sound timeless truths for all people everywhere rather than a flash of show lights from an industry that has as much hate, if not more, than what was shamefully displayed on the streets of Charlottesville.

There is a remedy to this; the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ as defined by the Holy Bible alone.

Political Cesspool or Fresh Air?

“let us do evil that good may come?” (Romans 3:8)
What kind of logic is this? flawed logic! Learn more about Darrell Castle HERE.
This interview with Presidential candidate Darrell Castle is a fresh wind across the political cesspool.
  • Church family, please take the time to listen to this interview. Listen with conviction and concern for you, your family, our church and out nation. We may be in a day of distress of who to vote for but voting for the lesser of two evils is no way to respond to the serious day such as this.
  • Pastor friend, please listen to this. This is a candidate (Darrell Castle) I can vote for with good conscience even if the worst case scenario were to come true. We must not let the fear of the government sway our voice or even silence our voice of putting a godly option in front of the LORD’s people. it is really our duty, to be a pillar and buttress of truth and to do so in a day of distress where the nation is being rebuked by God. Obviously, It goes without saying, we don’t tell people who to vote for, but we have a duty to remind them why we vote and what to look for in voting. 
It is not too late. There is a better option for me. I plead with you to consider voting for Darrell Castle for president of the United States of America.
Listen to this interview HERE
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This Is Problematic

Just a few moments ago the Twin Falls Times News just posted an article on a disturbing development from the governors office.

Otter Wants Lawmakers to Study Faith Healing and Child Deaths… (for clarity – I’m not opposed to the state’s duty to protect all life even if it investigates people of faith and I abhor circus-faith-healing.)

Here are my initial observations:

  • It’s not a good sign when a “conservative” governor wants to study legitimate faith group practices.
  • I’ve been following this issue for a few years; where I think fraud and negligence are possible in faith groups, it is a breach of power and constitutional over-reach when a government wants to regulate religious practice.
  • Right now it is being reported as a “study”.
  • Every parent and every church should watch this closely and make contact with legislators often on this matter expressing concern of the potential over-reach.
  • Every church in the state of Idaho should watch this closely.


Dear Governor Otter,

Where it is honorable that you are expressing concern over the deaths of children, I ask, Why put this concern on families of faith?

  • Is your study to issues of medicine only?
  • Will a study of what families of faith teach their children follow?
  • Is it too far of a stretch to assume that a study will be in order for churches and what they teach with minors present?

This is no small thing you have just announced.

Why a study of families of faith and the death of their children while refusing to investigate Planned Parenthood and a study on the thousands of abortions performed in the state?

If children are being murdered by their parents of faith, then by all means, prosecute people of faith for murder. If there is reason to believe murder is happening then formally investigate.

I respect that you have a responsibility to all citizens of Idaho to protect all life. I respect this duty you have. Please exercise extreme caution in this study.

I appeal to you, yet again, to do all that you can to stop abortions in our state. It can be stopped. You can do something about this. Murder, protected by a law, is unthinkable.

Paul Thompson
Eastside Baptist Church – Twin Falls, Idaho

Today is “Abortion Day” in Twin Falls

I have a source that is telling me that the Twin Falls Planned Parenthood clinic does not have a doctor to do abortions so they have to bring a doctor in to do this. Planned Parenthood designates these days as “abortion days”.

“Abortion Day” is a day of great contradiction in the city of Twin Falls.

It was mid day on a bitter cold New Year’s Eve that we learned of that bag on the side of the road south of town with a naked baby girl in it; dead. And the right response of any community that hears of this is shocked and outraged.

But today, 27 days later a doctor will arrive at the Twin Falls Planned Parenthood and partner with a mother and “health care” providers to murder babies in the womb. It’s just another day at the office.

This is routine in the city. It happens multiple times a month. Where are the headlines of the babies today that will be murdered by doctors, care givers and mothers partnered together to stop life? Where are the shocked and outraged citizens now?

These are days filled with deep sorrow where life is intentionally taken from an innocent child in the womb of his/her mother. The very place God has ordained as the place where design, forming and developing of life takes place is a place the enemy of God mounts to take battle.

And this battle against life is protected by law and happening in our town on a regular basis. (Other upcoming scheduled “Abortion Days” are Monday, February 1, and Tuesday, February 9.)

What can we do?

  • Keep writing legislators.
  • Vote for politicians who will put a stop to this and defund Planned Parenthood.
  • Elect a county sheriff who will not allow this.
  • Write letters (not rants) to the editor.
  • Share this information with others.
  • Pray with me.

Intentional Apathy

If the past 42 years is any indication, the church will soon forget the  horrors of what has been happening in the United States of America since 1973 again.

Over 50 million babies have been intentionally murdered in the name of convenience. Laws have been passed since 1973 to protect the practice of the inhumane, barbaric, godless behavior of a people with a seared conscience.

What kind of nation does that?

An immoral nation does that!

We have a moment in time to speak into this issue again. Defunding Planned Parenthood does not eliminate the practice of abortion in the nation, it is simply a starting point that must happen. The sanctity of life is a God honoring duty that cannot be reduced simply to a political issue.

We must engage on this matter with our government. Press them to defund, press them to investigate, press them to incarcerate law breakers, press them to abolish all abortion.

The first day of the hearing to defund Planned Parenthood of federal funds was September 9, 2015. The opening day hearing lasted over three hours. It is long and at times difficult to endure. But listen to me, Planned Parenthood must be defunded. The testimony is horrific at times, unthinkable even. The defense of abortion is insulting to all of humanity and unconscionable at all levels.

You may want to consider gathering your entire family together to watch the opening day testimony and questioning of the witnesses.

You need to be prepared to be shocked.

Don’t waste the day, rather redeem it for the glory of God. Activate your family and motivate your church to press the government to start with defunding Planned Parenthood so long as they offer abortions to women. Continue to press for outlawing abortion all together.

Begin asking God to raise up our sons and daughters to run for public office until this godless murdering of infants and unborn children is stopped.

Who asked the government to have a hand in parenthood anyway? Perhaps it was an intentionally apathetic church. To not want to know what is happening behind the closed doors of Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers is an intentional posture that eventually leads us down the road of not caring.

God, forgive us.

God, help us.

All 3 and 1/2  hours of opening day testimony and questions. If you watch anything the movie industry produces or network/cable television then your children are not too young to hear what is going on every day in our nation to babies. Don’t protect them from the horror of this while you subject them to the horror of the morality of the secular culture; prepare them, instruct them, equip them, expect them to want to God fearing activists. We must stop raising intentionally apathetic generations.

The Truth Is, They Are Not Telling You the Truth

Over the weekend I participated with over 100 other citizens from the Magic Valley in a nation wide movement to defund Planned Parenthood. I’m not one to quickly join protest without much information on the organizers and the intentions of all the participants.

IMG_20150822_103843-1 IMG_20150822_110023 IMG_20150822_124842

This was worth the risk for me.

I was pleased, it was largely a grassroots gathering, loosely organized and peacefully unified and respectful of all the participants. I did not participate with prayers to Mary and I didn’t require anyone to listen in on my Scripture reading and prayers. I was pleased to meet several people in the community with this common desire to see American tax payer funds stop going to Planned Parenthood, period.

My Letter to the Editor in the Twin Falls – Times News has generated mild traffic but heated emotion over the weekend. There is a lot of confusion over who’s statistics are accurate. Planned Parenthood argues that only 3% of their services includes abortions and the Susan B. Anthony foundation argues that it is really 94 – 97% of Planned Parenthood services include abortions. That’s quite a discrepancy and I don’t know which one is the more accurate. (My opinion is that it is indeed higher than 3%, but where is it factually? I have no idea.)

But this much I now know about the Twin Falls Planned Parenthood:

  • They are part of the Planned Parenthood of the North West (like all of Idaho’s Planned Parenthood clinics)
  • The Twin Falls Planned Parenthood clinic applied and was granted a direct grant, Title X. This is tax generated money for women’s health. It is a “competitive bid” process, meaning any women’s health organization is welcome to apply.
  • Twin Falls Planned Parenthood did receive Medicaid money for two murders (abortions) in Twin Falls between 2012-2014. (see chart below)
  • 203 unborn babies were murdered (aborted) in Twin Falls in 2011 (cited in previous posts)
  • Governor Otter has decided not to investigate Idaho Planned Parenthood clinics even though there are now 8 videos (as of Aug. 24, 2015) that show unethical activity is present within the organization of Planned Parenthood.

There is a better option for women’s health in the Magic Valley. Stanton Healthcare provides free healthcare for women regardless of income status. It is Christian based, but it is not required that you be a Christian to receive services. Help spread the word.

It takes work to get clear factual answers, but it can be done. Here is the truth about the state of Idaho and federal tax payer funding of murders (abortions) in Twin Falls, Idaho. This is money that is given directly to Twin Falls Health Center (Planned Parenthood). It is not a lot, but it is tax payer money (Idaho Medicaid) for the purpose of murder (abortion).

I do agree with the arguments being made that other tax payer money given to Planned Parenthood for “other services” frees other money to be spent for murdering (aborting) unborn babies. This is the reason for my opposition for any tax payer money being given to Planned Parenthood, period.


NOTE: post was edited for spelling, grammar and photos by Paul Thompson at 1:59pm, August 24, 2015

Did You Know?

I’ve been doing some research on Planned Parenthood and thought I would share some bullet point facts and site the sources in hopes that you too will be motivated to take action. The fact is, we have grown rather comfortable that Planned Parenthood exist in our communities.

Planned Parenthood should not only cease to receive federal tax money of any kind for any “service” it does, it should be shut down completely and charges filed against every employee.


  • Birth Control Federation of America founder, Margaret Sanger, opened first clinic in Brownsville (Brooklyn), NY, in a in 1916. (citation) Reading any primary documents by Margaret Sanger will convince you of her hatred of God, church, family, and blacks.
  •  Birth Control Federation of America changed its name to Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942 (citation)
  • There are currently 59 affiliates operating over 700 clinics across the United States. (citation).
  • There is one clinic in Twin Falls, Idaho (operated under Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and Hawaiian Islands, citation) that murdered 203 unborn children in 2011.

Let me get straight to the point. At a minimum I’m asking you to join me in the nation wide efforts to defund Planned Parenthood of federal, state and local tax funds. I’m also asking you who live in the Magic Valley of southern Idaho to help me in a movement to shut down the Twin Falls (Planned Parenthood) Health Center located in down town Twin Falls, at 200 Second Ave N.

It was reported that there were 203 abortions at the Twin Falls Health Center in 2011 (cdapress.com and spokesman.com)

Recently Governor Butch Otter has informed the state of Idaho that he will not launch an investigation at any Planned Parenthood clinics in spite of the recent discovery of Planned Parenthood’s unethical practice of selling tissue from murdered babies. (citation) This is unreasonable and irresponsible.

I’m asking you to help me do four things right now:

  1. Pray. Repenting of this shameful behavior of our nation. Ask God to raise up courageous men and women willing to finally speak up for the unborn.
  2. Join me in a letter writing campaign, both electronic and physical letters to Governor Otter. Requesting him to reconsider his decision to not investigate Idaho Planned Parenthood clinics.
  3.  Join me in a letter writing campaign, both electronic and physical letters to Twin Falls County Sheriff, Tom Carter. Requesting him to investigate and arrest employees of the Twin Falls Health Center (Planned Parenthood) for murder and/or assistance in the murder of unborn babies.
  4. Share this blog post on all your social media accounts, email to your friends, and share with your church/Sunday School class/small group.

Contact information:

Letter to Governor Butch Otter:
Online contact: http://gov.idaho.gov/ourgov/contact.html
e-mail address: Governor@gov.idaho.gov
Physical Address

Office of the Governor
State Capitol
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720

Dear Governor Otter,

I urge you to reconsider your decision not to investigate Planned Parenthood in the state of Idaho. According to its 2013-2014 national annual report, Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions. In the city where I live, Twin Falls, over 200 abortions were performed in 2011. It is unreasonable to think that an organization willing to make a business out of murdering unborn children is not also capable of other unethical practices.

There are other organizations that offer women’s health without involving themselves in the destruction of life in the womb. Women in Twin Falls will not go without good considerate care in absence of Planned Parenthood.

I refuse to sit idle on this matter as long as our federal, state, and local governments financially participate in the genocide of the unborn.

I am not interested in idle chit-chat on this matter; I want to know what you intend to do to defund and close down the murderous activity of abortion in our state. If you are unable to give this kind of direction for me, I will begin looking for a man or woman courageous enough to stop this shameful activity in our land and convince my fellow countrymen to elect them into office at the next available moment.


Paul Thompson

Letter to Sheriff Tom Carter:
mailing address: P.O. Box 146, Twin Falls, Idaho, 83303
e-mail address: twinfallscoso@co.twin-falls.id.us

Dear Sheriff Carter,

I have a matters of concern I would like you to hear and give response to;

First, I assume you are aware of Governor Otter’s decision to not call for an investigation of local Planned Parenthood clinics throughout the state. I would like to ask and plead with you to do an investigation on behalf of the citizens of Twin Falls County.

According to its 2013-2014 national annual report, Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions. In the city where I live, Twin Falls, over 200 abortions were performed in 2011. It is unreasonable to think that an organization willing to make a business out of murdering unborn children is not also capable of other unethical practices.

Second, would you be willing to do an investigation of the content on Planned Parenthood’s website (http://www.plannedparenthood.org)? There is questionable content not suitable for minors. The content intended for teens (http://www.plannedparenthood.org/teens) is inappropriate.

There are other organizations that offer women’s health without involving themselves in the destruction of life in the womb. Women in Twin Falls will not go without good considerate care in absence of Planned Parenthood.

I refuse to sit idle on this matter as long as our federal, state, and local governments financially participate in the genocide of the unborn.

I am not interested in idle chit-chat on this matter; I want to know what you intend to do to defund and close down the murderous activity of abortion in our state. If you are unable to give this kind of direction for me, I will begin looking for a man or woman courageous enough to stop this shameful activity in our land and convince my fellow countrymen to elect them into office at the next available moment.

Will you stand courageously in this day? It appears no one else is willing to take on the giant, Planned Parenthood. Please give consideration to what you are able to do for the life of all citizens in Twin Falls County.



Letter to Twin Falls School District
Superintendent Dr. Willey Dobbs
e-mail: dobbswi@tfsd.edu

Dear Superintendent Dr. Dobbs,

I have a matter of concern I would like you to hear and give response to;

I’m aware that various organizations have influence on the students at our public funded schools in the Twin Falls School District. I respect the enormous responsibility upon you and all the staff of the TFSD.

Would you be willing to do an investigation of the content on Planned Parenthood’s website (http://www.plannedparenthood.org)? There is questionable content not suitable for minors. The content intended for teens (http://www.plannedparenthood.org/teens) is inappropriate.

I refuse to sit idle on this matter as long as our federal, state, and local governments financially participate in the genocide of the unborn and treat sexuality with such silliness as the Planned Parenthood link for teens.

Does Planned Parenthood have access to the students in our school district?

I am not interested in idle chit-chat on this matter; I want to know what you intend to do to protect the youth in our community and keep them safe from the foolish behavior of Planned Parenthood. If you are unable to give this kind of direction for me, I will begin looking for a man or woman courageous enough to stop this shameful activity and convince my fellow countrymen to elect them into office at the next available moment.



State of Idaho Representatives

Idaho State Representatives: HERE
Local District: HERE

Idaho State Senators: HERE

All members of the State Affairs Committee: one e-mail for the entire committee HERE  (hstaf@house.idaho.gov)
Chair Thomas F. Loertscher, Vice Chair Gayle L. Batt, Ken Andrus, Lynn M. Luker, Brent J. Crane, Joe Palmer, Kathleen Sims, Vito Barbieri, James Holtzclaw, Shannon McMillan, Linden B. Bateman, Don Cheatham, Pete Nielsen, Elaine Smith, Paulette Jordan, John McCrostie,  Melissa Wintrow

Dear State Affairs Committee,

According to its 2013-2014 national annual report, Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions. In the city where I live, Twin Falls, over 200 abortions were performed in 2011. It is unreasonable to think that an organization willing to make a business out of murdering unborn children is not also capable of other unethical practices.

There are other organizations that offer women’s health without involving themselves in the destruction of life in the womb. Women in Twin Falls will not go without good considerate care in absence of Planned Parenthood.

I refuse to sit idle on this matter as long as our federal, state, and local governments financially participate in the genocide of the unborn.

I am not interested in idle chit-chat on this matter; I want to know what you intend to do to defund and close down the murderous activity of abortion in our state. If you are unable to give this kind of direction for me, I will begin looking for a man or woman courageous enough to stop this shameful activity in our land and convince my fellow countrymen to elect them into office at the next available moment.


This will take quite some time. I sent a letter (basically the same, but personalized) to every member of the Idaho legislature. There may be a quicker, more convenient way to do this but this is all I knew.

Letter to U.S. Representative Mike Simpson:
Online Contact Form: http://ziplook.house.gov/htbin/findrep?ZIP=83301&Submit=FIND+YOUR+REP+BY+ZIP

Dear Representative Simpson,

According to its 2013-2014 national annual report, Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions. In the city where I live, Twin Falls, over 200 abortions were performed in 2011. It is unreasonable to think that an organization willing to make a business out of murdering unborn children is not also capable of other unethical practices.

There are other organizations that offer women’s health without involving themselves in the destruction of life in the womb. Women in Twin Falls will not go without good considerate care in absence of Planned Parenthood.

I refuse to sit idle on this matter as long as our federal, state, and local governments financially participate in the genocide of the unborn.

I am not interested in idle chit-chat on this matter; I want to know what you intend to do to defund and close down the murderous activity of abortion in our state. If you are unable to give this kind of direction for me, I will begin looking for a man or woman courageous enough to stop this shameful activity in our land and convince my fellow countrymen to elect them into office at the next available moment.


Letter to U.S. Senators: Idaho

Senator Mike Crapo
Physical address: 239 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
online contact: http://www.crapo.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm

Dear Senator Crapo,

According to its 2013-2014 national annual report, Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions. In the city where I live, Twin Falls, over 200 abortions were performed in 2011. It is unreasonable to think that an organization willing to make a business out of murdering unborn children is not also capable of other unethical practices.

There are other organizations that offer women’s health without involving themselves in the destruction of life in the womb. Women in Twin Falls will not go without good considerate care in absence of Planned Parenthood.

I refuse to sit idle on this matter as long as our federal, state, and local governments financially participate in the genocide of the unborn.

I am not interested in idle chit-chat on this matter; I want to know what you intend to do to defund and close down the murderous activity of abortion in our state. If you are unable to give this kind of direction for me, I will begin looking for a man or woman courageous enough to stop this shameful activity in our land and convince my fellow countrymen to elect them into office at the next available moment.


Senator Jim Risch
Physical address: 483 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
Online contact: http://www.risch.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=Email

Dear Senator Risch,

According to its 2013-2014 national annual report, Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions. In the city where I live, Twin Falls, over 200 abortions were performed in 2011. It is unreasonable to think that an organization willing to make a business out of murdering unborn children is not also capable of other unethical practices.

There are other organizations that offer women’s health without involving themselves in the destruction of life in the womb. Women in Twin Falls will not go without good considerate care in absence of Planned Parenthood.

I refuse to sit idle on this matter as long as our federal, state, and local governments financially participate in the genocide of the unborn.

I am not interested in idle chit-chat on this matter; I want to know what you intend to do to defund and close down the murderous activity of abortion in our state. If you are unable to give this kind of direction for me, I will begin looking for a man or woman courageous enough to stop this shameful activity in our land and convince my fellow countrymen to elect them into office at the next available moment.


UNICEF and Planned Parenthood: When Government and Private Militia Unite

I would expect there would be a global outrage if an army of 600 militia men, armed for war, burned a peaceful town down. I would likely join the cry for justice.

I would expect Facebook and Twitter would light up with posts for weeks if it was discovered that a father gave his daughters to invaders to do with as they wish. This is wrong on so many levels, and one would find few people to disagree that that father is not only a danger to his children, but to all of civilization.

I would expect a man who chops his dead wife up into twelve equal pieces and then sends those pieces throughout the land to not escape the death penalty.

unicefToday, in our land and around the world, two organizations are largely unchallenged in their injustice, inhumane ways. UNICEF gets its pass because of their clever and well put together commercials and propaganda. Planned Parenthood will cunningly evade the questions on funding while they slaughter theplannedparenthood unborn. Both organizations will gather large sums of money from tax payers in America and individual donors. Making both UNICEF and Planned Parenthood arms of government and private militia. Nearly unstoppable.

I would expect a nation that claims to be a nation under God would not stand for the murdering of 54 million defenseless babies.

This oversight seems unbelievable. Yet, when there is no acknowledgment of God, when men do what is right in their own eyes, a nation can sit quietly by while the act of murdering 3,300 babies today will be protected by law, while babies go unprotected. Citizens of the United States of America, prepare to give your best effort in answering your God. Better, repent of your laziness and pursuit of happiness while this slaughtering takes place in your city today. It is clear, when men do what is right in their own eyes, they will soon be doing what is evil in the eyes of God.

This short documentary is worth the next eight and a half minutes of your time. Thank you Phillip Leclerc.

(HT: Scott Brown)


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