
The Head of the Church

Who would have thought that a claim of a global pandemic would help wake up the sleepy western church?

Today, the local church has to at least ask questions about who they believe the head of the church is. Fundamentally; is the state the head of the church, is the pastor the head of the church, or is Christ the head of the church?

One will treat the church depending on how they answer this question.

If the pastor is the head of the church, that church will soon collapse. Personalities come and go. Trends eventually need to be adjusted to stay in front of the secular trends.

If the state is the head of the church, that church will capitulate to another God ordained institution that does not have the jurisdiction to be the head of the Lord’s bride, the church. That local church would eventually look to the state for permission to speak, meet, act, read, sing, evangelize, etc… The state is responsible to protect the church from infringement from any other, including the state.

If Christ is the head of the church, and He is, then no other institution under heaven has the authority to instruct the church on when, what can be said, what to wear, or what percentage of its seating capacity can attend.

Most are watching what will come of the recent arrest and imprisonment of a pastor in Canada. James Coates, pastor at Grace Life Church in Edmonton, Canada was arrested this past week for preaching to a gathered people of more than what the government permitted them to have. When told he could go home if he promised to not preach to more people than permitted he informed the authorities that he would not and could not make such a promise. The result, he will remain in jail until his trial date of March 31.

What now?

First, do you see how important it is to how you answer the above question? Who you say is the head of the church is how you will act toward the church.

Then, you should not willingly abandon the church house this coming Lord’s Day. Heads of homes, gather your family together before Sunday morning and instruct them that we are no longing treating the bride of Christ with such careless attention.

I encourage you to gather your family together and listen to the sermon James Coates preached the day before he was arrested and imprisoned (see link below). Put Christ in front of yourself and your family and be resolved to not let any temporary discomfort keep you from gathering with the local followers of Christ ever again.

What Then Should the Church Do?

The kind of thing that makes for a fictitious epic novel with a conclusion of one lone survivor has become the headline.

Every winter around here we realize that any given day could be inconvenienced with a series of snowstorms followed with days of wind and frigid cold. The school children hope for the cancelation of school. Where the hope of an extended spring break may exist, the fear around this day deserves a conversation about a few things.

When is the last time anyone living in this land of comfort was faced with this kind of talk?

So here we are. Real? Fake? Who to trust? What to do? The media has a reputation of being an advancer of hype or a narrative of its own story. The government and her agencies have not given the citizenry much to trust. When is the last time the NBA was looked to as a voice of reason and ethics? Does a government have a right to instruct the population to not assemble, for any reason at all?

Let’s start with what we know.

Viruses exist. Any person with an active virus puts others at risk of transmitting the virus to others. Taking care of washing hands, how we cough, what direction we sneeze, etc… are important things for courteous neighbors to do toward others. Some people are more vulnerable than others to get a virus because of compromised immune systems.

What we don’t know. Is the hype real? Is the concern made up? Was this virus intentionally released? Is the economy related to pandemic fear? Some of what we don’t know might be what we will soon know.

The question I want to think through though is, what should we do? By we, I mean Eastside Baptist Church. A church is an assembly of people. A gathering of people who have interacted with many others.

What then should be done?

The first thing I want to do is ask the serious question about what a church should do regarding her gatherings when there is a potential (real or fake) risk of public endangerment. While answering this question consideration of what is behind this kind of outbreak will be complex.

The Bill of Rights guarantees the right “of the people to peaceably assemble.” Is this the time to exercise that right if it is in conflict with the opinions of the government and/or her agencies? Is it irresponsible of churches to gather and assemble knowing that it potentially might put the assembly at risk of a health crisis?

These are fair and good questions to ask. They have been discussed with the other elders of Eastside Baptist.

Here is what we concluded last night as we were gathering for prayer.

  • Unless providentially hindered, Eastside Baptist Church will gather on the coming Lord’s Day.
  • We will gather much like we would if a winter storm had been forecasted, with respect to the individual right of each person and family to weigh out the potential risk of driving. We will behave the same in this potential risk as we would in other risks.
  • We will exercise appropriate discretion and respect for how others might feel about being together while measuring the threat of virus infection.
  • For those willing to gather – we will provide a gathering place. We will assemble with care for each other, with respect to our community, honestly, and with joy to bless the Lord together. If from the time of this published post there should be an announcement from the government of Idaho or any of her agencies to not assemble, our resolve will remain the same; we will exercise our right to gather with full awareness of the risk to others and to ourselves. We will behave responsibly and remain home if sick and will be pleased to assist each other with reasonable compassion with respect to our community at large.

Lord willing, I’ll gather with my beloved church family on the coming Lord’s Day.

Remember: for anyone unable to gather with us in person, you can find us online at 10:30 a.m. Mountain Time. HERE

Edited for grammar…


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