
The Inauguration of the New Covenant

Thursday of Holy Week is known as “New Covenant Thursday”. Some religious circles call it “Maundy Thursday” and attention is given to washing of feet and/or giving to the poor.

Where it is always a good thing to give attention to living in humility and being generous and kind to the poor, the emphasis in the upper room that night was the inauguration of the new covenant.

Jesus gave instructions to the disciples concerning this covenant. The observing of this is not salvational, our remembering this reverently and worthily is honorable. The Christian, with his church, is to participate in this ordinance as a remembrance of what the Lord did for our salvation until he comes again. This ordinance is not between men, it is between God and man. In observing this on New Covenant Thursday is not more spiritual than any other time. We will gather tonight at 6:30 p.m. to remember and proclaim the Lord’s Death.

The gathering in the upper room concluded with singing and a walk to the Garden of Gethsemane where Judas would eventually bring the Roman soldiers to betray Jesus with a kiss.

Consider this an invitation to gather with Eastside Baptist Church tonight for New Covenant Thursday service.

Eastside Baptist Church
204 Eastland Drive North
Twin Falls, Idaho 83301


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