
A Famine Of Truth Is In The Church

The events of this past week have been most amazing. In the free market, A&E,  fires an actor for comments he makes in an interview, the social media world lit up to “stand with Phil”. (Here’s my take on that whole matter). In the free market, Cracker Barrel, pulled all their Duck Dynasty merchandise from their restaurants stores, then after more social media fireworks they put their Duck Dynasty merchandise back on the shelves.  I’m sure this is not the last we’ve heard from the free market exchange. Americans are never afraid to express opinions, are we?

Three other things happened over the weekend that concern me greatly. Most of this has been missed by the ongoing saga in the free market… What has happened in Utah should have every American shocked with unbelief. It’s not the first time and sadly will not be the last time that an federal judge changes the vote of the people in a sovereign state. Yes, this is tragic. Yes, America should pay close attention to these tragic rulings of judges who rule more like a lord or king than a judge to send the matter to court and let it be argued out, reasoned, and debated.

SALT LAKE CITY — A federal judge said Monday [12/23/13] he will allow gay marriage in Utah to continue, denying a request from the state to halt same-sex weddings until the appeals process plays out. (Read more here)

Now, this should grip your attention. But what is happening in Utah has arrested my attention.

Paul told Timothy (in first Timothy) that the preaching of the word of God is the pillar and buttress of truth. We are warned in the Old Testament and New Testament that there have been times of ‘famine’ from the preaching of truth, and that there will be many in the last days who will only put up with teaching that ‘tickles’ their ears. The fact that the mayor of SLC has been performing many of the homosexual unions is tragedy enough, but the pastor of First Baptist Church in SLC, Curtis Price, has been part of the frenzy to perform homosexual unions.

A strange thing about Baptist that most don’t know is that we are an independent people. It’s a beautiful thing. And today it proves that sometimes it’s a tragic thing. When there is an abandonment of doctrine there becomes a widening propensity to ignore God’s order and chase after the favor of men.

I do believe that God wants people to experience joy. The problem is, as I understand the bible, that humanity tries to experience joy without giving consideration to obeying God’s standards. When God gives a command to do or not to do something it is so that we would experience optimal joy in Him.

I don’t doubt there is a happiness to some in Utah with this news. But there is a danger in wanting something that is warned of God to not do.

The decay of our American prosperity is not the fault of a government gone astray, it’s not fair for the Christians to blame homosexuality for the fall of our country or loose living as the destroying cause in our land. Sure, government is proving to be an ongoing problem, and unrepentant sin is erosive, but where are you at church of the Lord Jesus Christ? You have not forgotten have you? You are the pillar and foundation of Truth. When you are not in your God ordained post heralding Truth then expect the depravity of humanity to begin to rule your community, county, state, nation and entire planet.

“If you follow My statutes and faithfully observe My commands… I will turn to you, make you fruitful and multiply you, and confirm My covenant with you… but if you do not obey Me…” (Leviticus 26) “…I will destroy you who destroys my sanctuary…” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)

Repent and return to your God ordained post of being the pillar and foundation of Truth.

Then finally: has the cry of the aborted unborn grown dull in our ears and did you notice that American citizen, Saeed Abedini remains in prison in Iran?

This Boise, Idaho pastor was arrested eighteen months ago while in Iran while doing humanitarian work with orphans. The relative silence on this matter from the church compels me to not cease from mentioning him and the call to prayer for him and his family.

Would you be willing to help me in asking my Southern Baptist kinsmen to join the efforts to keep pastor Saeed in front of the American church to pray for him. I have been asking the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention and Baptist Press for help in keeping this matter in front of the Lord’s people. Would you be willing to write a short, kind note to Russell Moore at the ERLC and editors at Baptist Press? This is what I’m asking…

Ethics & Religious Liberties Commission: @ERLCPressRoom would you be willing to help me remind Christians in America of Boise, Idaho pastor, Saeed Abedini again? (Twitter)

Baptist Press@baptistpress would you be willing to help me remind Christians in American of Boise, Idaho pastor, Saeed Abedini?  (Twitter, Facebook, email)

Arise, preacher of Truth! Arise, church of the Lord Jesus Christ! Arise! Open your bible this week and speak forth Truth.


Freedom of Speech

UPDATED at 10:40AM Mountain Time: If you have to chose between articles to read on this issue choose this one at Desiring God. Well put and worth reading: This is Not Worth Quacking About. _________________________________________
My original post:

I’m a day late on the big A&E vs. Phil Robertson (Duck Dynasty) buzz. I have to admit that I actually don’t watch Duck Dynasty, not because it doesn’t have its merits, I just don’t pay money for TV. When I opened my Twitter and Facebook accounts this morning this was the topic of the day, yesterday and today. So, I’ve been busy catching up on the issue. After reading a few articles, I’ve decided that there is some misunderstanding about freedom of speech. I’ll agree with many that the decision to suspend Phil Robertson from the show seems to be a bad move by A&E. Then again, it’s their network.

It’s a good thing that we live in a country where a private company can say what they want. I respect that an owner of a company like Chick-fil-A has the right to freely speak and keep his business. I like that Hobby Lobby can stand against the government about health care requirements that violate their religious views. I like that Starbucks can say they don’t care about the market share of conservative Christians who believe the Bible and are allowed to stay in business after they say that. That’s a good thing.

No one is keeping Phil Robertson from speaking. I just read the article from the Chicago Tribune. No one is even censoring what he said… They are quoting him. No one has told Phil Robertson that he is no longer allowed to talk. As a matter of fact, I suspect that he will have more opportunities to talk than ever before. America, unless providentially hindered by God, you will hear (uncensored) Phil Robertson again.

Here raised a few thoughts for me. This decision by A&E will likely not cut into the market share of Duck Dynasty. Supporters will speak out, and have been. A&E has a right to air what they want within their legal privileges and contractual agreements to the preferences of their own market-share watching audience. I don’t watch A&E because I don’t pay for TV. I’m not offended that A&E did this.

No born-again believer, who’s reading their Bible, should be shocked. And yet every American citizen should be watching how this freedom of speech issue pans out in the end. Thus far, this is a private market issue. When it becomes a government issue is when your wide-eyed attention should not leave the issue alone.

This past month a cake baker in Colorado is facing government sanctions, fines and potential jail time if he doesn’t bake a wedding cake for a homosexual wedding in a state where homosexual weddings are illegal, at least for now. The court order, according the NBC, reports that the baker must “cease and desist from discriminating” against homosexuals.

For the past year and a half an American citizen, pastor, has been in an Iranian jail with little government intervention. These are issues that are of greater interest for me. When a government acts against or ignores the rights of my fellow countrymen my eyes look to the heavens. It is at this point that all Americans should have concern, all Americans.

I respect and appreciated seeing the support for Phil Roberson, I support his right to speak too. I expect him to continue to speak. I’ll hope that God will continue to bless their industry with success. But rest assured, no one has removed his liberty to speak. As a matter of fact the Chicago Tribune article cited the GQ interview that is due to be on magazine racks in January. I went and read the GQ article, there was little, if any, censoring of speech going on. I can’t reference it without warning the reader to be aware, there is some language issues that may not be appropriate for all ages.  

Finally, I am watching this unfold with interest. I think it shows the Bible believer of the disdain of the carnal world for the things of God. Be aware, be prepared, there may be a moment for you to speak the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in the most unexpected day as you advance the Gospel banner. There is an enemy of the cross. He is strong, but not stronger.

Don’t forget, faithful follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, there is a baker in Colorado facing government sanctions because he’s acting on conviction. Don’t forget, professor of Christianity, there is an American citizen, pastor, in jail in Iran, he’s been there for 18 silent months. Don’t forget, bible-reading God worshiper, we are warned of an enemy of the cross. When you speak out in support of a celebrity Christian who has a voice don’t forget the suffering faithful who are easily forgotten because they are not allowed a voice.

Prayer Was Being Made Fervently By The Church

“So Peter was kept in the prison, but prayer for him was being made fervently by the church to God.” (Acts 12:5 NASB)

The practice of the church fervently praying to God for imprisoned brothers for gospel work was practiced by the first century church. While the church that is suffering rarely has a hard time ‘fervently praying’, the church at peace with sin or in sin rarely even thinks of praying at all.

The commands to be devoted to prayer are found often in Scripture. Evidence of the church gathering together in common places for regular times of prayer is modeled with as much frequency.

Tonight, the saints are encouraged to gather at 204 Eastland Drive North in Twin Falls for prayer. We have many things to ask of God, but this one matter of pastor Saeed Abedini remains a primary matter.

Where I have no idea of what Saeed is facing in the Iranian prison, I thought I would attempt to share a few things this afternoon for the Lord’s people to consider as we gather in places of prayer over the next few hours and days. I apologize to all the suffering saints in chains because of the gospel today if I come across trivial or make light of your suffering. I do not think that there is any comparison to be done with fairness and justice from a Haitian jail to prison conditions in Iran.  So as you continue to read, know that I’m not saying this is what it is like for any other brother in Christ, in any other place of the world.

Don’t be fooled. Jail conditions in most places in the rest of the world is nothing like a college dorm room.

  • If a bed is even available, it is likely been soiled many times before.
  • Electricity is likely not available most of the time if even at all.
    • Meaning that hot days are very hot
    • Cold nights are very cold
    • darkness is unimaginable.
  • A private cell is a rare physical luxury.
  • Access to fresh drinking water, as you and I would think of, is likely not accessible at will.
  • Rodents frequent and reside in garbage bins that are left rarely emptied.
  • Plumbing conditions are at risk of not working and causing many unsanitary problems.
  • Personal belonging are at risk of being stolen.
  • Physical safety is a grave problem.
  • Some jailers are at times enticed with bribery to allow injustice.
  • Nutritious food is not given in some places.
  • Days are difficult as they appear to move slowly.
  • Night: time seems to nearly stand still as you await for sunlight. For me, nights were among the most difficult as my body would long for comfort and rest and my mind would journey into depths of self-pity, but at the same time some of the sweetest moments with God I have ever had to this day.

JailHoleOne may argue this a fitting condition for murderers or child molesters. But don’t let your civil rights blood overcome you. A mystery most Christians in a free state have no concept of… This place of wretchedness that pastor Saeed is in is peculiarly ordained from the throne room of Heaven as a place that this King of Glory is shown as a matchless King in all the universe. It makes no sense does it? Yet the bible says we are “always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.” (2 Cor 4:10-11 NASB) This is even called a “momentary, light affliction” and “is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. (2 Cor 4:17-18 NASB)

The scoffer may pontificate then that Christians should not pray for the release of Christians in jail because of their faith. The argument I’m making is not that these conditions should be hoped for or that one can not reflect the glory of God unless they suffer in this way. My reason for writing this and reflecting today is to show the conditions to the Lord’s people who don’t know of the urgency in which we are called to pray for the suffering saints.

Being aware of the conditions that pastor Saeed is in should cause the church to be fervently praying. The awareness that this plight of our brother is ordained by God should direct us how to pray.

Pray, yes, that he might be released.

But more so, pray that he endure with joy in the Lord. Pray that God will grant him strength to persevere. Pray that God will cause Saeed and his family to set their hope in the Lord. Pray for visitations from brave brothers in the region that they may be able to reach Saeed with news from his Master to press on.

Pray dear church, pray! What ever you do, don’t stop praying! Don’t pray like a hopeless coward, pray as one praying to Almighty God. Don’t pray out of sentimentality, don’t pray according to your fleshly cravings. Pray as a warrior in a battlefield obeying his commanding general… “Rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer.” Romans 12:12 (NASB)

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Saeed Abedini Update

Saeed_Abedini_ACLJ_story-4X3According to the ACLJ, Naghmeh Abedini, pastor Saeed’s wife, will speak before a joint subcommittee hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Thursday, December 12th at 9:30AM (Eastern).

May the Lord’s people continue to plead Saeed’s case before the Almighty.

Join Eastside (or your home church) on Wednesday night, December 11, at 6:30PM for corporate prayer.


Ill-treated By A World Too Evil To See

The Holy Spirit inspired the writer of Hebrews to remind the Lord’s people that some  Gospel-saturated disciples will be “ill-treated by a world that was too evil to see their worth.” (Hebrews 11:37-38, Phillips)

Image source: American Center for Law and Justice

Boise pastor, Saeed Abedini is among those whom God has chosen at this time to be a vessel of His glory in this way. He’s been in an Iranian prison for over a year in unimaginable conditions. The reports of his health and safety are of great concern. Would you be willing to join me this evening (December 4, 2013) and gather at the meetinghouse of Eastside Baptist Church (or gather with your home church) and spend some of that time together praying for Saeed and the multitude of other suffering saints around the world? Eastside will gather at 6:30PM tonight at 204 Eastland Drive North, Twin Falls, Idaho.

Also, would you be willing to utilize your social networking to help get the word out to believers you know of Saeed specifically and the persecuted church in general? Share this post on your networks with #freesaeed #savesaeed.


He Is Able

Likely you will notice the social media blitz and the hash-tags #freesaeed appearing throughout the day. Be sure of this, ‘truth is lacking’ in most political offices in our land today. The Lord is indeed displeased that there is no justice. But wait, don’t count what appears to be slowness on the Lord’s part as His abandonment of justice.

For His own arm brings salvation, He looks for no other but Himself. He is clothed in His righteousness so that we might see His glory. He has put on garments of vengeance and wrapped Himself with zeal.

How will the Lord’s people respond today? Like those three brave Hebrew young men when jeered by the king “and what god is there who can deliver you out of my hands?” Arise church, arise. We do not need to give answer concerning this matter. “If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver.” (Daniel 3)

Yes, truth is lacking;
And he who turns aside from evil makes himself a prey.
Now the Lord saw,
And it was displeasing in His sight that there was no justice.
And He saw that there was no man,
And was astonished that there was no one to intercede;
Then His own arm brought salvation to Him,
And His righteousness upheld Him.
He put on righteousness like a breastplate,
And a helmet of salvation on His head;
And He put on garments of vengeance for clothing
And wrapped Himself with zeal as a mantle.

Isaiah 59:15-17 (NASB)

Remember Those in Chains

DSCF0782On December 4, 2013, many are being intentional to pray for the release of Boise pastor, Saeed Abedini. The Bible teaches believers to not be in shock when the Lord’s people are mistreated for living gospel saturated lives. This is missing from most gospel preaching today and the result makes many weak, soft, and unprepared for such a day as this.

To your knees in this day of prayer.

“Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body… Make sure that your character is free from the love of money,being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,” so that we confidently say, “The Lord is my helper, Iwill not be afraid. What will man do to me?” Hebrews 13:3, 5-6 (NASB)


Hebrews 13:3 Day

SaeedThere are many around the nation (USA) who are setting December 4 aside to put the face of Boise pastor, Saeed Abedini, back in front of the American people. I too will be joining the massive social media day of awareness.

Like many of you, several people have sent me Facebook invites, Twitter announcements, blogging tips expressing a hope to remind our countrymen that one of our own still remains behind bars in an Iranian prison.

I’ve reflected on this issue before, and I’ll continue expressing concern.

I welcome you to join me in this media blitz on Wednesday, December 4, 2013.

There will likely be different motives behind many who will participate in the day so let me clarify what I’ll be doing, why, and what I’m inviting you to do.

What I’m doing:

  • First of all, (at risk of sounding self-pious) I intend to deny my flesh the comfort of food for 24 hours, sundown on 12/3 to sundown on 12/4.
  • I will set my alarm clock for 2AM (12/4), rise out of my comfortable bed, go to my knees and plead my case before the Heavenly Father, again.
  • Throughout the day, as the craving for food calls for satisfaction, I will intentionally resist my flesh and cry out to Jehovah for Saeed Abedini. (I’ll also pray generally for all suffering saints in chains)
  • The only internet activity I will participate in is to periodically post a link to this blog post for the duration of the 24 hours.
  • the prayer meeting at the meetinghouse of Eastside Baptist church will be devoted to praying for Saeed at 6:30PM on 12/4.

Why I’m doing what I’m doing:

  • Scripture directs me how to think of believers who are in prison for living gospel saturated lives as if I were a prisoner at their side and to think of all who suffer as if I was the one suffering.  (Hebrews 13:3)
  • Scripture also teaches me to place my cause before God. Maybe God will direct a secular government to do His work but I will plead this cause to the Almight God who “does great and unsearchable things, wonders without number.” (Job 5:8-9 NASB)
  • in this pop-culture, celebrity fascination day we live in, so few believers even take the time to consider the suffering saints “exposed to the test of public mockery and flogging, and to the torture of being left bound in prison” (Hebrews 11:36). God has something better planned for their day.
  • My self-centered, selfish, unchecked nature knows nothing of self denial and must learn that it is subject to the Spirit of God. This can’t be done unless God helps.

What I’m inviting you to consider doing with me:

  • join me from sundown (12/3) to sundown (12/4) and refrain from the comfort of food.
  • wake up at 2AM and pray.
  • resist the flesh and obey the Spirit as you pray throughout the day.
  • resist engaging anyone in social media during the stated hours.
  • Share this post on your social networks inviting believers to join together.
  • join your church on December 4 to pray for Saeed.
  • any combination of the above.

Many may be motivated by outrage that our government does so little. Some will launch campaigns to powerful politicians.  Some will enlist a celebrity endorsement from someone in the entertainment industry. As for me, I’ll ask God to help me think like Job; “I would seek God, and I would place my cause before God; Who does great and unsearchable things, wonders without number.” (Job 5:8-9 NASB)


To The Saints Who Are In Chains

“Remember those who are in prison…” (Hebrews 13:3)

What a blessing it was to wake up this morning as the breeze of freedom filled my bedroom. And yet in the midst of this blessing, my flesh tempts me to forget the Giver of that blessing. Too quickly I begin to think of the plans I have for the day and the remembering of those who are in prison, because of their obedient following of God, begins to slip into forgetfulness.

The beauty of suffering is lost on the saints who think God owes them ease of life. We begin to forget that that moment of suffering is light, fleeting, momentary in comparison to the weightiness of Glory.

David, King of Israel, knew it like this:

9 And my soul shall rejoice in the LORD;
It shall exult in His salvation.
10 All my bones will say, “LORD, who is like You,
Who delivers the afflicted from him who is too strong for him,
And the afflicted and the needy from him who robs him?”
11 Malicious witnesses rise up;
They ask me of things that I do not know.
12 They repay me evil for good,
To the bereavement of my soul.
13 But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth;
I humbled my soul with fasting,
And my prayer kept returning to my bosom.
14 I went about as though it were my friend or brother;
I bowed down mourning , as one who sorrows for a mother.
15 But at my stumbling they rejoiced and gathered themselves together;
The smiters whom I did not know gathered together against me,
They slandered me without ceasing.
16 Like godless jesters at a feast,
They gnashed at me with their teeth. (Psalms 35:9-16 NASB)

Last night, while thinking upon the kindness of God in my own life through various seasons of suffering, I was encouraged by a sermon and a song as I prayed for pastor Saeed, my children, my parents, my church, and the precious girls at New Horizon Home.

May you too, be reminded to remember the saints who are in chains.

Sermon: Do Not Lose Heart, John Piper

Song: Though You Slay Me, Shane Barnard

” Not only is all your affliction momentary, not only is all your affliction light in comparison to eternity and the glory there. But all of it is totally meaningful. Every millisecond of your pain, from the fallen nature or fallen man, every millisecond of your misery in the path of obedience is producing a peculiar glory you will get because of that.” John Piper

I Prefer to Speak to the Almighty

“But as for me, I would seek God, and I would place my cause before God; Who does great and unsearchable things, wonders without number. (Job 5:8-9 NASB)

Naghmeh Abedini

Join me on Sunday, May 19 as believers across the world place our cause before God. Asking again for ‘great and unsearchable things’.

As I’m sure, many of you have heard of the situation of a pastor from Boise, Idaho who is in prison in Iran. Saeed Abedini, is facing eight years in prison for gospel work. There is no surprise that this is common treatment of those who do gospel work at home and abroad. This pastor, and thousands of other gospel proclaiming heralds around the world face this kind of hardship every day.

There are many in Idaho who pray for brother Abedini every day. Many Americans voice their outrage to government agencies. But for me, I prefer to speak to the almighty. Because this treatment of believers is spoken of in Scripture, this is a spiritual matter that is best handled by the church to the LORD.

There is no comparison to my days in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. But may I say… The only reason release came was because of the Lord’s doing ‘great and unsearchable things, wonders without number.’ The U.S. government was paralyzed  by politics, Southern Baptists were struck with fear of how association with us would effect the work, and 10 Americans (and our families) were brought to the end of our ropes seeking God and placing our cause and case before God.

Join me on Sunday, May, 19, 2013 as we speak to the Almighty for brother Saeed Abedini’s enduring strength to speak the gospel in this difficult day.


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