
Neglect of Duty; the Death of Romance

Building“Husbands, love your wives…” (Eph 5:25 NASB)

This is a command from Holy Scripture. The beautiful thing is that Scripture not only describes duty, it also give us illustration. The duty of loving your wife is such a high command, but the illustration of how to do it seems impossible. “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her…”

The illustration of how to do this is as much a part of the command to do it.

How does a fallen soul rise to the call of duty to love like this? He must look to his Redeemer. Look further in the text. In verse 28 there is another interesting command “husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies.” This is the second great commandment “love your neighbor as yourself.”

This is possible only with help. We are by (fallen) nature, selfish and interested only in ourselves. To love another as you do yourself is nearly impossible because of our selfish (fallen) nature. To love your wife as your own body should, at the least, be slightly easier. But if we don’t understand the supernatural act of becoming one flesh in marriage, husbands won’t understand our duty to love like Christ loved as the most romantic thing we can do for our wives.

But remember, romance is not our aim.

Rejoice in every heart warming moment you have with your wife, but know that loving your wife displays the glory of God to your wife, your children, your neighbor, your church family, the nations. It is essentially a gospel work. Not to be confused with speaking the gospel, preaching repentance, or missionary advancement of the gospel banner to nations and language groups. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.

In his book, Domesticall Duties, William Gouge (1578-1653) provides the best marriage handbook I’ve ever read.

Here is a short excerpt from the chapter, “Husband’s Providing for His Wife.” (updated and edited by Joel Beeke and Scott Brown)

Neglecting to Maintain Their Wife
The lawless carelessness of husbands, who care no more to help and assist their wives than any other person, works against this.

  1. Some more fear to offend their wives than they care to do them good, and in that respect they let any sort of people come to their wives that are welcome to them. If magistrates in a nation shall answer for allowing seditious men to come into their dominions to deceive their people, much more shall husbands answer for allowing them to come and deceive their wives, for several reasons. First, they have a greater responsibility for their wives than magistrates for their people. Secondly, wives ought to be dearer to husbands than people to magistrates. Thirdly, because they may sooner see them them in their house than magistrates in the nation. Fourthly, because they may be much more easily kept out of a house than out of a nation or a city.
  2. Others do not care where their wives wander, and if they do go out of their house, they shall never be sought after by their husbands. Though this may be a just punishment on wandering wives, yet it is not just for husbands so to deal with them. If Christ our Husband should so deal with us, we should soon be lost, for we often go astray like wandering sheep, but He is that good shepherd, who seeks after the lost sheep until He finds it.
  3. No wonder then that many husbands are no more affected with the bad reports and rumors raised against their wives, when they so little regard who come to them, or where they go. Assuredly the dishonor of a wife will turn to the man’s dishonor, for as “a virtuous wife is a crown to her husband,” so by the rule of contraries, and infamous wife is a shame to her husband. If therefore not for his wife’s sake, for his own sake a man ought not to carelessly pass over the bad reports which are raised against his wife.

(from pages 254-255 Building a Godly Home; A Holy Vision for a Happy Marriage, William Gouge – edited by Joel Beeke and Scott Brown)

I recommend this book to every married man, about to be married man, and every man thinking about being married some day. It not only speaks to husbands, but also to wives. My next step will be to read this with Renee and our sons and their wives. It’s that good. Really.


Missing the Point

God help us…

Two days ago Scott Brown posted a sermon by David Platt entitled The Gospel and Parents. Find 60 minutes soon and listen to this sermon.

“God help us. A few generations ago a man was looked at as spiritually responsible in his home. If he did this, if he led family worship in his home, if he led his family to study the Bible together and to pray together. Today, today a man is looked at as spiritually responsible if he can find the church with the best staffed nursery and a cutting edge youth program for his kids. We have missed the point.” David Platt

Recent Rap-Music Discussion

After nearly three months of preaching First Corinthians I’m convinced that enemy number one to the gospel is pride. The number one enemy of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ is pride. The number one enemy of my family is the laziness that pride produces. The number one reason that keeps the Lord’s people at odds with each other is because we are too prideful to acknowledge we have pride ruling our lives.

The apostle’s relentless message is the that pride must be destroyed, and that man is not capable of defeating this foe. And further reason why he makes it his only duty to preach the gospel, always putting the cross in front of the church. The sermon I preach to myself must always be with the cross, the death and the resurrection in sight. If not, I give hope to pride.

Pride is a relentless monster that blinds all of us from seeing what God wants us to see. Pride causes us to be offended when a brother calls a brother out for his sinful action rather than see the offense we are to God. It even causes us to justify our actions and preferences as pleasing to God.

If you don’t believe me, take a simple self examination of your Facebook, Istagram, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest etc…

Did you do it? If so, did you see how infatuated you are with yourself? Most of us have no idea what kind of monster we are dealing with here. Unrestrained, unchecked, uncorrected, unprotected… you are one failed bridge away from a train-wreck. You post your moral compass one moment, a favorite music video with questionable content the next, quote a Scripture verse here, then post your provocative invitation with your sultry glance into the lens as you instantly post the self portrait. Then… some stranger, neighbor, family member, coworker, classmate, church member, predator is lurking around on his/her keyboard waiting with baited breath for that next picture posted of any nearly-dressed person in the bathroom mirror.

As a father of boys, they didn’t have any online account without my full access. If I were a father of teenage girls, I would monitor their computers, phones, and social accounts like a guard of the most treasured resource on the planet, because someone is waiting for a moment to devour her innocence. As a husband, I am interested in every public and private conversation my wife has. Not because I don’t trust her, but because I don’t trust the rebel of God in the heart of man that leaves his life open to the control of pride.

Wow, that’s not even the point of my post this Friday evening.

Over the Thanksgiving weekend an organization I have a lot of respect for (National Center for Family Integrated Churches) posted a video of a panel discussion that nearly instantly provoked a civil war within Christendom. Like some, I thought some of the comments by the panel were out of order and inappropriate. But this was a very small representation of the topic of the conference so I listened with awareness of what was going on. Some of the comments were clearly not seasoned with grace or displayed a lack of integrity (panel discussion). But what was being said about them (the brothers on the panel) by some, was equally lacking of grace or integrity. All of this was unfolding while a watching world watched professing followers of Christ turn on each other and even hearing believers speak with disdain against each other.

Just yesterday, James White hosted a video podcast to further the conversation. I thought the conversation was helpful. This kind of discussion should happen more often. This will likely help bridge and begin healing some unfortunate damage done among brothers. (if you take the time to listen in, pay close attention to Voddie Baucham and Shai Linne)

With all of this debate, little attention has been given to the humble apologies from the panel guests who offended many. Here, Scott Brown offers as clear of an apology as has been offered in recent years. Christianity is not marked by music style. Christians, rather, are labeled “ambassadors of reconciliation”. Some of the most humble apologies I’ve ever heard uttered from brothers have come out in the past few days. Yet most want to continue to fight for their right to be offended. Many can’t even hear the humiliation being spoken because they are still feeding the monster of pride ruling their lives. The fight against the gospel message is still waged. Salvation may have come, but liberty from the old man is yet to be tasted. Mainly because we have not yet put to death the pleasures (personal preferences) that wage war. (see James 4:1-3) Harder than genuinely apologizing, is genuinely forgiving that humble apologizer.

At some point we all have to realize that worship of God is regulated by righteous God. He is the one who regulates what he calls acceptable worship or unacceptable. He is the one who declares someone a mighty warrior or a “disobedient coward”.  If He doesn’t do this then we will always battle the “worship wars”. I can only know the mind of Christ when I’ve been concurred by the gospel. Until then, I’ll always attempt to defend what I think is acceptable and not even see that I may be offending God.

Obviously believers are far from perfect in speech and action. Case and point, I turn to exibit A “PAUL THOMPSON”, That’s all that needs to be said about exibit A. It gets pretty ugly after we just mention exhibit A.

Oh that my old man might finally be slain. This public shame is proving to be a great teacher of reconciliation to this man who is always wrestling with pride. (Oh, be careful little tongue what you say…)

For now, I have some evaluating to do of my social networking activity.

Preparing for Corporate Worship (part 4)

Men, when your family wakes up on Sunday, do they ask you,  “Are we going to church?” or do they arise saying to themselves, “this is what we do and this is where we go.” If they are asking you, “do we have to go to church today?” or “are we going to church today?” then you are teaching them that God and his people are not important. They will likely grow up with less interest in the things of God than you. This would be a tragic legacy to leave them.

Gather your family together tonight and make plans to gather with the saints on this coming Lord’s Day.

In this video Boyd Dellinger,  Jeff Pollard, Joe Morecraft, Joel Beeke, Fikret Bocek, Kevin Swanson, Marcus Serven, Scott Brown and myself discuss family preparation for corporate worship.

The Family that Worships Together (part 1)

I recently had the opportunity to think through some elements of worship with pastors and theologians. Over the next few days I’ll share four videos that help explore and consider this important invitation from God to display His Glory.

Listen as Joel Beeke, Paul Washer, Doug Phillips, Jeff Pollard, Kevin Swanson, Scott Brown, Joe Morecraft, Marcus Serven, Boyd Dellinger, and Michael Gobart express consideration to this issue.


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