
The Family that Reads Together…

Are you looking for a new (old) book to read (listen)? This recommendation could be for simple enjoyment or for a larger home school project, or for a school break family project. I highly recommend it for single, husband and wife, whole family, or community book club. I don’t think you will be disappointed.

Several years ago, while attempting to read John Bunyan books and sermons, I stumbled across his lesser known allegory, the Holy War.

Free ebook versions for download: The Holy War(I recommend the versions with illustrations.)

It is a beast of a book. Over 500 pages of sometimes a rambling scene. But I was captured. Renee and I read it together.

Then I came across this jewel of a resource; the abridged audio version read by Ethel Barrett. The War for Mansoul is enjoyable, engaging, and instructional. The story of the Bible told by my favorite puritan, John Bunyan.

Mount Calvary Baptist Church has made the entire audio version by Ethel Barrett available HERE, with many other resources.

Audio for The War for Mansoul – PART ONE
Audio for The War for Mansoul – PART TWO


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