
O LORD, Let Your Mercy Fall

Dear Church family,

This morning Ryan Franklin was killed while riding his bicycle. A car hit him.

I just wanted to encourage you as you begin to hear this news. I caught up with Chuck and Sheri this morning at their home and later sat down with Amie and children. I’m thankful that you will be praying for all of them today and in the coming days.

May the mercy of God rain upon Amie and their children. May your heart be ministered to as well as you process this kind of shocking news. The day has delivered a shocking word, but our hope was not in the day it is in the LORD of the day.

This coming Lord’s Day we will have opportunity to give financially to help Amie and (4) children. You are able to give other ways and I encourage you to consider how you might do so, but we will do this on Sunday together.

Clothe yourselves in God’s righteousness alone. Encourage each other and pray for one another. May the LORD be pleased as we look to Him.

Your thankful pastor,



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