
What is Keeping the Lord’s People Too Busy to Pray.

The prayer meeting at your church should be filled with people moved to prayerful action asking for God’s forgiveness; asking Him to hear our prayers, asking Him to see the oppression, asking Him to act on our behalf.

If your church is like most in the land today, the prayer room will be empty or the prayer meeting cancelled due to lack of interest while the rest of the church house is busy with activity; the kind of activity that is keeping the Lord’s people too busy to pray.

Here is my full column in the Times-News this week.
(visit and share the column from the Times-News website HERE, this helps communicate to the Times-News what readers want to here.)

You should consider contacting your legislators concerning Planned Parenthood, start HERE.


published in the Times-News on Saturday, August 1, 2015

You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.” William Wilberforce

The truth of what has been going on in Planned Parenthood clinics reminds us of the ethical question in front of the Magic Valley.

Residents of the Magic Valley, the recent video footage of the employees of Planned Parenthood talking about body parts being sold around the nation is alarming, shocking, sobering. We must be careful that we don’t give our local Planned Parenthood clinic a pass because the ethics of the local clinic are above those in other parts of the country. You and I must not forget that the killing of innocent unborn babies is happening on our watch right here in our own region in our own town.

“Righteousness belongs to You, O Lord, but to us open shame, [because unfaithful deeds which have been committed against You.]” (Daniel 9:7—NASB)

I get that there is public outcry over the selling of body parts, there should be.

But wait a minute, why is there not ongoing outcry over the murdering of unborn babies?

Church, the sanctity of all human life is of significant interest and importance. There is no reasonable reason why the local Planned Parenthood clinic is still being allowed to legally murder unborn babies in our community, on our watch. The open shame that Daniel is speaking about in the ninth chapter of Daniel is the kind of shame that belongs to a people who know what’s going on and are either deceived by the propaganda or are actively deceiving others. The godless work of Planned Parenthood is on us! This must stop.

The prayer meeting at your church should be filled with people moved to prayerful action asking for God’s forgiveness; asking Him to hear our prayers, asking Him to see the oppression, asking Him to act on our behalf.

If your church is like most in the land today, the prayer room will be empty or the prayer meeting cancelled due to lack of interest while the rest of the church house is busy with activity; the kind of activity that is keeping the Lord’s people too busy to pray.

Yes, open shame belongs to us, O Lord.

Yes, individuals, families, churches, communities, and nations must deal with ethical/moral matters. To ignore Planned Parenthood this time or defend their operations as women’s health will be at a level of shame that we will never be able to say again that “we did not know.”

This is on us.

Hate Darkness, Love Light

Saturday (June 20, 2015) in the Twin Falls – Times News my monthly column was published entitled “We Are Like Dead Men”. This opportunity in the local paper is one that I don’t take lightly. For the past several years (and my hope for as long as they will let me) I’ve written in a rotation with other leaders of various denominations and faiths on spiritual matters. I’m thankful to God for the public forum opportunity. Any online interaction (liking and sharing via social media) you make on these  columns helps communicate to the local paper that this is read; and newspaper publications are driven by readership.

“We are Like Dead Men”
(Isaiah 59:10)
Today I address those who sincerely want to know truth, who are hoping to receive “light” but instead are found wanting and have tasted more bitterness at the end of your searching than at the beginning.

Are you in search of truth? I’m writing about a truth that saves the soul.

If truth exists (and I’m convinced it does in the person of Jesus the Christ as described in the Bible) then how can this truth be known?

All who are dissatisfied with darkness are evidently being drawn to light. The spiritually dead have no interest in hoping for truth. It makes no difference whether there is light or darkness.

The spiritually dead do not revere the word of God nor consider it to revive the soul. It is true that those who trust in God are a happy people. It would be a sin to not consider the blessings of God’s grace as the greatest treasure a man could have. It is a treasure of life-everlasting, being a child, adopted by grace.

Being spiritually alive, it is good that you hate darkness and treasure light.

However, do you notice in you a love for darkness? Is there in you a dislike of light and truth?

May the moment of your conversion come quickly as you see how great the Father’s love is for you.

Awakening sinners, cherish a hope of mercy today.

Hope, O lover of darkness, that you may be able to sing of pardon bought with the blood of Christ. It may appear at times that this is too good to be true. If so, you are no lover of grace because you are not looking with the aid of the law of God.

If you have not found this peace you are in search of yet, consider where you are searching. We are like dead men until we are rescued.

In your anxious desire for reconciliation with God press your case until a gracious answer is granted through the work of Jesus. It’s not enough that you hope you are saved or that you want to be saved from the wrath of God. It is most important that you understand your desire for God does not save you and gives no hope that he will; you must actually obtain eternal life. The saving work of Christ moves you from hopeful sinner to rescued saint.

Trying to do a work of a living God as a dead man is both wicked and foolish. It actually reveals a spirit of rebellion as you try to hide your wretched condition with self-righteousness.

Are you willing to stop doing what only a living God can do? I have a high hope that you may soon obtain peace with God through Jesus the Christ, our Lord.

Paul Thompson, pastor at Eastside Baptist Church, Twin Falls, Idaho
paul@esbctwinfalls.com and www.PaulThompsonBlog.com


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