
Stop Trying to Save Yourself

In preparing for the Christmas Eve service at Eastside Baptist Church coming up on December 24, at 6:00 p.m. I came across an last year’s message. It was also published in the Times News as my Here is a good reminder to all of the redeeming work of Christ. By the way… you are invited to join us.

TimesNews: December 28, 2013

Audio Version:

Stop Trying to Save Yourself

As one devoted to giving my attention to the study of the Bible and the preaching of the Bible to
a weekly gathering of Magic Valley residents, I hope to be clear and concise on a matter of
greatest importance.

It is likely that you have crossed paths with the biblical nativity scene somewhere in the past
several weeks. Have you stopped long enough to consider that scene? After all, why would
anyone make such an ordeal of this baby in a manger? It is just a baby right? If so, why do so
many people want to display this manger scene and why do so many want it removed from
public places? How is it possible that a baby in a manger and a man on a cross can generate such
opposite emotions?

Take a moment with me and ponder one more time and ponder these acts of the Almighty God
toward humanity.

According to Scripture, all have sinned against God and are found insufficient to reconcile this
offence of sinning against God and justly condemned to face the full wrath of God. Do not try to
save yourself from this wrath.

Be mindful of this; if it were possible for us to save ourselves, there would be no need for God to
send His only begotten son, born of a virgin, to eventually satisfy His wrath against sinners on a

God put the value of heaven at a price that we are not capable of paying. As God placed a value
on heaven, it required that He bring all of humanity through the death, burial, and resurrection of
His son. Will you still hold that your good works are sufficient to buy heaven for yourself? Will
you dare to gamble on any price less than the blood of His only begotten Son?

Have you considered this insult?

Why would he put His only begotten Son to this task if a better deal could be offered? Why
begin with a manger? Why a cross if this act of salvation could be done any other way? Why
even attempt to barter with such a requirement as this?

To accept these terms means we must be humbled by the weight of such an offence. To accept
these terms means we are too weak, too sick and completely spiritually bankrupt to meet the
terms and in need of a Redeemer.

As you begin to see the manger scenes removed from yards look quickly to the cross of Golgotha
and see the price due for our wretchedness. Believe quickly with joy! Rejoice that this payment
has been made and is credited to your spiritually bankrupt account. It is no longer insufficient.
This cross will be, to some, an offence and foolishness, to others it is the best news we have ever

Stop trying to save yourself.

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