
Pre-Blizzard Lord’s Day Primer

Dear beloved of God at Eastside Baptist,

Winter Weather Event Statement: We do not usually cancel a Lord’s Day morning gathering due to weather. But that does not mean you should feel obligated to drive on treacherous road conditions. Unless providentially hindered, the church house will be heated up and ready to receive worshipers on the Lord’s Day. As always, exercise personal responsibility with respect to the weather conditions. I’ll post photos of the church parking lot over the next few days to help you decide. The church-house parking lot does not represent the road conditions. If we don’t see each other on Sunday, we will anticipate seeing each other soon.


photo taken at 9:00 am on Friday, January 12, 2024

Children’s Catechism Q/A
Q:What do the Scriptures principally teach?
A: The Scriptures principally teach what mankind is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires to man. 
(Ecclesiastes 12:13)

Live Streaming
Here is a direct link to livestream a Lord’s Day gathering. Share this with friends and neighbors who may not have a church meeting this week. This is a good option for a time such as this when you determine it is best for you to not risk driving or walking on a slick parking lot. 

Psalm Sing at the Capitol
10 AM, Saturday, January 27, 2024


Wilderness Institute of Biblical Manhood
10:30 on Saturday, February 17, 2024 Eastside Baptist Church—————————————————-

Spring Family Conference
April 19-20, 2024
Ogden, UT
Speaker: Pastor Joel Webbon
Register Now

Lord’s Day Primer for December 10, 2023

By the grace of God – I greet you in His grace.

The access to the buildings is complete. You may walk on all of the new concrete. Thank you for your patience. Please note there are no handrails on the steps yet. 

Here are some things going on in the coming weeks

  • December 10 following the morning worship assembly
    Shared Meal – Theme is “Sliders and Sides”
  • December 17 at 5:30 p.m.
    Children’s Christmas Program
                      (no membership meeting)
  • December 20 at 6 p.m. (dress warm)
    Christmas Sing downtown Twin Falls
    City Hall Christmas tree
  • December 24
    10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Assembly 
                        (no shared meal)
    5:30 pm Christmas Eve Service

NOTE: Gene Lawley was discharged from Bridgeview Rehab on Tuesday of this week and is doing well at home. Continue praying for Gene and Shirley as they adjust. 

Preparation for gathering together on the Lord’s Day – December 10, 2023
Sermon Text: Luke 2:11-12

​Men, There are things you can do before Sunday morning to help prepare your family to gather with other families to worship God. Help the children decide what to wear to church before they go to bed on Saturday night.

  • Help the boys find their shoes (do the shoes need shined up?), socks, pants, shirts, belts, ties, coats, etc…
  • Help the girls find their shoes, socks, skirts, dresses, hair bows, hats, coats, ets…
  • Does everyone know where their bible is?
  • Pray for your children, pray for the other children at church.
  • Practice responding to the preacher when he invites everyone to stand for the reading of the Bible. Tell them this is what the preacher will say and here is how we will respond.
    • the Preacher: “Stand with me for the reading of the Bible.”
    • the Congregation: “Give us the book!”
    • after the Scripture reading – before the sermon
    • the Preacher: “This is the word of God.”
    • the Congregation: “And we believe it!”

Here is the catechism Q/A for Sunday:

2nd Week Advent Catechism for Children
Q: Who told the shepherds where the Savior was born?
A: An angel of the Lord told the shepherds where the Savior was born. (Luke 2:11-12)

I will be citing this poem each week

Who is He in Yonder Stall
B.R. Hanby 1866

Who is He in yonder stall
At Whose Feet the shepherds fall?
Who is He in deep distress,
Fasting in the Wilderness?

Tis the Lord, O wondrous story!
Tis the Lord, the king of glory!
At His feet, we humbly fall,
Crown Him, crown Him, Lord of All!

Pastoral Prayer 11.12.23

I’ve been writing on this blog page for nearly 18 years. In dog years that’s 126 years (that dog is no longer alive.) I don’t know of a blog year calculator but my observation of how fast the internet world advances, this blogging practice of mine is of the ancient world. The purpose of my writing is to put words to thoughts. To practice a discipline. To encourage my church. To dialog with my brother pastor friends. During these years of journaling there are some years where I have written more and other years I have written less.

I had someone once tell me, as they were preparing to tell me they could not stay at Eastside Baptist any longer, that they wished I would preach the way I write. I still don’t know what bread of insult that really was. Because I’m a self-publishing blogger without an editorial staff to work out my grammatical head-scratching run-a-long sentences and second-grade spelling (no offense to second-graders) I’m not so sure I understand their statement at all.

Anyway, that was years ago. I’ve not written with the same kind of regularity in recent years as I have in other years. But here we go again.

May the reader understand. This discipline of writing is born in my life from a friend who once told me… “If you want to be a communicator, you need to become a writer.”

I’ve been writing my opening prayer for the past few months to give careful and intentional words when I address God, a discipline I have benefited from if none others have. And for that, I’m thankful to God. May the practice bless the Lord’s church and encourage pastors to give attention to this discipline.

I will publish these prayers here for now.

My pastoral prayer from November 12, 2023

Our God and Father, Yahweh, draw near to us by your spirit and
may these few moments we have together today be full of joy in
our shared experience, free from resentment, frustration, and
malice. Because of your Glom may we escape the trappings of
the trivial and the temporal trappings of vanity. May our eyes be
pleased to look upon your beauty. We confess we do not find it
easy to rid ourselves of distracting thoughts. Remind us we have
weapons to take upon these misleading thoughts. We are far too
easily distracted. May we have success to chase away all that
distracts us, whether it be pleasure or pain. either strength or
weakness that which takes up residence in our minds to keep
us from your service.

Give us a church of saints. Give husbands joy in their duty to
lead, and help wives to support & stand by. Raise parents to the
place to joyfully disciple their children. Bless these little ones
among us to be content and full of joy in you.

All of the true Church worships you O God. Every heart
renewed by grace takes delight in you and is not
disappointed. Bless your people with resolve to stand.
Those in safe Places and those in dangerous places. help
us not grow apathetic or filled with the fear of men.

We bring our wounded & sick before you – The greater our
sickness, bruises, sores, diseases, we are aware of the depravity
of our nature, of the deep-seated corruption of our hearts. The
more we know that we are the sort of beings you call to
abandon of flesh and look unto you!

In Jesus name, we pray, amen.

Lord’s Day Primer for December 3, 2023

Greetings, Here are some things you can use to prepare yourself and your family for the gathering of the saints at Eastside Baptist Church.

Here is something you need to be aware of before you arrive on Sunday. Due to the snow and forecasted snow through the weekend, the concrete work will not be finished until next week. You should be able to enter the main auditorium without any issue. If you need to enter without steps you would need to enter through the double doors in the old building and then enter the auditorium through the entryway between the two buildings. If you need assistance please ask the greeters and they will be able to assist you. Thank you for your patience.


This Sunday I will begin a four Sunday series on the first coming (advent) of Christ. 

The Children’s catechism question will be
Q: What is the incarnation of Christ?
A: The eternal Son of God, without ceasing to be God, took on a fully human nature. (John 1:14)

Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: the Lord’s Day (The Christian Sabbath)
9:15 Bible Study
10:30 Morning gathering
5:30 Evening gathering

5:30 p.m. Prayer gathering

Some Upcoming Events
December 2 Cookie Exchange 9-11 a.m.
December 17 Children’s Christmas Program 5:30 p.m.
December 24 Christmas Eve Morning 10:30 a.m. and Candlelight service – 5:30 p.m. Evening 

Lord’s Day Primer for November 26, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving! 

I trust your Thanksgiving was a blessed day, and extended weekend for some of you. Renee and I had the joy of gathering with our children and their families and many of you. Thanksgiving meal in our new Thanksgiving Room.

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Thanksgiving also welcomed the birth of Eli and April Johnson’s baby boy. 
Mom and baby are well.
Meet Elisha Cimeon Johnson II


Ladies, the annual Christmas Cookie/Treat Exchange is on December 2, from 9-11. A favorite time in every man’s home.

Cookie Exchange.png


The children’s Christmas Program is on Sunday evening, December 17. Don’t miss out on this.


SermonAudio has launched new technology that provides closed captions and transcripts. This new technology expands potential ministry reach, local and abroad. Video, audio, and written transcripts and translations to many languages. Here is a link to last week’s sermon with these features. https://beta.sermonaudio.com/sermons/112423214251680/?autoplay=1 Share this with some friends who do not attend a local church. This provides closed captioning for the hearing impaired.

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This Sunday’s children’s catechism question is 

Q: Where does the Bible first mention the coming of the Messiah?

A: The first time we hear of the coming of the Messiah is in Genesis 3:15.

Advent begins on December 3 and will conclude on Christmas Eve.


Continue praying for Gene and Shirley. Gene has been transferred to skilled nursing re-had at Bridgeview. He is in Room 426. He can have visitors. He currently has COVID and it is required that visitors wear masks, gloves, gowns, and face-shields. This protocol will end on November 30. If you are able to visit, he would welcome you. Reach out to Shirley if you have any questions.

I am looking forward to seeing you this week. 

Bible Study for all begins at 9:15 a.m.

Morning Gathering begins at 10:30 a.m.

Evening Gathering begins at 5:30 p,m, 


Prayer Gathering begins at 5:30 p.m.


The parking lot was cleared on Friday morning and is currently clear. As always, use caution when in the parking lot due to melting snow and icy conditions. Hopefully, the parking lot will be dry by Sunday morning. 

Thanksgiving Parking Lot.jpg

Lord’s Day Primer for November 19, 2023

Greetings to you and your household,

Here are a few things to help prepare our hearts for our corporate gatherings this week.
Eastside Baptist Church
204 Eastland Drive North
Twin Falls, ID

This Week


  • 9:15 a.m Sunday Morning Bible Study
  • 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Gathering
  • 5:30 p.m. Monthly Membership Meeting


  • 5:30 p.m. Mid-Week Prayer Gathering


  • Thanksgiving Day


Liturgy: all public ceremonies that belong to divine service, a repertoire of ideas, phrases, or observances.


Every corporate service we conduct is structured with a liturgy. Our Sunday morning gatherings follow a similar pattern with a collection of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. We have pastoral prayer, public reading of Scripture and exposition (preaching) of Scripture. Observance of ordinances are a weekly part of our worship to God.

  • Financial giving is received in a basket as you enter the auditorium.
  • You can expect that we open every service with a Psalm. We sing a song based upon a chapter in psalms, we read that same psalm as our call to worship. It is at the beginning of our service to set the mind upon God. We generally begin as close to 10:30 a.m. as possible. 
  • We follow the Psalm with a time for personal confession 
  • followed by a time of pastoral prayer. 
  • The next two songs are hymns/spiritual songs. One of these songs is a past fight hymn of the month from the past three years.
  • We follow the two songs with children’s catechism. 
  • The exposition of the text follows catechism. I begin this time with an invitation to stand for the reading of the text at which time I encourage your exhortation to me as you are standing to say out loud “Give us the book!”. When I finish reading I proclaim “This is the word of God.” Followed by the congregation saying “And we believe it.” You can practice this at home with your children, helping them to be actively listening and responding.
  • After the preaching, I invite believing men to exhort the congregation with a response to the sermon. All believing men are welcome to participate in this.
  • We follow this with a time of personal and family prayer. Heads of households are instructed to pray with the family and give instructions about the Lord’s Table.
  • The Lord’s Table is a sacred ordinance in which the professing believers proclaim together the Lord’s death. Those sharing at the table are those who confess their belief in the Lord Jesus, the Christ, as Savior. 
  • We follow the Lord’s Table with the current fighter song of the month. I invite the congregation to respond together after this song by saying “Hallelujah”. 
  • The benediction is a song titled “Law/Gospel/Doxology”
  • We dismiss the gathering with a Scriptural benediction from the pastor.

This is the totality of the Sunday morning gathering. All parts are part of the whole. It’s understandable that the unpredictable nature of organizing members of households and multiple households gathering together that there are times when one may be late from time to time. Lateness should not cause someone to not gather, but let me encourage you to plan to arrive early so that no part of the gathering is missed. 

Note about Children’s catechism:
I’m currently writing a series of questions/answers for the Advent season. I will have them ready for families by the first Sunday of December. This week I will ask the children to tell me one thing they are thankful to God for. You can help them think about this by asking them tonight and reminding them that I will be asking them this question in the morning.

I’m looking forward to meeting with you in the morning, Lord willing.

Paul Thompson      <><

Lord’s Day Primer (for 10/29/2023)

To the saints who gather at Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, Idaho.

Cold days will soon become the norm as the daylight diminishes and darkness increases – but only for a season. Lord willing, we will live to see daylight on the rise once again. Until then, find your ice scraper before Sunday morning.

Men, gather your household on Saturday night and go over the following things everyone can expect on Sunday at the Church House. Go over the catechism Q/A and read the sermon text. This can help everyone come with anticipation. Let everyone know what time you need to leave the house in the morning.
Women, help everyone locate their Bibles, shoes, socks, belts, dresses, pants, shirts, ties, jackets, coats, hats, etc… this will help to make the morning preparation less stressful.

Enter the church house on October 29, before 10:30 a.m. prepared to gather with fellow followers of Christ to give thanks to God for his grace and mercy we have experienced these past few days.

Catechism Question/Answer:
Q: What is required in the ninth commandment?
A: The ninth commandment requires the maintaining and promoting of truth between man and man (Zech 8:16), and of our own (1 Peter 3:16; Acts 25:10), and our neighbor’s good name (3 John 1:12), especially in witness-bearing (Prov. 14:5, 25).

— When invited to stand for the reading of the sermon text rise and say together “Give us the Book!”
— When the preacher finishes reading the text and says, “This is the Word of God” respond by saying “And we believe it!”

Sermon Text: Genesis 8:15 – 9:20
Sermon Title: Dry Land

Eloise Grace Thomsen
Born on October 23, 2023

This week:
Sunday 9:15 a.m. Bible Study
Sunday 10:30 a.m. Morning worship gathering
Sunday 5:30 p.m. Evening gathering (1689 Second London Baptist Confession)
Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Read/Pray/Sing – Weekly Psalm Sing

Hospitality Ministry Team Organization Meeting
Saturday, October 28th at 3:30 pm
In the new Thanksgiving Room (Old building) at EBC
If you are interested in serving on one or more of the hospitality teams or just want to learn more about the opportunities available, please join us for this meeting!
Current teams: shared meals, new moms ministry, meals ministry, and funeral & wedding meals.

Coming Soon:
Set your clocks back 1 Hour before you go to bed on Saturday, November 4, 2023.
Next Monthly Membership Meeting is November 19, at 5:30 p.m.
Next Shared Meal on November 12.
Thanksgiving Day Meal on November 23rd – RSVP needed

A Note on the Lord’s Supper

At Eastside Baptist Church we commune with Christ at the Lord’s Table every Sunday. We practice what is called “Close” communion.

There are only a few, very few, reasons to not participate in the Lord’s Supper. The most obvious is if you are under any form of church discipline and are remaining unrepented. the other most obvious is that one is not a professing believer, the Lord’s Supper is for believers.

To participate in the Lord’s Supper is a normal and ordinary means of grace that the professing Christian communes with Christ together with the gathered congregation of professing followers of Christ. At the moment in our gatherings on Sunday mornings when you are invited to the table, come with joy as you commune with the Christ who rescued you from the domain of darkness that you are no longer a citizen of, because through Christ you have been transformed into His kingdom. 

A note on the Lord’s Supper at Eastside Baptist Church:

The invitation to participate in Communion is open to those who profess Christ as King, have repented of their sins, and who believe the Bible to be the authoritative source by which we can know Yahweh, the Only Almighty Triune God. Communion is a special moment in our service where we confess the Lord’s death for sinners like us and express our hope in our coming Messiah.  When you are invited to come to the Lord’s Table, you will receive bread* and wine*. A deacon is available to serve you if needed.

*Bread is free of gluten, wheat, dairy, yeast, egg, soy, nut, and corn.
*Wine is 7% alcohol. A dealcoholized wine is available for medical or conscience reasons. Contact an elder in advance for instructions.

A further note: There are three ways churches invite participation at the table.

  • Open: Open communion today means that anyone and everyone is welcome to participate. I reject this as a proper way to observe the Lord’s Supper.
  • Closed: Closed communion means that only those who are members of the local church serving the Lord’s Supper are allowed to take communion. I can respect this position but it is mostly an introduction to Baptist Churches from a group called “Landmark Baptist”.
  • Close: Close communion means that followers of Christ are welcome at the table. In other words, visiting Christians from other Christian churches are welcome. The participants should not be in the late stages of formal church discipline, deliberate unrepentance.

Does It Matter What’s In The Cup?

I’ve had this conversation with people dating back a few years now. “Does it matter what’s in the cup when we serve the Lord’s Supper?”

I grew up in a time in American history when few people talked about what was in the cup. It’s like we all pretend it was grape juice on the night our Lord was betrayed. Or we at least claim we can’t serve wine at the church because of the (with a whisper voice) the alcoholics (while we look around to see who’s listening.)

Now let’s be honest about the whole thing. in the mid-1800s, there was a serious booze problem in America. The industrial revolution was building steam, urban living was paving the roads for the coming automobiles, and a growing number of men were spending more time away from family and spending time drinking rather than reading their Bibles to their children. Groups were formed to address the issue. Women began protesting. The pressure was on the whole of society for someone to fix the drinking problem of the nation. By the turn of the 1900s, the world was on the brink of war, our nation was tapping into the taxation of alcohol, and churches were under scrutiny for serving wine at the Lord’s Table and enabling the alcoholic (or so they were told.)

In 1920, the effort to fix the drunk nation was finally in place. Prohibition was here to save the day.

Now understand something… I do think there was a serious problem, and there still is. But maybe there always has been. As a guy born decades after Prohibition, I would grow up in the church era that warned of the dangers of alcohol and that even a sip from the Lord’s Supper would awaken your inner alcoholic beast.

I am thankful to have never had a problem with alcohol. Ever. I’m not bragging about this, but I’ve never been drunk, ever. I have never even wanted to get drunk. But I’ve also, never understood what is meant in the Bible that wine makes the heart happy.

“…and wine makes life merry…”

Ecclesiastes 10:19

Don’t you know this? I actually don’t. I have been happy all of the days of my life without wine.

By now the reader must be thinking I’m about to build a case to give me permission to drink wine. I’m still not interested in awakening my inner alcoholic beast.

But, I have been thinking. A lot.

To keep this from being the kind of blog post that is too long and nobody will read let me get to the chase. (is that a drinking term that I know nothing about?)

Here goes.

My English-translated Bible uses the word wine. My English dictionary defines the word wine as “the fermented juice of grapes.” That is different than what Dr. Welch invented when he began pasteurizing grape juice to give it a shelf life of more than 15 minutes and several years before refrigeration. I think Dr. Welch was motivated by good intentions but it only took about 40 years to replace wine with grape juice among most evangelical churches in America at the Lord’s Table.

Take note of this… Prohibition (1920-1933) did not prohibit churches from using wine. The shift was voluntary. Evangelical protestant churches surrendered the symbol of wine to a substitute symbol of juice. In other words, in my opinion, broke the historic tradition based upon the understanding of Holy Scripture. What Canadian pastor Jacob Reaume wrote about HERE.

Is grape juice an acceptable substitute for wine? It meets the criteria of “fruit of the vine” which is used in the Gospels. But so does “Grapes”. Nobody is arguing that grapes were in the cup. Church history argues that wine was in the cup and the Holy Scriptures describes that wine was in the cup as the Apostle Paul corrected the church in Corinth to stop getting drunk at the Lord’s Supper. One does not get drunk on grapes or grape juice. That leaves one other option for what was in the cup, wine.

My conclusion is to announce and communicate with my church that we will no longer serve grape juice at the Lord’s Table and begin serving wine on the Lord’s Day, Sunday, July 23, 2023. Putting a stop to the broken tradition of nearly 100 years. Neither juice nor wine apprehends or secures our salvation. To serve wine is to practice with the saints of old and put us in fellowship with the Holy Scriptures. This should not be seen as my attempt to tell any other local fellowship what they should or should not do. It is to say we will no longer have our conscience bound by the fear of alcohol when we remember Christ’s death and look forward with anticipation of the wedding feast at our Redeemer’s return.

I welcome any questions and thoughts on this matter. For the glory of God.

Drag Is Not Family Friendly

I have never been a fan of the phrase “Family Friendly.”

How does a man dressed like an oversexed woman know anything about entertainment that is friendly for your family? Drag performers have been using the term for quite some time thinking that the general population would give favor to the entertainment while they use it as cover of wickedness. This is how organizations get city councils to allow their events in public places where common sense and law would otherwise forbid. Notice here how the wicked acts of darkness want to look innocent and friendly to your family when in reality they hate everything good God created in the family.

The private sector should be afforded the liberty to ruin its business if it wants. There will be some patrons who will support some businesses no matter what. In a free market, that’s the way it is.

Recently someone sent me this invitation of an event happening at a local eatery known for hosting “Family-Friendly” drag events. As this business is at liberty to host such events it is also an exercise of liberty when the people take notice and not spend their money in such places.

Sidebar: I have been to this eatery twice since it opened on main street in Twin Falls. Once to meet with the sherpa of the United Methodist Church who promotes drag events and with another Methodist friend (do you see the pattern here?) who wanted to talk to me about why I don’t love like he loves. I have no issue with the quality of the service or the deliciousness of the food. My issue is not in the temporal. My interest is in the eternal. In both situations, I asked them if they would be willing to meet and I let them choose the location (do you see this pattern too?). I was pleased to do so and would be willing to again, but one has moved and the other has refused to meet with me anymore for some reason.

If being entertained like this at local eateries is what one wants to do one should do so. My issue is not that they should or shouldn’t. My issue is that if they don’t know they are disobeying God then someone should love them enough to let them know that this does not and cannot glorify God. If they know this and do so anyway then the community needs to have someone help inform them that such events are not “Family Friendly”.

Notice the unintended (or maybe fully intended) day and time. When churches in the city will mostly be gathering to worship God the Drag Brunch will be holding their services on a Sunday at 11. Will churches in the valley cancel their services and conduct a joint service with this “family-friendly” gathering? There is likely one sherpa I know who might be tempted to do so.

Of course, they can hold their church service on a Sunday at 11 but do you see what’s going on here? I do. I will spend the money God provides me with at other places.

(Is “All Ages” the new “Family-Friendly”? I see what you’re doing here.)


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