
Citywide Day of Prayer

Twin Falls, ID:  Last night (February 24) with “standing room only” in Twin Falls, Idaho: mayor Suzanne Hawkins issued a proclamation in support of the “born and the unborn” and calling “on all citizens of the City of Twin Falls to, civilly and legally, protect and defend the dignity of every human life, including those not yet born. And to help care for women in unexpected pregnancies and to support adoption and foster care in a meaningful way.”

(Read the full proclamation below)

I was humbled to be in the room packed full and with overflow room and some standing in the hallway to show support to the mayor.

As the mayor began reading the proclamation most in the room began to stand in solidarity for the glory of God in a show of respect for the sanctity of all life, including the “born and unborn”.

It was a unique moment to hear a full house nearly completely silent for several minutes before the meeting was called to order and an invitation for those in attendance to stand and recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. It was most sober as the pledge came to a close and the entire room said these words we’ve said thousands of times before… “with liberty and justice for all.” We were about to hear the mayor of a major city in the state of Idaho issue a proclamation concerning the sanctity of life. That “all” we just spoke about includes these 2,191 children in the womb in our city who have been murdered since 2008, with permission of a majority Republican Party legislature and a generally apathetic church. This was no small moment at city hall.

The majority present were God fearing, hard working, family loving, peaceful neighbors from over a dozen churches across the city. Pastors from many churches peacefully expressing their First Amendment right to address their government with joy in the Lord. This was a unified effort of God’s people being the church.

The proclamation from the mayor ended with an invitation to citizens wanting to pray to a citywide day of prayer on March 1 to pray for our city, state, and nation. Let me encourage this to the reader.

March 1, 2020 – Citywide Day of Prayer in Twin Falls, ID

Heads of households: Gather your household to a special moment of prayer and ask God for a day when abortion is no longer available and legally protected in the city of Twin Falls, the State of Idaho, and the Nation.

Pastors: Give special emphasis this coming Lord’s day to corporate prayer, praying in agreement with believers across the city of Twin Falls for the total and immediate abolishment of abortion in the city. May God give us His mercy to lead to repentance as a people, a state, and a nation. Pray that the conscience of legislators will be awakened and that the House Ways and Means committee would pick up House Bill 361 and give the bill a proper hearing that would abolish abortion in the state of Idaho.

For the glory of God!

Full Proclamation:

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