
Dear Beloved Eastside

Dear Beloved Eastside,

Please read this message in its entirety. It contains information related to how we recommend we assemble during these days of the COVID-19 outbreak.

The elders and I do not mean to create a public service announcement for the entire population, this is intended to communicate with clarity what one should expect if he/she arrives at Eastside Baptist Church in the coming days.

It is days like this that require Eastside Baptist to respond seriously but always biblically.

We must never be motivated by fear but by trust in our good and all-powerful God. As you know first hand, God has not promised to protect us from all the troubles of this life. What He has promised is that He will not leave us nor forsake us. We must live like our hope and trust is in the Lord. We read this, we hear this, now we must believe this. In the course of living like this we also live with respect to our neighbors and love them as we would be loved ourselves.

In light of this biblical responsibility, the following precautions are encouraged. These are included below only to remind us as we gather.

  • As with any infectious virus, please stay home if you (or anyone in your home) have had any symptoms of a cold, seasonal flu, or stomach virus in the past 48 hours. It is by the grace of God that we have the ability to stream the service in many ways. CLICK HERE
  • Bring personal hand sanitizers for personal needs and wash your hands thoroughly and frequently as needed.
  • Respect that others may not want to offer handshakes, hugs, or other greetings that include touch at this time. It would be appropriate to ask and it should not be received as an offense if requested to not be touched.
  • If you know you are at risk (you are older or have compromised health), consider streaming our services instead of attending in person until this threat has passed. This is only temporary.
  • The Lord’s Table is an intimate proclamation of the Lord’s death every week. In communication with the elders, we will forgo this part of the public gathering this week while we assess options on what to do as the threat lingers.

We will continue to monitor the issue with respect to ourselves and our community. We aim to be responsible people, a praying people, a believing people, a gathering people. It is our intention to provide an ongoing gathering and at the same time praying these steps will be sufficient, we are preparing for whatever steps may be required. We also encourage you to stay abreast of current updates and respect each individual and family as they act with God driven responsibility.

Thank you for reading this and giving consideration for each other as we implement these cautionary measures. Live as well informed and responsible followers of Christ, refuse to live in fear. Act Responsibly.

Christians throughout history have faced days like this. It is on us to love others as our Lord commanded. It is on us to pray and care for the sick. It is a great day to be the Church.
(Heb. 2:14-15).

For the glory of God, alone!

Paul Thompson

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