
God, is He Antiquated or Ancient

God, is He antiquated or ancient?

At one level, He is neither. But from our vantage point… consider this with me.

Many in our day are arguing that the Bible is antiquated (meaning, God is antiquated). By using that word they are hoping you will hear them say it is not just old fashioned but more that you will hear that as out of date and not helpful for our modern day. It is an attempt to convince us that the Bible is really not a valid source to consult in how to live out our days.

The reason many want to present the Bible in such a way is not so much that it doesn’t address modern things it is more that they don’t want you to know the immutable God.

A god invented by men has to be reinvented every few generations because he’s not relevant any more.

But a God who doesn’t change doesn’t need to fear how many years go by because He’s not limited to a time/space continuum. He’s sovereign, he’s limitless, meaning He’s always relevant regardless of time.

When one refers to God as ancient, it is not at all the same as saying he is antiquated. Because our temporal existence is limited by time and space we can, and likely must, at the least see God as ancient (IE: eternal).

To say He is ancient is true in this sense. To say He is antiquated is dangerous.

The immutable God who spoke all things into existence from nothing is the same God who introduced Himself to Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the same God who sent His only begotten son to take on all sins and give His righteousness to sinners is the same God who will judge all unbelieving, unrepenting, rebels of His righteous kingdom.

Because He was before there was a beginning may make Him ancient in respect to time, but because He doesn’t change He is as relevant, reliable, and relevant. That actually qualifies Him for such.

Think about it. What kind of God do you want?

Do you want a god you have to prop up, load up in a wagon to move around, dust off, repaint, restore, who can’t create, speak, hear, judge, save, redeem?


Do you want a God who has been sustaining all things from all of time? Who has been carrying you since you were in your mother’s womb and will carry you through all things in the temporal life, even to the grave? A God who orders all things, sustains all things, judges, hears, speaks creates, restores, saves, rescues, redeems?

The Bible can better be called an ancient book of an immutable God.

You can have your worthless gods. Give me Yahweh!


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