
God’s Holy Standard

Guest writer: Danny Steinmeyer, a pastor at Truth Family Bible Church in Middleton, Idaho

“A baby is a baby, is a baby.  The motivations or circumstances involved in conception do not change the nature, value, or qualities of human life.  A baby may be conceived on purpose or by “surprise.”  A little human may be conceived as a result of unmarried sinners or by married sinners, by poor or rich, by teenagers or forty-somethings, by Christians or non-Christians, and by force, intimidation, manipulation, or violence.  In every case, when fertilization occurs a new human life is formed…and that is just science.

This is not hard to understand, and truly everyone gets it no matter how hard they protest.  The truth is obvious and known, though many seek to suppress the truth in order to justify themselves in some way.  Ironically, many of those who accuse Christians of being science deniers or anti-science when it comes to an environmental agenda or the idea of the supernatural, betray the heart of the matter with their own denial of gender science and baby science.  What is the heart of the matter?  It is that the God who created the universe and everything in it has spoken, and His special creation has rebelled against Him.  Having fallen into sin through our first parents, all humanity seeks to overthrow the authority and wisdom of God in exchange for their own non-wisdom and arbitrary moral sensibilities.  Therefore, excuses and mental gymnastics abound in order to rationalize all kinds of sin, including the murder of babies in the womb.

What is the truth?  What has God spoken?  Exodus 20:13, “You shall not murder.”  Murder is the taking of human life in violation of God’s Law.  No manner of human law undoes or supplants God’s holy standard.  God does grant the powers of the death penalty to human government for purposes of just war and the punishment of evil such as for murder and rape.  But nowhere does God allow for the death penalty of an innocent party.  The little person conceived by violence, incest, or any other imperfect circumstance, must never receive the death penalty because someone else sinned.  No woman is justified in having an abortion because she was violated.  Having been terribly violated, she is not restored, unviolated, or made whole by executing the baby within her.  The perpetrator of the violent act against her is the one that deserves lethal justice, not the baby.  

Justice is a whole concept and we violate justice when we excuse murdering babies in order to rationalize our own sensibilities with incremental “partial justice.”  God’s Word is ultimate truth and true justice is that which aligns with His Law.  Let us never excuse the murder of the innocent for the crimes of the parents.  We must stand against all unjust laws and practices that harm the innocent and weakest among us.  May God help us all.”

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