
Responsibility of the Government

Guest writer: Greg E. Moering, Jr., Pastor of Valley Baptist Church in Hagerman, ID

“We live in a society that propagates the notion that the purposeful termination of our unborn neighbor’s life is a right that must be protected. However, if the King of Creation speaks so harshly against the murder of the unborn via the blows of a man against the unborn’s mother (Ex. 21:22-25), then how much more is it a loathsome, abominable act to rip apart our unborn neighbor limb by limb, to put a hole into the base of his or her skull and to suck out his or her brains, or to do any other sort of thing that would make the Nazis applaud? And yet, our society not only permits such evil, but also wants it protected and funded, and forbid it if you even dare trample upon “a woman’s right to choose.”

This is sheer evil and we know it. So, because we know it, there are those who try to limit the execution of our unborn neighbors to certain circumstances, these exceptions being things like whether the conception of our unborn neighbor was the result of rape and/or incest. We also see the proliferation of so-called “fetal heartbeat bills.” All of these measures implicitly recognize that there is something so egregious about the killing of our unborn neighbors that we simply have to do something; however, these measures also make it clear that there is a cowardice in the hearts of those who push such attempts at reducing the death toll of our unborn neighbors, a cowardice that trembles at the tyranny of the Supreme Court of the United States. Abortion is murder. And those who perform or request this vile, wicked act of aggression against the unborn are murderers. And those who make provisions for the unjust taking of another human’s life are complicit and have the unborn’s blood on their hands.

It is the responsibility of the government under the Lord God of heaven to ensure justice (Romans 13:1-5). And if we are being honest with ourselves, then we know making provisions for the murder of our unborn neighbors is the furthest thing from justice. How is it just to say that a child is to be torn asunder because his or her father committed a heinous and evil act that resulted in his or her conception? How is it just that one of the innocent parties is put to death, but the one who actually committed the act worthy of death gets to live? This is lunacy of the highest order. The rapist is to be executed (Dt. 22:25-27), not the child. O Lord God of heaven, may we see in our day the complete and total abolition of abortion in our day, beginning in the state of Idaho! O Lord please give our legislators and our governor the courage and fortitude to stand against evil and do what You have commanded them and appointed them to do! O Lord, please help our state take up the cause of justice!”

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