
God, is He Antiquated or Ancient

God, is He antiquated or ancient?

At one level, He is neither. But from our vantage point… consider this with me.

Many in our day are arguing that the Bible is antiquated (meaning, God is antiquated). By using that word they are hoping you will hear them say it is not just old fashioned but more that you will hear that as out of date and not helpful for our modern day. It is an attempt to convince us that the Bible is really not a valid source to consult in how to live out our days.

The reason many want to present the Bible in such a way is not so much that it doesn’t address modern things it is more that they don’t want you to know the immutable God.

A god invented by men has to be reinvented every few generations because he’s not relevant any more.

But a God who doesn’t change doesn’t need to fear how many years go by because He’s not limited to a time/space continuum. He’s sovereign, he’s limitless, meaning He’s always relevant regardless of time.

When one refers to God as ancient, it is not at all the same as saying he is antiquated. Because our temporal existence is limited by time and space we can, and likely must, at the least see God as ancient (IE: eternal).

To say He is ancient is true in this sense. To say He is antiquated is dangerous.

The immutable God who spoke all things into existence from nothing is the same God who introduced Himself to Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the same God who sent His only begotten son to take on all sins and give His righteousness to sinners is the same God who will judge all unbelieving, unrepenting, rebels of His righteous kingdom.

Because He was before there was a beginning may make Him ancient in respect to time, but because He doesn’t change He is as relevant, reliable, and relevant. That actually qualifies Him for such.

Think about it. What kind of God do you want?

Do you want a god you have to prop up, load up in a wagon to move around, dust off, repaint, restore, who can’t create, speak, hear, judge, save, redeem?


Do you want a God who has been sustaining all things from all of time? Who has been carrying you since you were in your mother’s womb and will carry you through all things in the temporal life, even to the grave? A God who orders all things, sustains all things, judges, hears, speaks creates, restores, saves, rescues, redeems?

The Bible can better be called an ancient book of an immutable God.

You can have your worthless gods. Give me Yahweh!


Darkness of Not Following God

This coming Lord’s Day at Eastside Baptist I will be preaching from Isaiah 8:16-22

“…they have no light of dawn. Distressed and hungry, they will roam through the land; when they are famished, they will become enraged and, looking upward, will curse their king and their God. Then they will look toward the earth and see only distress and darkness and fearful gloom, and they will be thrust into utter darkness.”

Here in this section of the book Isaiah addresses two major matters.

  1. Isaiah will show he is satisfied to live committed to God,
  2. Isaiah warns of those who will trust in others will live in darkness.

God’s word is either a lamp to your feet, illuminating the path or darkness falls upon those who curse Him.

Gather with me on this coming Lord’s Day, if He allows, and let’s look unto Christ as our only real hope.


The Word of God Reforms Everything

“Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.” Isaiah 5:21

The prophet has strong words to the people who make claim to being followers of God. The spirit of God is still using this message to people who make claim to being followers of God. Does the word of God mean anything to God’s people today? God uses his word to reform mans thinking.

The Word Of God Reforms Everything from NCFIC on Vimeo.


Effective Ways to Reach Youth and Young Adults

First, realize that the title of my post today is with my tongue in my cheek, sort of speak. I’m not employing the title to attract readers.

When I’m away for a stretch of time I like to take a moment and catch up on my regular reading circuit of newsletters I subscribe to and bloggers I regularly read. I’ve just finished getting caught up on a few of those, most were deleted or flagged to read later.

Of note, there seemed to be an uptick of posts and columns that were addressing the most effective ways of reaching youth and/or young adults. Not just the random writer or publishing house trying to get readers from desperate pastors or leaders in churches that are facing pressure to increase the bottom line of attendance (which means the bottom line for funds), but there seemed to be several from what I would call are otherwise trustworthy sources and noteworthy authors. I decided to read a few of them to see what’s being said about the attraction of youth and young adults. These articles and columns come from denominations, churches and even secular sources.

There were three things that caught my “attention.”

  • The clip art or stock photos for the articles seemed more flashy than normal and an increase in photos of young people with more tattoos, body piercings, and seductive type clothing and facial expressions. I first realize that I’m now looking at everything in life from a 50 year old’s lens (which now includes bifocals). I respect that I can’t require all of the advertising world to appeal to my likes. But I do find it interesting a shift that is or has happened in what is presented as “normal” for what a young person looks like who is serious about a relationship with God. It is a significant shift mind you. To my pastor friends, look at that publishing house flyer again and notice the kind and type of clothing the publishing house is using in their stock photos. Notice the increase of youth and young adults with tattoos, body piercings and most noticeably the style of clothing across the board. Who will hold the publishing house accountable for telling (showing) the church what is normal and acceptable. What is being passed off as a flyer to promote a resource may more be a fashion magazine of trending styles. Does anyone else notice this? or have I really become the old man.
  • The selling of products and services. I respect that things cost money and there must be a recovery of product costs and time that people devote to their labor. I don’t fault this on anyone. But the increase of what I would otherwise identify as para-church resources (resources for churches and pastors that are not from churches and pastors). There is a business to be had by that which was designed to assist the church that is largely now instructing the church in what and how to do her work. Agencies and “coaches” to help the church evaluate her effectiveness and determine how to more effectively reach people is no new thing, but the increase in churches and pastors turning to these seems to be trending like a bull market.
  • The content of the blog posts, articles, and columns are still ignoring the sufficiency of Scripture. A recent, well respected author, who has the ear of many people across denominational lines and seen by many as a “missional” expert recently wrote about effective ways to reach youth and young adults. Because I like to read what he has to say, I read his article. I was shocked to not find one of the nine suggestions to include anything about Scripture. (before I go further: I get that it may have been an implied starting place so I’m not suggesting we gather on the streets with torches lit on our way to the publishing house, but if we are going to be responsible in our day, we can’t assume that the sufficiency of Scripture is an implied starting place of most ministers.) His nine suggestions used every buzz word you might find at any recruitment office of any business in town looking to attract a new clientele. Words like “community”, “service”, “worship experience”, “technology”, “authenticity”, “transparency”, “team”, etc. Not one word about God, Truth, Scripture, prayer, suffering, considering the cost of following, obeying, self-discipline, sound doctrine, equipping of the saints, biblical evangelism, etc.

There was a great reformation that took place nearly 500 years ago that addressed many things that the modern church would do good to be reminded of. Where many of the things in the resources and articles are true they may not at the same time be truthful. Sure there are ways to effective gather a people together; but is that people a church?

If the church is to effectively reach anyone, not just the young, she must devote herself to God, His words, and His ways.

“Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord GOD,
“When I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water,
But rather for hearing the words of the LORD.” (Amos 8:11)

Note to my preacher friends:
Don’t do what I’ve done in days of desperation because of pressure from men and employ worldly means, that may not be truthful, to attract a people. Rather, if there is any desperation, it is that if there is a famine coming from the current drought for hearing the words of the LORD that we are found successful in honoring God by feeding His people His words.

The Manifest Presence of God

A few guys over at SBCVoices.com are discussing the topic of the manifest presence of God.

This is of great interest to me:

One of the most helpful things on this topic for me is two fold:

1) Psalm 139, 1 Kings 8:27, Jeremiah 23:24, Proverbs 15:3
2) Where there is no mistaking that the bible clearly shows us that there is nowhere God is not and that there is nothing that can singularly contain Him; there is no place that God is not already there. “Manifest presence” of God are those special moments where God’s presence is unmistakably present.

If God is everywhere, and I believe He is, then we must agree that he is equally present at a Mormon temple, a Muslim mosque, a kingdom hall gathering, a Masonic lodge, a Planned Parenthood clinic, a Satanic event, and a Baptist church service. He’s not being worshiped in these places just because they are places where He is.

Is it possible that God’s presence is manifestly different in places and times of His choosing where His people humble themselves? Yes.

O may He manifestly visit His church again.

The Plague of the Christian Celebrity Culture

There may be a plague in the land. Consider this…

  • If I were to secure a popular Christian musician to be present at a Wednesday night at Eastside Baptist Church (the going price to do so is a minimum of $10,000.00) I suspect we would have to rent a facility to house the number of people who would come.
  • If I were to secure a popular Christian athlete to be present at a Wednesday night prayer meeting at Eastside Baptist Church, I suspect we would have to turn people away.
  • If I were to secure a popular Christian actor to be present at a Wednesday night gathering, I suspect we would gather more than just Christians.
  • If I were to secure a popular preacher we could fill the Lord’s house and would talk about that gathering for months to come.

thus showing us at least two problems…

  • The current atmosphere among the “Christian” community is plagued with an attraction for the popular, the rich, the talented, the attractive, the comfortable and is completely naive of the opportunity that is before them to be in the manifest presence of Holy God.
  • What pastor’s (myself included) are calling “worship services”, “prayer meetings”, “bible study” etc, may not be genuinely Christian in nature and more a product of his imagination.

It is my observation that both may be part of the problem. Christian, you have before you an opportunity to gather with the Lord’s people for perhaps the most uniquely compelling reason you could imagine. Can you imagine a worship service where the presence of the Lord God Almighty is so obviously present? Can you imagine a prayer meeting where those present experienced a pouring out of the Holy Spirit that all present were radically changed?

  • Put that moment up against the last episode of American Idol or Dancing with the Stars.
  • Put that gathering up against the opening night of the long anticipated movie blockbuster.
  • Put that time of prayer up against a date night with your spouse.

Our casual approach to worship, prayer, bible study exposes a serious issue. And pastor (I’m preaching to me again) your casual approach to preparing shows you have little knowledge as to who you are representing.

There is no celebrity guest appearance showing up at 204 Eastland Drive North in Twin Falls, Idaho, tonight. There is no celebrity interesting enough to take the stage as the opener. We will humbly ask for the Lord’s manifest presence to be present. May He visit us tonight.


We strain the eyes to behold the things we cherish.

This is why eye contact with a loved one is important. When I participate in wedding ceremonies my favorite thing to do while the bride is walking in is to get a good look and the groom… that man’s eyes are always fixed on his bride while she’s entering and walking toward him.

Who do Christians behold? Who does your church behold?

I’m in the seventh week of a bible study with several folks in my church called “Behold Your God“. My take-away from last night’s discussion and last week’s bible study has me considering what this church beholds; what would others think we consider the most cherished person we behold?

Think about it with me…

Christians and churches know that we would answer the question of who we behold to be God Himself. (Yes, the “Sunday School” answer is correct.) But is this who we really behold?

If only we would do an honest evaluation of ourselves, this would reveal who/what we really behold. The way we talk about what we really behold reveals that we may likely be cherishing any one but God.

We may be showing other people that we don’t cherish God at all. We may only be using a form of religion to promote what we really cherish.

  • Behold our theme: Think about how we love our themes; as good as it is to have a theme for the year, a theme for a conference, a theme for Vacation Bible School, a theme for today, etc, notice what happens to us once we commit to a theme, we become promoters of our theme.
  • Behold our creativity: Go to a conference on church growth some time. Listen on purpose. Do be wooed by the creative presenter who talks about creativity and how many people his creative ways and thinking attract so many people. That idol of creativity offers no spiritually dead soul any real hope.
  • Behold our method/program: Methods come and go. A survey will be conducted soon. Thousands of dollars will be spent by churches to hire consultants to come in and show them how most everything they are doing is unattractive to the unconverted. The program 20 years ago that gathered new families then will be outdated and replaced with a new one that will offer temporary promises if you employ the strategy rightly you will get the calculated results that the marketing research shows.
  • Behold our ministry: This gets messy here, because now we’re talking about things we really love. Christians love to talk about our “ministries”. This is close to home for me as I consider how we talk about New Horizon Home. But listen, our love for our “ministries” divide churches and Christians more than the color of carpet ever will. Christians will overcome the matter of carpet color far more than the opinion of what ministry is more or most important.
  • Behold our morality: This gets even more messy. Morality is close to holiness (but not necessarily the same thing). When we are more known for our morality than our God, we may be cherishing an idol that again has the appearance of Christianity, but more represents an idol that only enslaves the covert to legalism.

What if the church cherished God?

What if the community knew nothing more about us than the fact that we cherish God? May this be such a church.

The Mirage of Same-Sex Marriage

In her statement released on Tuesday, May 13, 2014  U.S. Magistrate Judge Candy Dale said, “After careful consideration, the Court finds Idaho’s Marriage Laws unconstitutional.”  (full ruling)

I thought that I should read the ruling before offering a response. I’ve just finished reading the ruling. Wow, that was not easy.

First the positive effect of reading the ruling; my vocabulary has now deepened. The value of reading the ruling will help me know how to express my thoughts. I now know what I’m responding to.

The ruling will not go into place until Friday morning. Unless a stay on the ruling is issued, by the ninth circuit court of appeals requested by Gov. Butch Otter, county clerks will be required by law to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Now, an early response of concern; as one charged by my church to be a pillar and buttress of truth, I must speak against the ruling from the vantage point of Holy Scripture.

From Judge Dale’s conclusion (V Conclusion, page 55)

“The Plaintiffs are entitled to extraordinary remedies because of their extraordinary injuries. Idaho’s Marriage Laws withhold from them a profound and personal choice, one that most can take for granted. By doing so, Idaho’s Marriage Laws deny same-sex couples the economic, practical, emotional, and spiritual benefits of marriage, relegating each couple to a stigmatized, second-class status. Plaintiffs suffer these injuries not because they are unqualified to marry, start a family, or grow old together, but because of who they are and whom they love.”

To U.S. Magistrate Judge Candy Dale,

No, U.S. Magistrate Judge Candy Dale, regardless of your decision on the matter, marriage is an order given to humanity by God for His glory. I respect that you have made a significant decision for Idaho, but your decision is not in defense of the creator of marriage. This is no simple ruling you have made, it has lasting ramifications.

This indeed is a complicated ruling.

Obviously homosexuals and heterosexuals are equal citizens and equally capable of accomplishing amazing feats. This orientation of sexual attraction does not declare one superior to another. All of humanity face problematic conflicts with what God has ordained holy and acceptable. We have laws that forbid certain actions based on the welfare of all. Polygamist are forbidden by federal law to attain a marriage license  for more than one spouse. This limitation is not a discrimination against this person’s ability or value to culture. It is a limitation based on the definition of the word marriage.

The ruling today is not a ruling for homosexuals. God is opposed to those who practice homosexuality. Homosexuals in Idaho are loved by God and given strength to overcome the attraction of their wretched heart that wants to do that which is offensive to God. Just as adulterers are called on to not give in to their sinful craving of being disloyal to their spouse. Liars must not be allowed to live out their debase craving of deceiving the federal government on their tax reporting. Giving the homosexual the ‘right’ to marriage is no favor as you suppose. It may afford them secular benefits, as you surely argue, but where is your jurisdiction to rule on things spiritual?

My response is not to defend heterosexuals. Heterosexuals are equally capable of offending God. My response is from my duty to speak for biblical truth. For the welfare of homosexuals and heterosexuals who reside in the great state of Idaho, repent of your ruling.

To Governor Butch Otter,

Where I’m thankful for your bold stand against same-sex marriage and upholding the law of Idaho, I am concerned about your defense. Fundamentally we agree that marriage is an institution between one man and one woman. However, marriage is not “an ancient and traditional child-centered institution, one focused first and foremost on the welfare of children rather than the emotional interests of adults.”

Marriage is an institution ordained by God focused first and foremost on His glory. A blessing of marriage between male and female is children. Yes, I agree with you in that a family is the optimal place for a child to be raised, and that family is with a mom and dad, but this is not the defense of marriage. It is good argument for a child’s welfare but not a defense of marriage between a man and a woman.

Thank you for your work on this matter. I am praying for you. I am praying for your staff. I am praying for Idaho. May the glory of God be your defense of marriage.

For further help, consider reading The Mirage of Life 

The Bible and the Family

Just as society depends upon the family for its stability, so the family in turn depends upon the truths of the Holy Scriptures for its stability. What a blessing and privilege to impart to our children the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Does your family share regularly in bible study and prayer: You are missing God’s instruction for right living if you do not.  (2 Timothy 3:13-17)

Hobby Lobby

Today, a landmark case before the U.S. Supreme Court may be a revealing day at the lowest level of interest even though it is in the highest court in our land.

Yet, I will find my hope here today: “God takes His stand in His own congregation; He judges in the midst of the rulers . (Psalms 82:1 NASB)

I’m interested in this case because of respect for the owners of Hobby Lobby. I have a hope for people in America who live devoted lives to worship God in all that they do. I respect that for hundreds of years in America this has been the norm and part of what makes this land so attractive to the nations of the world.




It is possible that God will move the supreme court to side in favor of Hobby Lobby.  Regardless of the ruling on the matter before the supreme court today, I only see the work on the Cross by the Lord Jesus Christ as my only victory to rest in. I pray for a victory over the supreme court today, but I don’t have to pray that Christ’s work on the cross will defeat death, He already did and it is in that court that I will find my rest today.

God, bless Hobby Lobby with the fellowship of your suffering that all may believe upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is a good day to be the church!


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