
They Forsook the LORD!

There is a history.

In history we read of people who begin strong and then forsake God. And we read of people who begin life as a wreck and finish strong. I would rather be included among those who finish strong.

To be a strong and faithful finisher it appears I will have a life long pattern of repenting, being corrected and disciplined to stay the course.

In the political world, today is “Super Tuesday.” If the day finishes as it appears, it will still have been Tuesday and anything but super.

There is good news in the midst though… it is a good day to be the church of the LORD Jesus Christ.

It is a strange thing to continue hearing word of how many evangelicals are promoting and wanting Donald J. Trump to be president. I like that that I’m not required to vote for a Christian to be president, even though biblical character is a fruit I look for and pray for in a leader of my homeland.

If the polls are correct and the majority of (so called) “evangelicals” are favorable of Trump for president, then please either stop calling them evangelicals or stop referring to me as an “evangelical.” Rather, call me a “follower of the LORD Jesus the Christ as described by the Bible.”

I just finished reading Judges chapter two and three.

There is a history.

Look at this from Judges 2:11-21 and Judges 3:7-8 [emphasis mine]. The context is the nation of Israel, before they had men like other nations (kings) to rule them. The pronouns I have in [brackets] are in the context of the nation of Israel. I’m not superimposing this text upon America, I’m simply comparing the situation. Could this text be spoken to other nations and other peoples? Likely, yes. Consider this text in our day to this land.

 Then [they] did evil in the sight of the Lord and forsook the Lord, the God of their fathers, and followed other gods from among the gods of the peoples who were around them, and bowed themselves down to them; thus they provoked the Lord to anger. So they forsook the Lord. The anger of the Lord burned against [them], and He gave them into the hands of plunderers who plundered them; and He sold them into the hands of their enemies around them, so that they could no longer stand before their enemies. Wherever they went, the hand of the Lord was against them for evil, they were severely distressed.

Then the Lord raised up [godly men] who delivered them from the hands of those who plundered them. Yet they did not listen to [these men], for they played the harlot after other gods and bowed themselves down to them. They turned aside quickly from the way in which their fathers had walked in obeying the commandments of the Lord; they did not do as their fathers. When the Lord raised up [godly men] for them, the Lord was with the judge and delivered them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the [these men]; for the Lord was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who oppressed and afflicted them. But it came about when [these godly men] died, that they would turn back and act more corruptly than their fathers, in following other gods to serve them and bow down to them; they did not abandon their practices or their stubborn ways. So the anger of the Lord burned against [them]. 

[They] did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and forgot the LORD their God. Then the anger of the LORD was kindled against [them], so that He sold them into the hands of [His enemies]. 

(17:6) In those days there was no [honorable leaders]; every man did what was right in his own eyes.

O, may the Lord raise up godly men in our day. May He find His church prepared and ready to boldly speak His gospel into the nation. May He find His church fit and prepared for this day.

It is a good day to be the church! Look unto, Jesus! His hand is as active in this day as He has been in any day in history. There is a history of God actively working all things for His glory among a people who love Him.

A Clear Conscience Before God

With eyes wide open to the mercies of God, I beg you, my brothers, as an act of intelligent worship, to give him your bodies, as a living sacrifice, consecrated to him and acceptable by him. Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God re-mold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity. (Romans 12:1-2 JB Phillips)

SilasJailWhere I don’t know Kim Davis, the county clerk in Rowan County, Kentucky, I do know this… it is clear we live in a land that is increasingly behaving arrogantly toward God. I get that the court had a duty to uphold a law of the high court, I don’t find fault in this decision… but as a man of faith and a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, as defined by the Holy Bible, I rejoice in the Lord for the boldness of that county clerk from Rowan County, Kentucky.

If I still had children in my home under my authority,

  • I would gather them around me tonight and explain to them that today in our country an imperfect woman, who made a lot of mistakes before she was rescued from the wrath of God, had other options, but chose to obey her God as she understood His word rather than men.
  • I would explain to them that we do live in a land with laws and this family obeys those laws.
  • I would explain to them that there may be some laws that would cause us to disobey God’s character, nature or laws. I would explain that this is no small thing to consider and that in reality there will not be many times we will have to make that kind of decision. 
  • I would explain as much as possible about how the national media is using her stand for God to ridicule her and us. We can use the media to train our hearts to not grow weary and even to keep us humble before God.
  • I would explain to them, even if you disagreed with her choice to go this route, that we will pray for her. Today, in our land, a professing believer was arrested because she chose not to be squeezed into a mold and to comply with the demands of offenders of God.
  • I would explain to them that we must learn to become bold proclaimers of the grace of God while we stand our ground.
  • I would retell them the story of Daniel.
  • I would retell them the story of the three Hebrew young men.
  • I would retell them the story of Peter, James, John, Paul, John Bunyan, Corrie ten Boom, Steve McMullin, Silas Thompson, Drew Culberth, Jim Allen, and Saeed Abedini.
  • I would tell them, “I want you to believe as bravely as they and take every opportunity you can to speak of the certain wrath of God to come, and then get straight way to the gospel as clearly and quickly as possible.”
  • I would explain to them that this will likely not be the last time we hear of this happening in our land.
  • I would assure them that we are not of those who shrink back from our faith (Hebrews 10:39).
  • I would then ask them if they have any questions.
  • I would then pray.

There is enough to read about this story that my little musing is nearly unnecessary. I expected the court to arrest her and I expect the LGBTQ… community and supporters to live in a season of frenzied glee. This will increase their pride.

“Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy. “Thus they were haughty and committed abominations before Me. Therefore I removed them when I saw it. “Furthermore, Samaria did not commit half of your sins, for you have multiplied your abominations more than they. Thus you have made your sisters appear righteous by all your abominations which you have committed. “Also bear your disgrace in that you have made judgment favorable for your sisters. Because of your sins in which you acted more abominably than they, they are more in the right than you. Yes, be also ashamed and bear your disgrace, in that you made your sisters appear righteous. (Ezekiel 16:49-52 NASB)

Church, humble yourself before the Lord this day. Don’t allow yourself to be molded by the squeezing pressure of those who hate God.

The best places to get information on this matter are primary sources. Kim Davis’ legal counsel Liberty Counsel has been the place where I’ve learned the most. If left to the media, you will only get what the media wants to tell you, and their agenda is to move your thinking away from truth so it can transform your thinking. We live in a day where primary sources are available within moments. Become a better informed follower of Christ. Don’t assume that a media source that is considered “Christian”  or conservative is necessarily informing you from a primary source intent.

It is, as I argue always, a good day to be the church!

From Liberty Counsel

Today, Federal Judge Bunning ordered Rowan County, Kentucky, Clerk Kim Davis to be taken into custody by federal marshals and to remain in jail until she agrees to issue licenses for same-sex marriage bearing her name.

The plaintiffs did not even request incarceration, but Judge Bunning said that financial fines were not enough and ordered her to jail.

Kim Davis is being treated as a criminal because she cannot violate her conscience. While she may be behind bars for now, Kim Davis is a free woman. Her conscience remains unshackled.


Love for this Present World

“…having loved this present world, [he] has deserted.” (2 Timothy 4:10)

When I read these words from the apostle, the sober statement in Paul’s word to Timothy is not that Demas had deserted him, but that he loved this present world.

There’s no mention of a particular thing in this present world he loved so much that took his attention off of being on mission with God, Paul just states that his love for the world is what made the way for his turning away.

There are many in the church concerned about people leaving the church today. Surveys are conducted, blogs are written, pod casts are recorded, sermons are given, money is spent and it appears the exiting continues.

Is it because we don’t understand the problem yet? Is it because we don’t change quick enough for the fast pace of our culture? Is it because of a million other reasons?

Maybe those who are leaving the church are in love with this present world.

When we try to keep those who love the world we have to give them things that they love about the world. When we attempt to attract the world on terms that the world demands we haven’t done anything to address the reason people are deserting; their love for the world.

I get that Paul must have been heart sick over Demas’ love for this present world. He’s mentioned two other times in Paul’s writings and both of the previous times he speaks of his ministry partnership. There’s no mention of Demas ever coming back to the Lord after this, he could have; we just don’t have that information. There is evidence of another who deserted Paul on a mission, John Mark, who does return to the gospel advancing work of the Lord’s work; by the grace of God may this happen more.

But for Demas, his love for this present world stands as a warning for all of us. This present world offers so much, promises what it can’t deliver, constantly upgrading, making us lovers of this present world causes us to grow impatient with God and His church.

For more on this topic listen to recent sermons from 1 Kings 12 (A Bold Inventor of Wickedness) and 1 Kings 13 (Bury Me with the Son of God).

(disclaimer: There are real doctrinal reasons to leave a church to gather with other Christians in an honest community of faith, this is not addressing that topic.)


The Problem is Not Only Legalized Sodomite-Marriages

There is not shortage of places or people weighing in on the legalization of same-sex marriages. Crimes against nature are no small matter, and now it is legal and celebrated.

But this is not the only matter weighing the nation in the balance of danger.

I get that unbelievers don’t want laws like believers do. They want laws, just laws that ease their conscience. But, that’s not really the problem either.

The Lord’s church has grown cold, complicit even with many other fleshly vices that are rarely addressed from the pulpit any more, and even encouraging sinful behavior by her silence or participation. No, really, many in the church have been for too long “drinking the intoxicating cup of worldly sensual pleasure.”

Watch how many who are all bothered by the legalization of sodomy (historically known as crimes against nature) will within the same moment indulge in the fleshly demands for any and/or all of the following…

The following bullet-points are excerpts and quotations from “Youth Warned” by John Angell James (1824)

  • Who is warning the Lord’s people of the danger of gambling? “There is virtually no difference in who frequents the game table, slot machine, or online gaming sites. What believer today knows that gambling is to the mind what alcohol is to the body. “
  • Who is warning the Lord’s people of the danger of the theater? “The theater is generally frequented by all; the theater, that corrupter of public morals; that school where nothing good and everything bad is learned; that resort of the wicked and school of vice; that broad and flowery avenue to the bottomless pit! Here a young man finds no hindrances to sin, no warnings against wickedness, no mementos of judgment to come! But, on the contrary, everything to inflame his passions, to excite his immoral desires, and to gratify his appetites for vice! The language, the music, and the company, are all adapted to a sensual taste—and calculated to demoralize the mind!”
    “It is by no means the author’s intention to affirm that all who frequent the theater are wicked people. Far be it from him to prefer an accusation so extensive and unfounded as this. No doubt many amiable and moral people are among the admirers of dramatic representation. That they receive no contamination from the scenes they witness, or the language they hear, is no stronger proof that the stage is not immoral in its tendency and effects, than that there is no contagion in the plague, because some constitutions resist the infection. That people fenced in by every conceivable moral defense and restraint, should escape uninjured, is saying little; but even in their case, I will contend that the mind is not altogether uninjured. Is it possible for an imperfect moral creature (and such are the best of us,) to hear the irreverent swearing, the filthy allusions, the anti-Christian sentiments, which are uttered during the representation of even our purest plays, and hear these for amusement, without some deterioration of mental purity?”
  • Who is warning the Lord’s people of the danger of gossip? The house of prayer is frequently visited with hungry gossips not ready to weep over their own sins and can’t quite wait to report to other gossips of all the worldly behaviors of all being prayed for.
  • Who is warning the Lord’s people of sensual pleasures? “Where [professing Christians] live in this way, it directs their reading, which is not pious or improving—but light, trifling, and polluting. Inflammatory novels, stimulating romances, lewd poetry, immoral songs, satires against pious characters, and arguments against Scripture and biblical morals—are in general the works consulted by corrupt and wicked youth, and by these they become still more wicked. Never did the press send forth streams of greater pollution than at this time. Authors are to be found, of no small abilities, who pander to every corruption of the youthful bosom. Almost every vice has its high-priest—to burn incense on its altar, and to lead its victims, decked with the garlands of poetry or fiction, to their ruin.”
  • Who is warning the Lord’s people of the danger of dancing? “Mirthful [dancing] where eating, drinking, and revelry, are carried on until midnight, or until morning, are another source of ruin! [Professor of Christ], such meetings unfit you not only for the serious pursuits of godliness—but even for the duties of business. Their expense impoverishes your purse, their influence impairs your health, and their guilt ruins your soul!”
  • Who is warning the Lord’s people of the danger of bad company? “[Professor of Christ], if you determine to live in the gratification of your passions and the indulgence of your sinful appetites, you will soon have associates suited to your taste, and that will never disturb your conscience with the language of warning or reproof. And will these be wicked fools, blaspheming scoffers, apostate people, hardened sinners, degraded sots, dissolute infidels, abandoned prostitutes! Look at the mirthful party. Can you approve it? Are there not moments, when you feel the last dying remains of moral feeling stirring within you in sickening revulsion at such society as this? But even these ‘dying, lingering signs of a conscience’ which are not quite dead, will soon vanish—and you will yield yourself without a struggle to all the corrupting, damning influence of bad company!”
    “The improvement and diffusion of modern education, have produced a bold and independent mode of thinking, which, though it be in itself a benefit, requires a proportionate degree of religious restraint to prevent it from degenerating into lawless licentiousness. It is probable also, that of late years parents have relaxed the salutary rigor of domestic discipline. Trade and commerce are now so widely extended, that our youth are more from beneath their parents’ inspection than formerly, and consequently more exposed to the contaminating influence of evil company.”
  • Who is warning the Lord’s people of the danger of alcohol? Where is it said that young people may innocently walk in all kinds of sensual indulgences? On what page of the book of God’s truth do you find these allowances for the excesses of youth, which you make for yourselves, and ill-judging friends make for you? “Woe to those who rise early in the morning, that they may run after strong drink, who tarry late into the evening as wine inflames them! They have lyre and harp, tambourine and flute and wine at their feasts, but they do not regard the deeds of the Lord, or see the work of his hands.” (Isaiah 5:11-12)
  • Who is warning the Lord’s people of the flirtatious behavior of immodesty? “Worldly pleasure, decked in the voluptuous attire and the gaudy ornaments of a harlot, appears to their heated imagination, with all the attractive charms of a most bewitching beauty”.
  • And many more….

Religion and boredom are not synonyms. For too long the church has been trying to make religion look cool by the world’s standards, essentially flirting with the sinful vices of the flesh and now when we speak on the matters of Scripture it sounds so prudish and full of piety that we avoid even using the word religion any more. Think about it; who doesn’t want a feel-good emotional friendship with God? Just so long as that god doesn’t hate everything we love about our self governed idolatrous life. And I’m only thinking of the majority of professing believers.

“In God’s name, I serve you with notice of the trial. Prepare to meet your God! He is coming! He is coming—and you must meet him! O think of judgment to come—in the midst of all your sinful pleasures and criminal liberties—think of it! Will you drink the drunkard’s cup; will you go to the brothel, to the gambling table, to the scene of riot and wickedness—knowing that for all these things God will bring you into judgment? With the terrible solemnities of the last day before your eyes—will you, can you, dare you—proceed in the career of vice? Conscience—O faithful monitor! O dreadful avenger! I charge you to whisper in the sinner’s ear, when going to the scene of his unholy pleasures, “But know, that for all of these things, God will bring you to judgment! For God will bring every act to judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil.”

Return to your ordained duty church. The city needs you on the wall warning of an approaching enemy looking to devour all who will entertain his attractive disguise covering his hideous appearance. Who is warning of a devouring devil? Who is warning of a judgment to come? Who is pointing to the same, a saving Savior? If not the church, no one will take this duty on. No one volunteers for this kind of duty. Only called-out, redeemed sinners who know there is a devouring enemy conquered by a Redeeming Savior.

Arise, church! Arise!


all quotations are from Youth Warned by John Angell James.


Respect for Scripture

Here is a biblical teaching that is nearly non-existent in the modern church. It is the matter of being a self-governing people.

I not talking about congregational rule (polity of how a church is structured). I’m talking about mitigation and mediation among the saints at the local church level. (1 Corinthians 6)

In 1982 US Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger said:

“One reason our courts have become overburdened is that Americans are increasingly turning to the courts for relief from a range of personal distresses and anxieties. Remedies for personal wrongs that once were considered the responsibility of institutions other than the courts are now boldly asserted as legal “entitlements.” The courts have been expected to fill the void created by the decline of church, family and neighborhood unity.” (the Peacemaker, by Ken Sande, page 54)

Is it because churches don’t know about 1 Corinthians 6 or is it that churches know about it and just ignore it? Or worse, is it because there are no wise men among us? Either place, it shows a lack of respect for the word of God.

I know part of the argument is that churches have not done a good job historically of handling judicial matters very fairly because of corruption.

Just because our historic track record is not very good is no reason to not respect the teaching of Scripture.

  • What does a formal church litigation process even look like?
  • Does your church have a formal process that all members know about and agree to adhere?
  • What church matters are being relegated to the secular courthouse/government for a judge to give court ordered mandates and general public welfare?
    • What if divorce court rarely had to handle divorce hearings from church members?
    • What if welfare matters of children of professing Christians was a matter the church handled?
    • What if Christians took care of their own when in need of food and basic needs rather than secular government agencies?

GEIt seems like a practical and beneficial process for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ to adhere to the teaching of Scripture, and in doing so be a blessing to the communities we live in rather than a burden.

What if churches stopped thinking that a block party will make the community like us better and regain her duty of self-governing. I’m not suggesting that a free hot dog day for the neighbors is a bad idea, I’m just saying that the 1 Corinthians 6 issue is a biblical matter.

Justice Scalia made this observation:

“I think this passage [1 Corinthians 6:1-8] has something to say about the proper Christian attitude toward civil litigation. Paul is making two points: first, he says that the mediation of a mutual friend, such as the parish priest, should be sought before parties run off to the law courts… I think we are too ready today to seek vindication or vengeance through adversary proceedings rather than peace through mediation… Good Christians, just as they are slow to anger, should be slow to sue.” (the Peacemaker, by Ken Sande, page 55)

I would like to hear from anyone who knows of a church that has formal steps to help members follow the teachings of self-governing such as 1 Corinthians 6.

photo credit: belongs to the creative property of www.PaulThompsonBlog.com


Unorganized Religion

The conversation went something like this while helping deliver some groceries to his car from the church food pantry.

Me: (friendlies of “how are you?” “Nice weather today.” “How many people are in your home?” “Where are you originally from?”…)

Stranger: (with not much of a response…)

Me: “When you gather with other believers,  where do you gather?

Stranger: “Oh, I’m a Christian, but I don’t go to church anywhere.”

Me: (usually with a puzzled look on my face) “Really, why not?”

Stranger: “I just don’t believe in organized religion.”

Me: (I don’t always answer like this…) “Oh, so you believe in unorganized religion?”

Stranger: “What?… ummm. (uncomfortable eye shifting, etc.) No, that’s not what I mean. You know, I should just be honest with you, I don’t like going to church, if I did, I would rather it be an organized church.”

Me: “Well, if you find yourself desiring to gather with other believers who want to know God, we gather here at 10:30 on Sunday Morning.” (while I give them a Bible, a 180 DVD, and a gospel tract written by Charles Spurgeon.)

Stranger: “Thanks, good-bye.”

Me: (Praying for them after they leave…) Lord, bless them from the kindness of your organized people. May you awaken him (or her) to love your church with deep affection.

Me: (hoping to have that conversation again soon.)

What do people really mean when they are saying they don’t “believe in organized religion”? I have come to think that they likely don’t know what they mean by that. They’ve likely heard someone say that before and it resonated with them.

It may be equally true that some who belong to local churches don’t know why they “believe in organized religion”.

Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth has been a pleasure to examine for more than a year on Sunday mornings. I began preaching First Corinthians in September of 2013. I look to conclude the exhortation of this rich letter to the church in early 2015.

All sermons in the series are here. Listen, download and share.

But You Are Rich

“…The first and the last, who was dead, and has come to life, says this:
9 ‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.10 ‘Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.11 ‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt by the second death.'” (Revelation 2:8-11 NASB)

The Fight Against God

Many are prepared to say that the war raging in the land for the definition of marriage is over. Look at nearly any online dictionary and you will agree, the modern English language has redefined marriage to include same-sex partners.

The agenda to redefine marriage from a biblical worldview has launched the attack in a strategically smart way (this should not surprise anyone.)

The battleground is messy, like any battleground would be.

It’s hard to engage in public forum or face to face conversation because the language of hate has been turned upon the ones who carry the message of love. Those who love are accused of hating, they are accused of being bigots, they are accused of being barbarians and backwards. They are told to get used to the new America, one that is finally free for all to do as they please.

This is what the conversation has looked like for me in recent days on the matter in public forum, emails in response to blog posts and conversations with friends.

  • Paul Thompson, perhaps you could look at it like this: There are “God ordained ways” of doing many things that we, and you, no longer follow; for example, how to properly conduct genocide, own slaves, stone children to death, own women, and sacrifice animals are all among the deed that God ordained to be done “just so” in his “specially approved way”…Just add marriage to your list, please, so that we can finally end the thousand-years-reign of inequality, injustice, bigotry, and hypocrisy to finally enter a new era of peaceful acceptance. Thank you.

  • Whose God? Yours, the Muslims, the Hindus? There are so many to choose from. Seriously.

  • If you don’t like gay marriage…don’t marry a gay person

  • Ok well in my place of worship my pastor fully supports gay rights. I’m a bisexual Christian I married a man when I was 19 and that man cheated on me and divorced me and with man or woman I’m happy and God is happy to call me his child and is proud that I spread love throughout the state.. So keep your rude remarks to yourself.. Same sex is here to stay and God is proud of his same sex children

  • Paul: This is not about christ, christ SHOULD have nothing to do with this discussion. Unfortunately people like you can involve Jesus and impose your own fear of homosexuality onto the population

The reaction to the Supreme Court decisions this week is not at all surprising. It is difficult to not let the comments distract or derail the message of calling all people everywhere to repentance. There is nothing more natural than for anyone who has crowded God out of their worship than to be offended when a biblical worldview is expressed.

What is more natural for anyone who has begun to worship and serve the very things they’ve created rather that the Creator who made them? Now, until all of us repent of this arrogance and turn to God, all we have to save ourselves is the romantic idea of love and fulfillment of a self navigated path born in decadence.

The use of godly language only exposes the overwhelming evidence that the heart has been busy deceptively leading to a faithless relationship with God. The best way for a deceived heart to gather momentum is to draw others into their circle of corruption. And then, of course, a grand place to launch the greatest front on truth is to sow that seed of deception in the heart of a lazy western church being led by men and women who think they can prevail against the God they have crowded out of their lives and churches.
Decadence is nothing new. The temptation to do as one pleases without regard to God is constant with all people. The powerful indictment against the church today is that she is in great need of revival. The problem in our land is not homosexuality, the problem in our land is that many pastors are afraid to speak biblical truth into the culture. There is a backslidden condition that has the church is a place she has not been in, or better, not known she is in for a very long time.

They are in the church and the pulpits across the land. They serve on committees and teach bible study groups. Consider it…

  • How many Christians will attend your mid-week prayer gathering this week?
  • How many homes will gather the family together tonight to pray and give priority to Christ?
  • What will the church people complain of this week?
  • Christ-likeness is made light of in the church as much as it is out of the church.
  • Consider how many times you pray, “thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven,” while you steadfastly refuse to do the will of God.
  • Many will say “amen” when the preacher speaks of marriage between one man and one woman while they laugh out-loud in their home with the children watching degenerate characters made heroes to the family while suffering saints are not even prayed for.

This day we are in today, is not a secular problem. The day we are in today is a spiritual problem where the saints of God have grown cold and quiet. The church of the Lord Jesus has lost her militancy. Our land rarely looks to the church seriously any more. She’s made a circus of the church and looked at as the same kind of silliness as we do of the furniture store going out of busyness (again) or the car lot with a gimmick to get you on the property.

As in Jeremiah’s day, the Lord says, “what iniquity have your fathers found in Me, that they are gone far from Me, and have walked after vanity, and are become vain?” (Jeremiah 2:5) In their vanity they have determined that God is no longer important or relevant.

My plea is to the church. Marriage needs to be defended, but we must stop blaming the homosexual for the decay of the nation. Look to an arrogant church caring only for herself and the advancement of her “brand.”

Church, where have you been? Repent! Then call all sinners to the place you have found your hope, the place of the cross. The soul who looks at their sin on the body of Christ doesn’t have to be told to stop your decadent ways, He sees holiness and knows he is ruined in his current place of arrogance. He humbles himself and repents, then turns to Christ.

Reader, look at that cross again. See your sin? You own it and its cost is death. Stop fighting and cry out to God for forgiveness. Rise up a new creature in Christ as you turn from your sin.



The Fall of Sodom and Gomorrah

The fall of Sodom and Gomorrah has long been noted as being linked to homosexuality. Where there is biblical argument that these were cities that allowed this sin, Scripture shows that there was something much closer to home to all of us that brought the judgement of God upon the cities. “Arrogance, abundant food, careless ease and not helping the poor and needy…” these are the things that God charged against Sodom and Gomorrah. (Ezekiel 16:49)

Today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, by not making a ruling, that lower court decisions will stand on the issues of same-sex unions. This sinful lifestyle is the fruit of arrogance. What does that mean for Idaho? What does this mean for the United States of America? Historically when the Supreme Court rules on social or biblical issues it is nearly impossible to change. Unless the Lord intervenes, the once God fearing land of America will arrogantly thumb her nose at God and rebel against His word.

The land needs God fearing people to cry out to God in humility for repentance.

Oh that God would heal the land.

Oh that the church of the Lord Jesus the Christ awaken and cry out to God.

Church, you are as needed today as you ever have been to raise up an army of God fearing men and women. May the Gospel banner be advanced even today.


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