
They Are Still Murdering Babies

The end game is indeed the long game in the pursuit of stopping the war on babies in our nation. On Monday, August 19, 2019 there was a victory for the American tax payer, at least for now. Organizations like Planned Parenthood can no longer co-mingle funds and would be required soon to even begin housing the abortion (murder) industry in separate locations if they want to continue receiving Title X funding from the U.S. government.

This is no small thing that happened yesterday. But let’s be clear… they are still murdering babies there.

In Idaho, the murdering of persons (32-102.  UNBORN CHILD AS EXISTING PERSON. A child conceived, but not yet born, is to be deemed an existing person so far as may be necessary for its interests, in the event of its subsequent birth.) in the womb is not legal. Technically speaking, abortion is a legally protected crime. In other words, the code instructs the law to not prosecute the crime. For the logical minded reader you see how this is complicated.

In short; where it is good news to hear that Planned Parenthood has decided to no longer receive any Title X funds it is even clearer than ever that Planned Parenthood is primarily interested in abortion, population control that contradicts God’s order to husband and wife to be fruitful and multiply.

“Due to an unethical and dangerous gag rule, the Trump administration has forced Planned Parenthood grantees out of Title X,”

Alexis McGill Johnson, the acting president and CEO of Planned Parenthood

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